Background: Food security means giving people access to enough food at all times, to have a healthy lifestyle; this can be analyzed from the three aspects of the availability of food, food accessibility and food sustainability. On the other hands, agro terrorism is a form of bioterrorism in which, an individual or a group of people, for example, cause the contamination and disease of livestock, poultry and crops by deliberately introducing certain types of bacteria, viruses or fungi into the agricultural land or the breeding and maintenance of livestock and poultry.The purpose of this paper is to investigate; the dangers of agro terrorism, the strategies for preventing agro terrorism, and food safety management.Materials and Methods: In this article, authoritative research articles about agro terrorism (without the time zone and the language of publication and using the key words, “to agro terrorism bioterrorism, food security and food insecurity, prevention, effects”) in the databases of Pubmed, Elsevier, SID, Medlib, Magiran, IranMedex, IranDoc, Google Scholar, Scopus were searched. Finally, 20 articles were reviewed.Results: The results showed that terrorist attacks against agriculture are not new and have been carried out by governments or through independent terrorist organizations under certain governments during the course of history. Also, the destructive effects of agro terrorism in national economies, national and transnational security are far more than the destructive effects of conventional weapons that are military and militant organizations.Agro terrorism can lead to the loss of the food supply chain, economic damage, the destruction of the country's agricultural industry, the creation of chaos, and ultimately the destruction of the country's resilience, eventually resulting in the targeted country's complete defeat, with the lowest cost for the attackers.Conclusion: The goal of agro terrorist attacks is to create fear among people, reduce people' s access to healthy food and, as a result of food insecurity in the community, the people’s distrust towards governments and ultimately damage the political structure of the state and evenoverthrow a government or the state.