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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background&Objective: It has been reported that, the â-carboline alkaloids of peganum harmala seeds have a stimulatory action on serotonin and catecholamines releases in different brain regions. In addition, one of the most important pharmacological effects demonstrated for â- carbolines is a revesible inhibitory action on MAO-A. These findings suggest that â-carbolines, should alleviate at least some of the signs of depression. The purpose of present study is to determine the antidepressant activity of â-carbolines harmane, norharmane and harmine. Materials&Methods: All experiments were carried out on male Swiss-Webster mice (25-30g). The antidepressant activities of the â-carbolines were assessed using the forced swim test. This test is the most widely used tool for antidepressant activity preclinically. In this test, mice were placed into a cylinderical glass (25 cm height, 12 cm in diameter) containing a column of 15 cm of water at 25 ±1 °C. After 30 min of the â-carbolines injections, the mice were subjected to forced swimming test for 8 min and their immobility time was recorded. Results: Intrperitoneal (i.p.) injections of harmane (5-15 mg/kg), norharmane (2.5-10 mg/kg) and harmine (5-15 mg/kg) significantly decreased the immobility time in the mouse forced swim test. The inhibitory effects of harmane, norharmane and harmine were antagonized by flumazenil (5 mg/kg, i.p.) but not by reserpine (5 mg/kg, i.p., 18 h before test). Conclusion: The results suggest that the antidepressant activities of harmane, norharmane and harmine may be mediated through an inverse agonistic mechanism.

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Background&Objective: Aluminium (Al), the third common element in the earth’s crust has a significant toxin potential for humans. Although the knowledge of AL toxicity has markedly improved in recent years, there is relatively little information regarding the embryotoxic and teratogenic potential of AL. The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of a short-term exposure of pregnant mice to aluminium chloride on the external organ formation of their fetuses. Materials&Methods: Mature NMRI mice (24-33g) were used in this study. Day 0 of pregnancy defined as the day in which the vaginal plug was found. Plug-positive mice were randomly divided into size groups. The first, secound and third groups of animals were given IP injection of single dose of Alcl3 at 150 mg/kg/day on days 10, 11 and 12 of gestation respectively. Mice in the 3 other groups (controls) received single injection of 0.3ml saline on days 10,11 and 12 respectively. Mice were killed on day 15 of gestation. Live fetuses were weighed and examined for external abnormalities. Results: The fetal body weight was significantly reduced in all Al-treated groups (P<0.05). The proportions of external malformations in 10th, 11th and 12th days treated were 47.0%, 37.0% and 33.1% groups respectively with significantly increase comparing to controls (P<0.05). Conclusion: It is concluded that a single dose of the AL administered to pregnant mice can cause external malformations in their fetuses.

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View 812

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Background&Objective: Few studies concerning the effects of opioid drugs on the function of immune system have been conducted and conflicting results have been reported. This study evaluates the in-vitro immune responses of drug abusers and investigates the pattern of production of IFN-γ and IL-10 which represents the subsets of CD4+T-helper cells. Materials & Methods: Blood samples were taken from healthy drug addicted volunteers. Blood samples were also taken from healthy individuals with no history of drug abuse as control. Cell culture was performed in whole blood culture assay. Diluted blood samples were stimulated with phytohemagglutinin (PHA) and lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and the supernatants were collected to measure the cytokine production. Results: The results demonstrated that a significant decrease in IFN- γ production and increase in IL-10 production in heroin addicts, whereas the production of these cytokines in opium addicts was not significantly different from those in control group.Conclusion: The results indicated a significant decrease in mitogenic responsiveness of T-cells in heroin addicts relative to control group, whereas mitogenic responsiveness of T-cells in opium addicts was not significantly different from control group.

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Background&Objective: Addiction threatens the foundation of society and families. Addiction also causes a lot of material and spritual losses. The addicted people are suceptible to infections with low resistance against disease. The aim of this project is to investigate the immunoglobin serum level in the opium addicted and compare it with people whome addict to anything including cigarette. Materials&Methods: In this study 5 cc of blood was taken from each of 150 addicts and 150 healthy people of the same age and sex. Their blood serums were then seperated and their immunoglobulin M, immunoglobulin G and immunoglobulin A were determined by SRID method Results: Mean±SD of IgM in healthy and addicted subjects were 123±32.85 mg/dl and 109.5±47.28 mg/dl, respectively (P<0.05). Mean±SD of IgG in healthy and addicted subjects were 1008±354.38 mg/dl and 1307.2±291.07 mg/dl respectively (P<0.05). Conclusion: We conclude that the average amounts of IgG, IgM are lower significantly in addict’s compare to healthy results from the other studies in other countries has a good correlation with the finding from present research.

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View 1022

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Background&Objective: Approximately one-third of the world"s population is infected with Mycobacterium Tuberculosis (T.B), which is a indicator of high distribution of these bacteria in our environment. The only vaccine currently available against TB is the attenuated Mycobacterium bovis strain bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG), which used regularly for many years to prevent the tuberculosis in Iran and many part of the world. The efficacy of this vaccine varies in different populations, and is a matter for discussion. On this basis, the present study has been set up to determine the level of tuberculin reaction in 4.5 month and in 7 years old children that receive BCG vaccine at birth time, in Golestan province. Materials&Methods: 2700, 4.5 month infant and 2400, 7 years old children in Golestan province were chosen by cluster sampling after the proper permission from the parents, public health centers and educational authorities were taken. The presences of the BCG scar were assessed, and 0.1ml of 5tu tuberculin were injected subcutaneously. The induration was measured 48-72 h after tuberculin injection. The results were determined as percent and compare with t test. Results: In these study 2559 infants and 2193 child were taken part in the final evaluation. The BCG Scar were present in 97.9% of infants and 87.8% of 7 years children, this difference was meaningful. The average induration in 4.5 months babies were 2.29 mm, and in 7 years child was 0.66 mm, this difference was significant (P<0.05). More than 44.7% of babies and 82% of 7 years children did not show any reaction after PPD test, this difference was also significant (P<0.05). Conclusion: The level of positive tuberculin reaction in infants of this province in spite of vaccination was very low, and this level was reduced after 7 years time, this indicate that BCG vaccination at birth did not have any major role in positive tuberculin reaction. Our results also indicate that the presence of scar can be a good indicator for previous vaccination. In regard to the negative tuberculin reaction in majority of babies, it is suggested to evaluate the efficacy of BCG vaccine in preventing the TB disease itself, by other method such as studying the TB incidence among children in long term or by determination of cytokines level after tuberculin injection.

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View 958

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Background&Objective: The Cuff of the endotracheal tube is securing for Mechanical Ventilation during anesthesia. Diffusion of N2O into the Cuff results in an increase in Cuff pressure. The different method was used for the control of Cuff pressure, but may have difficulty and side effect. This study was to determine whether inflating the ETT Cuff with Air, Lidocain 1% or N2O with O2, prevent the increase in Cuff pressure during N2O Anesthesia. Materials&Methods: In this randomized control trial study after obtating ethics committee 224 patients went understudy, these patients divided in two bloks (Sufe, Roach) and the one of the each blok were randomized into three groups. Group, air lidocaine 1% N2O with O2 difficult intubation and the film anesthesia with less than 30-min were excluded. All patients were similarly anesthetized and performed tracheal intubation. The pilot ballon of the endotracheal tube Cuff was connected to a Japanes pressure manometer. The first pressure was measured immediatly and further reading at 10-minute intervals for 70 minutes. The results were readings analysed using T- test, paired t test, Anova and the Chisquar test. A P-value of <0.05 was considered significant. Results: Cuff pressure increased gradually during anesthesia in-group air but remained stable in group’s lidocaine and N2O with O2. The Cuff pressure had significant differences between the supa and Roach groups in all of the times during anesthesia (P<0.05). Conclusion: Inflating the ETT Cuff with lidocaine 1% or N2O/ oxygen mixtures are methods of keeping intracuff pressure stable during N2O anesthesia due to N2O diffusion the Cuff tube causes increase the Cuff pressure. We suggest that continious monitoring of the UCP during anesthesia to be carried out.

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View 762

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Background&Objective: peritonsillar space infection can be occurred either as cellulitis or absecess formaiton. Antibiotic therapy, needle aspiration insicion, drainge and finally tonsillectomy are among the types of treatment which may be carried out in this disease. When tosillectomy was not done, the recurrence of peritonsillar abscess may be observed. The present study was set up to find out the recurrence rate of peritonsillar abscess with the type of treatment the patient is received. Materials&Methods: This study was done on 52 patients with peritonsillar space infection, 45 cases of these patients were presented with peritonsillar space abscess. The primary procedure shuch as recording personal demographic and pervious medical treatment on this patient was done. These patients were home visited by doing that, the rate of recurrence, re-hospitalization, the possible duration of recurrence and elective tonsillectomy were evaluated, these patients were also clinically examined. The gathered informations were analyzed by statistical software (SPSS). Results: From 45 peritonsillar space abscess, 8 cases (17.7%) were recognized as recurrence, from thses numbers of patients 6 cases (13.3%) and 2 cases (4.4%) had once and twice recurrence respectively. The highest recurrence was seen among the patients with drug treatment. There was a meaningfull correlation between the method of treatment and the rate of recurrence incidence (P<0.05). The highest rate of recurrence was among 20-29 years of age. The prevalancy of peritonsillar space abscess in women and men were 28.9% and 71.1% respectively. Winter and spring were the seasons with highest incidence. The rate recurrence of this abnormality among men and women were 15.6% and 23% respectively. Conclusion: It is recommended the patient with peritonsillar space abscess to have tonsillectomy especially later in adulthood, because of high incidence of recurrence. In cases where that abnormality is controlled by drug treatment alone, the tonsillectomy should be taken into condideration.

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Background&Objective: Neural Tube Defects (NTDs) are a heterogenous group of malformation which is resulting from failure of normal neural Tube closure between the third and fourth week of embryonic development. The most common form of this malformation is anencephally, spinabifida and ancephalocele. Prevalence of this malformation differs from geographic situation and race distridution. Materials&Methods: The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence and risk factors of NTDs in Birjand hospital between 1996 to 2000. After diagnose of malformation among the 16785 infants born in the two hospitals in Birjand, reliable questionaire was completed for the mothers who had malformed infants. The data was analysed by spss software. Results: Prevalence of NTDs was 2.97 per 1000 birth, more higher than other countries anencephalyand and spina bifida is common form of NTDs in this area. Consanguinity, previous abortion, malformed childbirth, malformed child in the family, diseases during pregnancy and winter delivery were some of the risk factors. Most of the mother (%96) didn"t take the folic acid during their pregnancy. Conclusion: The findings from this study indicate that the rate of NTD in Birjand is relatively higher comparing to other studies in different countries. Further investigations are recommended to find out the etiology of NTD in this area.

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Background&Objective: The most common disorders in psychiatry are anxiety disorder. The onset is from adolescence through early adulthood. Some people due to various reasons are susceptible to these disorders, such as airport tower’s controller. This study was done in order to determine anxiety level and its relationship with some variables such as age, length of empolyoment, gender, education, marital status, cigaretce consumption, physical training and emplyoment satisfication. Materials&Methods: This was a cross secitonal-descriptive analytical study, which was performed on all of the controller personals (101 samples) during spring 2003, at Tehran Mehrabad airport, control towers controllers. They were studied by using an anxiety questionairs. The relationship between anxiety level was determined by eight independent varialbles. Results: The findings from this study indicated the following results: undetectable minor anxiety (22.8%), mild intermediate anxiety (52.5%) and high-very high anxiety (24.8%). Conclusion: According to the results from this study. The employment satisfaction could play an important role, in preventing the anxiety. In this sensetive job, the personal attention and concentration is of upmost importance, any factor that disrupts, this concentration should be prevented, otherwise unwanted accidents may happen. Therefore it is suggested that the responsible authorties select, the appropriate persons and provide them with a good and satisfactory job conditions to pave the way for the up grading the level of immunity in air flight.

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Background&Objective: Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS) is one of the important causes of newborn mortality. The aim of this study is to determine the pregnancy outcome and corticosteroid effects for prevention prophylaxis in pregnant women with premature labour between 34-37 weeks gestational age. Materials&Methods: This semi experimental single blind clinical trial Study was performed on hundred 34-37 weeks pregnant women who were referred with labour pain or rupture of membrane. These women divided in two almost similar case and control groups. The control group received 5mg dexamethasone 6 hours to delivery time (maximum 4 doses). Data was entered to SPSS and analyzed by Chi-Square and T-Test. Results: There wasn’t any significant difference between administration of dexamethasone and incidence of RDS in 34-37 weeks newborn (p=0.6). The Frequency of RDS was similar in two groups (in all women: 4%) the mean weight of newborns with RDS diagnosis was 2675 ± 263. 76% of women had vaginal delivery. The mean weight of newborn was 2672 gr and mean gestational age was 35.4 weeks). Conclusion: The frequency of RDS in newborn with 34-37 weeks gestational age was 4% and administration of one or more dexamethasone had no effect on reduction it.

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Background&Objective: Tuberculosis (TB) is still one of the most common causes of death in the world. The incidence of TB, included extra pulmonary variant has been increasing in developed countries for two past decades and also has a high incidence and prevalence in underdeveloped countries. To determine the type of involved organ by extra pleuro-pulmonary TB in Shahid Beheshti Hospital in Babol, the present study was carried out. Materials&Methods: Pathological reports of extra pleuro-pulmonary TB in Shahid Beheshti Hospital during performed 1990-2003 have been studied. Sex, age and involved organs were determined, and subsequently the appropriate table was set up. Results: During 14 years, we diagnosed 82 cases of extra pleuro-pulmonary TB, 44 were men and 38 women, with age ranges of 8 months – 79 years. TB lymphadenitis was the most common form (45cases), followed by soft tissue 14 cases, bone 4, intestine 3, and 2 cases for endometrium, skin, testis and epididymis, and one case for ovary, tonsil, larynx, prostate, parotid gland, synovium, stomach, and kidney. The diagnosis was confirmed by presence of acid-fast bacillus in tissue section by Ziehl Neelsen staining and good response to anti TB treatment. Conclusion: Although the TB lymphadenitis was the most common type, but in regions with high rate of TB, considering extra pleuro-pulmonary TB in unusual clinical setting is important and using appropriate diagnostic procedures and treatment if it is necessary.

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View 2212

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Background&Objective: Anxiety and assertiveness lead to disorder achivement, destroying intelligence and learning abilities, decreasing thinking attention and declining talents. It causes damages to individuals, family and community. Several therapeutic procedures suggested such as drug therapy for solving anxiety and increasing assertiveness, one of none drug therapy (behavioral therapy) is assertive training. In respect of contradiction of any results in the field of assertive training, we decided to design and carry out the present study. Materials&Methods: In study of field trial, first, we distributed overt and latent spilberger"s anxiety questioner and Gambrilrichy"s assertive questioner among all nursing student"s of nursing and midwifery department of Nassibeh in Sari by sensus, and a number of sixty students with anxiety ranging were from moderate to sever with low assertiveness were selected, after matching than on the bases of sex, degree of intresting, course of study the degree, anxiety and assertiveness, they are divided in case and control group equally. For case group, assertive training performed during six weeks, once in a week for half an hour and no training is considered for control group. Degree of anxiety and assertiveness of nursing students in control and case group assessed and compaired by the use of couple t-test. Results: Couple t-test"s presented that decrease of overt and latent anxiety of nursing students in case group pre and post assertiveness training was significant. (Latent anxiety, t=7.68, overt anxiety, t=4.97, P<0.05) on the bases couple t-test, increase of assertiveness degree in control group in pre and post assertive training was significant compairing to control group (t=-9.93, P<0.05). Conclusion: Regarding that increasing anxiety and decreasing assertiveness has undesirable effect on job performance, individual achievement and ability and with respecting to usefulness of assertive training procedure in decreasing anxiety and increasing assertiveness, it is suggested that assertive training is used as an on therapeutic procedure for decreasing anxiety and increasing assertiveness for nursing students.

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View 2553

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Background&Objective: Cardiovascular disease is among imprtant factors of mortality in haemodialysis patients. There are some reports that indicate the carnitine concentration reduction in the tissues accelerate cardiovascular abnormalities in those patients whome regularly are haemodialysed. This research has been set up to study the effect of oral carnitine on the heart funciton of haemodialysis patients from Sari and Vali-Asr hospital in Ghaem-Shar Fatemeh alzahrah, Imam Khomaini in during 2003. Materials&Methods: In this study 20 patients with at least 3 month duration and 3 times interval haemodialysis in each month were choosen. The sample hemogenously devided in case and control group. One carnitine tablet with 1 gr dose was given to the case group daily. The placebo was prescribed to the control group EF and LVEDD of patients were determined by echocardiography. The ratio dimeter of heart to the chest was determined by chest rediography. The plasma level of haemoglobin, cholestrol and triglyceride were determined simultanously. Results: There was not any meaningfull recovery in E.F and LVEDD and serum lipids, between the case and control group six months after treatment with 1 gr/day carnitine. There was only a meaningfull difference in E.F after six-month duration of this study. In spite of this, there was a meaningfull recovery with these patients anaemia(P≤0.05). Conclusion: Carnitine does not have a meaningfull effect on heart function and serum lipid level, but it has an efficacy on anaemia recovery of such patients.

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Background&Objective: No nutrient deficiency is as bad as iodine deficiency which attributed to a broad spectrum of disorders like goiter, abortion, hypothyroidism, etc. screening for hypothyroidism must be done before or just after pregnancy. The present study was conducted to evaluate serum TSH and urinary iodine concentration in pregnant women in Gorgan several years after salt iodization in Iran was implemented. Materials&Methods: From December to March 2004, 97 pregnant women referred for prenatal care to the Deziani Hospital of Gorgan were selected. 2 cc of blood for serum TSH measurement and 2cc of urine for iodine concentration measurement were collected. Urine iodine concentration was measured by acid digestion and TSH concentration was measured by ELISA method. Results: 97 women, 86 (89%) women had normal urinary iodine, 11 women had iodine deficiency, 9 women had mild iodine deficiency (82%) and two women (18%) had moderate iodine deficiency none of them had severe iodine deficiency. Serum TSH was normal in 90 women and only in 7 women it was more than 4 and none of them had TSH less than 0.3. There were not any significant statistical correlation between age, weight, height, parity, goiter grading, salary, gestational age and urinary iodine concentration. Conclusion: According to low prevalence of iodine deficiency in this study iodine programs were successful in Gorgan and the mean urinary iodine is high so evaluating of iodine consumption for preventing of iodine overload is necessary. Because of complications of iodine deficiency especially in the first trimester of pregnancy regular measurement of urinary iodine must be done in reproductive ages before pregnancy or just after pregnancy.

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Background&Objective: Appendicectomy for suspected acute appendicitis is a common procedure. The rate of normal appendices unnecessarily removed remains high (15-30%) despite several techniques and investigations used to improve the diagnostic accuracy. Many studies investigated the role of raised C-reactive protein in improving the diagnosis of acute appendicitis. This study emphasizes the impact of a normal serum C-reactive protein in reducing the rate of negative explorations. Materials&Methods: In a double blind study, blood for the WBC count and measurement of serum C-reactive protein (CRP) was collected pre-operatively from 100 patients just before going to the operating room for appendicectomy. The histopathology of the 100 appendices was grouped into positive (acute appendicitis) and negative (normal appendix). White blood count (WBC), CRP and the histopathology finding were correlated. Results: In-patients with histopathologically proven acute appendicitis both the WBC count and serum CRP level were significantly raised (P=0.000and P=0.000respectively). Serum CRP level was normal in 16 out of 18 negative explorations (normal appendix on histopathology). The specificity and sensitivity of serum CRP was 88.8% and 92.6% respectively. Conclusion: normal pre-operative serum CRP measurement in-patients with suspected acute appendicitis is most likely associated with a normal appendix. Deferring surgery in this group of patients would probably reduce the rate of unnecessary appendicectomies.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background&Objective: Giardiasis is one of the most prevalent human intestinal parasites, especially among children aged between 2 to 12 years old. In this study, the effects of giardiasis on serological levels of zinc and Iron elements were determined. Materials&Methods: A total of 100 children aged under 12 years who were admitted to the Pediatric departments of hospitals affiliated to Mazandaran University with gastrointestinal complain, and diagnosed as having giardiasis by stool examination (direct and formalin –ether technique and trichrome stain) in the parasitology department, were enrolled as the case group. The control group consisted of 100 age – matched healthy children. A questionaire including age, physical growth status and clinical symptoms was completed. Serological levels of Zinc and Iron were measured by atomic absorption spectophotometer in all samples in Shilat of Mazandaran. Results: In this study, serum Iron levels were 67 ± 25 µg/dL and 77± 23 µg/dL and Zinc levels were 64 ± 20 µg/dL and 96± 23 µg/dL in case and control group, respectively. Statistical analysis showed significant differences between the serological levels of these elements, which was much higher in serum Iron level (P<0.05). Conclusion: These results revealed those serological levels of Zinc and Iron decreased during giardiasis due to malabsorption.

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Background&Objective: In most cases, labour is accompanied with pain. Thus, decreasing labour pain is viewed as an important duty of midwives. In this regard, decreasing the duration of labour can be of value. Customarily midwives use drugs to shorten the duration of labour, but the effectiveness of some of the drugs has not been studied systematically. Among such widely used drugs are Atropine, Hyoscine and Promethazine. Materials&Methods: In this interventional research, the effects of these drugs on labour duration were studied. 160 multiparous women in active phase of labour were selected. 120 of the above women had been administered only one of the above-mentioned drugs and no drug had been administered to the remaining 40. According to the type of drug administered, the women formed three groups, with the women with no drugs administered making the fourth groups. Results: The four groups did not have any statistically significant difference with regard to variables such as age, occupation, education, infant sex, gestational age, infant birth weight, parity, fetal head position, and cervical dilatation at the beginning of our observation. The main result was that, the mean rate of cervical effacement (P<0.05) and descent of fetal head was not significantly different in the 4 groups. But the mean rate of cervical dilatation (P<0.05) was significantly different in four groups. In women who had been given these drugs, the mean rate of cervical dilatation was lower than the women who had not been given any drugs. The mean duration of the first stage of labour was significantly different in four groups (P<0.05). With regard to the mean duration of the first stage of labour, it was also longer in women who had been given these drugs. The mean rate of second stage of labour and third stage of labour was not significantly different in 4 groups. Conclusion: The use of these drugs can reduce the rate of labour progress and increase the risk of complications, it may also be a waste of prescribed drugs.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background&Objective: Preeclampsia is a common complication of pregnancy it"s about 5-7 percent in pregnants and it may complicate mother or fetus which ends with death. The purpose of this study was to determine the value of the protein / creatinine ratio in prediction of 24-hour urine total among women with suspected preeclampsia. Materials&Methods: 60 women who were evaluated for suspected preeclampsia at ،≥24 weeks of gestation were studied prospectively in Deziani hospital Gorgan. There was no concurrent or preexisting systemic disease. They were undergoing a 24-hour urine collection for the determination of proteinuria. A single voided urine specimen was obtained after completion of the 24-hour urine collection and analyzed for the P/C ratio. Results: The random urinary protein to creatinine ratios is strongly associated with the 24-hour total protein excretion (P<0.05, r=0.75). The best cut off of 0.5 yieldes a sensitivity of 47% and a specificity of 100%. Conclusion: The random urinary protein to creatinine ratio could replace the 24-hour urine collection as a simple, faster more useful method for the diagnosis of significant protenuria.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Kikuchi Fujimoto disease is a Necrotizing lymphadenitis with benign self-limit process in young women with fever, cervical lymphadenopathy and increased ESR with leukopenia. In this report we introduce two females with Kikuchi Fujimoto disease. The first patient was a 31 years old lady with fever and unilatral cervical lymphadenopathy weight loss from 20 days age. In para-clinical findings ESR=50mm\hr Hb= 10gr/dl. WBC count was 5300/µl bone marrow aspiration and biopsy with lymph node was done. The histopathologic diagnosis was Kikuchi Fujimoto (Necritizing Lymphadenitis). The second patient was a lady with 35 years old and painful neck mass (behind the sterno-clido mastiod) from 1.5-month age with fever and chill. In paraclinical findings ESR=52 mm/hr WBC 5500/µl, CRP++ lymph node biopsy was done the histopathologic diagnosis was Kikuchi Fujimoto Necrotizing Lymphadenitis. Therefore Kikuchi disease is an important differantial diagnosis in young patients especially women with cervical lympadenopathy and fever (F.U.O).

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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A thirteen years old female caucasition admitted in 5 Azar General hosital with a 3-day history of deteriorating vision. Two weeks prior to admission she had received a measles-rubella vaccination at school (as a mass campain of MR vaccination in IRAN). General & neurological examination except lung wheezing & occular findings were normal. In visual exam she had questionable light perception in right eye & hand motion sensation in left eye. Funduscopy revealed moderate bilateral opitc disc hypermia. Investigations revealed normal full cell blood count, biochemistry profile, clotting studies & sputum. Brain CT scan & MRI were normal except pansinusitis. CSF examination revealed normal constituents. The patient treated with methyl prednisolon (1 gr/daily) for 7 days and patient had dramatic response to therapy. After 6 weeks of starting medical treatment ophthalmologic exam revealed 2 meters finger count vision in Rt eye & 6/10 visual aquity in Lt side. This patient is a rare case of bilateral optic neuritis after MR vaccination.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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