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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources



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    2 (پیاپی 44)
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Violence against women is a global phenomenon which creates negative effects on the health and health psychology of families and society. for prevent and reduce this issue, interference and therapy strategy should be made through proper information with respect to the type of violence, scale and other effective parameters.Materials and Methods: To achieve the objectives of the research, the participants were selected from civilian women of the Lorestan county towns and a correlation method was used. According to Kookrun Formula, a group of 383 citizenships of the Lorestanian women were chosen as statistical samples. The data were collected through the following manner: 1. Questionnaire naive of demographic. 2. Questionnaire of violence (H. Yahya, 1999). 3. An own made questionnaire about family relationship. Analysis of the data involved both destructive and inferential statistics including means, standard deviations, Pearson's correlation coefficients and regression analysis.Results: The data indicated a substantial popularity of psychological and physical aggression with respect to other types of aggressive behaviors. Also, the results revealed a significant relation between domestic violence and other factors such as age, literacy, the number of children and partner. But there was not such a relation between domestic violence and the type of factors that may occurs in marriage and partner income. Separated families and the pattern of aggression in husband family, that usually rises during the childhood, was shown to have important effects on the created violence.Conclusion: The findings of the present research indicated that the lowest level of domestic violence is occurred in an interval where the relationships between the members of the family are based on cooperation.

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Although the nerve auto graft still remains the clinical Gold standard in repairing nerve injury gaps, many advances have been achieved to guide regenerating axons across the lesion. Functional recovery after peripheral nerve lesion is depended upon accurate regeneration of axons to their original target tissues. To increase the prospects of axonal regeneration and functional recovery, researches have focused on designing “Nerve guidance channels” or NGCs. NGCs are either natural or synthetic tubular conduits that are used to bridge the gap between injured nerve stumps. This review paper describes peripheal nerve regeneration on NGCs.

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    2 (44)
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The labor pain is a sever pain which is experienced by women .Fear of labor pain is one of the causes of elective caesarean section. Entonox is known as the most useful and the less dangerous method for mother and child. Using warm water bath-tub is useful to reduce labor pain, and relaxation of mother. The aim of this study was to compare effect of Entonox and warm water on labor pain in pregnant women referred to Khorramabad Assali hospital.Materials and Methods: This controlled clinical trial study, carried out on 150 pregnant women in active phase of first stage of delivery selected by simple sampling including three groups of Entonox (first experimental group, 50 cases), warm water (second experimental group, 50 cases) and routine method (control, 50 cases). The pain score measured with Visual analog scale (VAS). Pulse oximetry was used to determine oxyhamoglobin saturation (SaO2) and heartbeat rate during these methods.Results: The results showed that the mean of pain score in Entonox method was significantly lower than warm water method (p<0.001). Labor progress was higher in Entonox method than warm water method and this difference was significant (p=0.005). The means of mother’s pulse rate in response to pain was significantly lower in Entonox method than warm water method (p<0.001). The mean of mothers’ SaO2 in Entonox method was significantly higher than warm water method (p<0.001).Conclusion: This study shows that Entonox has better effects for pain relief, labor progress, oxygenation of mother and child in comparison with warm water method, therefore we recommend Entonox method to reduce labor pain.

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    2 (44)
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Considering the life conditions of nowadays and continuous changes of community’s needs, we are also supposed to change our educational method. since lectures’ experiences can have an immense role on this subject, so this study was carried out to determine faculty lecturers’ attitudes towards the educational indices at Lorestan university of medical sciences in 2008.Materials and Methods: In this descriptive-analytic stady a 2-part questionnaire was used for data gathering including leclures’ demographic information and their attitudes towards some educational indices such as effective factors on teaching success, educational management, students’ educational problems as well as their attitudes towards educational technology. To determine the validity and reliability of the study, a pilot study was conducted. For data analysis, the descriptive and analytical statistics (correlation coefficient and Chi. square test, Mann whitney, Spearman and Kruskal-Wallis Tests) were applied.Results: Among faculty lecturers100 of them completed the questionnaire. There were 59% male, 45% of them worked in medical faculty.76 % of them had not passed any methodology courses before employment. 91% of the samples evaluated the workshop well. 90% believed that teaching method workshop is necessary and its suilable time is before starting teaching, 76% of them had passed teaching method workshops in university. The following problems were indicated as important educational problems; scientific ability (83%), inappropriate relationship between educational courses and community’s needs (73%), inappropriate numbers of students and equipment and physical space (68%) and proportion between workshop and teachers’ educational needs (62 %).Conclusion: 9% of the teaching staff found a mismatch between their educational needs and teaching method workshops, and majority of them requested to hold continuous teaching method workshops. Meanwhile their evaluations regarding officials’ attention to educational problems and appropriateness of students numbers to educational facilities were rated weak. Paying more attention to the quality and quantity of workshops, continuous education and solving university educational problems were of great emphasis. Besides, participation of all the faculty lectures in the educational planning and managemant is recommended.

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    2 (44)
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Systemic inflammation is associated with reduced lung function in obese individuals. Whether aerobic training in obese subjects is associated with improvement in systemic inflammation and lung function is unclear. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of a 12 week aerobic training on C-reactive protein and lung function in obese men.Materials and Methods: Twenty-three obese subjects (age: 46.19±3.9 yr, body mass index (BMI): 31.64±0.87 kg/m2) were randomly divided into aerobic training (n=12) and control (n=11) groups. A matched control group of normal weight participants (n=9) were also recruited for baseline comparison (age: 45.36±4.1 yr, BMI: 24.63±0.45 kg/m2). Aerobic training was performed 3 times weekly for 12 weeks. Body composition (computed tomography), inflammatory parameter, and pulmonary function were measured prior to and after the intervention.Results: At baseline, obese individuals had higher serum C-reactive protein and poor pulmonary function than normal weight participants (p<0.05). After a 12 week aerobic training, body weight, waist circumference, visceral fat, total abdominal fat, and C- reactive protein were significantly decreased (p<0.05). In contrast, lung function parameters were improved after the aerobic training (p<0.05). Conclusion: Aerobic training resulted in an improvement in obesity indices and lung function in obese men, and this improvement was accompanied by decreased C- reactive protein levels.

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    2 (44)
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Since graduates are the core of educational activities, investigating their viewpoints on clinical, communication, and management abilities to play professional roles can help to promote educational programs. Researches have reported different results from the viewpoints of nursing graduates about the effects of acquired skills during their academic years on their performance and professional needs. The present study was conducted to determine the comparison of educational programs' objectives for professional needs from the viewpoints of nursing graduates in three periods of three years.Materials and Methods: This descriptive, cross-sectional study was performed in the year 2009 on 354 nursing graduates who had graduated from Khorramabad, faculty of nursing and midwifery n the continuous and discontinuous undergraduate courses from 1999 to 2007. Out of 354 posted questionnaires, 222 questionnaires were returned. They were considered in terms of three periods of three years, including 1999-2001 as the first period, 2002-2004 as the second period and 2005-2007 as the third period. The data collection tool was a questionnaire including personal information, appropriateness of educational programs' objectives for professional needs, satisfaction with educational programs and necessity to change them, factors influencing the quality of educational programs from the viewpoints of graduates, and educational and research activities related to after-graduation fields, which was mailed to the participants and completed by them. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and Chi-square tests.Results: Most of the first period graduates (74.2%) evaluated their competencies in taking care of patients as high, while those in the second (72%) and third (57.9%) periods represented a reduction. Most of the graduates of the first period (62.2%) considered the training courses more effective on professional efficiency compared to practical (48.9%) and theoretical (51.1%) courses, and in the other periods the influence of theoretical and training courses tended to decrease. The majority of the graduates in the first period believed that 50% of their acquired skills during their academic years moderately fulfilled their professional needs, while in other periods a decreasing trend was found. The Chi-square test did not reveal any significant differences between the three periods. The factors affecting the quality of educational programs from the viewpoints of the graduates were as follows: qualified faculty members and instructors (73%), educational environment (67.6%), facilities for clinical education (66.2%), applied teaching methods (59.9%), and the availability of scientific resources (59.9%), but Chi-square tests did not show any significant differences between the three periods, except for resources.Conclusion: The comparison of educational programs' objectives for professional needs shows a decreasing trend; therefore, revising nursing education is recommended to enhance the competency of graduates for patient care, to use more theoretical, training and practical courses in the professional performance, and to increase essential skills in order to respond to professional needs.

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    2 (44)
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Hypothyroidism is one of the problems that can cause severe growth and developmental defects in children and infants. By using anticonvulsive drugs (Phenobarbital, Carbamazepine, Navalproate , and Phenytoin), liver microsomal enzymes will be increased and will lead to hypothyroidism in infants because of increasing metabolism of T3, and T4 by liver. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of hypothyroidism in children referring to the clinic of Shahid Madani hospital in Khrorramabad with anticonvulsive drug treatment during Fall, 2008, and Winter, 2009.Materials and Methods: In this study, the samples were collected from the children referring to the clinic of Shahid Madani hospital in Fall, 2008, and Winter, 2009. The patients were taking anticonvulsive drugs and had the acceptance criteria including the age range of 3 months to 13 years old, using anticonvulsive drugs at least for 2 months, having abnormal EEG, etc. The data gathering instrument was a questionnaire containing the demographic information including age, gender, type of drug, duration of using drugs, etc. The lab data (T3UR, T4, and TSH) were analyzed after they were collected.Results: Among 38 referring epileptic children taking anticonvulsive drugs, 4 (10.5%) patients had hypothyroid so that 2 (5.25%) of them were clinical hypothyroid, and 2 (5.25%) were subclinical hypothyroid. Moreover, 2 out of the 4 patients(50%) were girls and 2 (50%) were boys, and the mean age was 6.5 2 years with the median of 6.5 years.Conclusion: The prevalence of hypothyroidism in patients with anticonvulsive drugs treatment in the clinic of Shahid Madani hospital during Fall, 2008, and Winter, 2009 was 10.5%. So, there was no significant relationship between age and gender. A significant relationship was found between duration of using anticonvulsive drugs and hypothyroidism in children.

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    2 (44)
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Equal access to health care services is among the basic human rights. Unequal distribution of hospital resources especially intensive care beds encounter access to this critical care with problem. intensive care beds is one of most valuable and important sources of health care system that its unequal and inequity distribution among our country provinces more over transportation of emergency patients can cause irreparable complications. The aim of this study was to assess degree of equity in distribution of CCU1, ICU2, Post CCU3, Post ICU4, NICU5 beds among provinces of country.Materials and Methods: The present applied study has been written by descriptive and analytical method. Needed data has been collected form the latest documents in ministry of health, treatment and medical education and statistical center of Iran. The amount of distributional equity calculated using EXCELL2007 by more applied equity indices in this field, Gini coefficient and Lorenz curve. Also the geographical concentration map, for intensive care beds in country, was drawn which is surely necessary for policy making in the health field.Results: The total number of CCU, ICU, PICU, PCCU and NICU beds were 4194, 3720, 291, 4097 and 1129 respectively. The maximum values for any intensive care beds by province were recorded in Tehran. The most proportion of CCU, ICU, PICU, PCCU and NICU beds per 100,000 people revealed in Yazd, Tehran, Yazd, Qom and Khorasan Razavi provinces respectively. Finally Gini coefficients for CCU, ICU, PICU, PCCU and NICU distributions were calculated 0.13, 0.17, 0.15, 0.11 and 0.23 respectively. Conclusion: Though geographic maps of intensive care beds concentration show different concentration of this bed among provinces but this difference in Gini index is negligible. Finally it can be concluded that approximately absolute equality in distribution of intensive care beds-except NICU- observed among our country provinces.

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