Electronic approval is the ratification of transactions via electronic communication instruments, particularly through Internet. Preparing the ground for concluding the transaction, e.g. introducing the goods, accomplishing the negotiations, and finally transmission of offer and acceptance in a documentary environment and in a manner almost free of charges and ceremonies; also possibility of automatic ratification, are some advantages of electronic approval in comparison to other ways of doing it. This paper is devoted to review of electronic transactions Ratification. So, validity of electronic ratification of contract, required essential conditions for its drawing up, automatic approval of transactions by computer program, the time of contract’s electronic approval, and shrink wrap licenses are closely examined. This study shows that from the legal viewpoint, electronic ratification is not a preference for a transaction; hence a transaction concluded electronically does not legally differ from contracts concluded otherwise. Difficulties subsisting in ratification, recognition and validity of other ways of transacting, more or less persist in this kind of drawing up a contract.