Evapotraspiration (ET) is the base of water management, design of irrigation systems capacity and hydrological studies. Requirement for ET data has caused various ET estimation methods to be developed. Therefore, on the basis of a region's climate, the best reference evapotranspiration estimation method must be selected to design engineering projects. In this research, by selecting the FAO-Penman-Monteith as the standard method, validity of ETo data based on Hargreaves-Samani, Makkink, Turc and Papadakis methods (which have simple equations) was evaluated for different climates of Iran. In the Demarthon method, Iran's climate is divided to 8 classes: very arid, desertarid, semi-arid, Mediterranean, semi-humid, humid, very humid kind A and very humid kind B. For each climate-(except semi-humid climate), a synoptic meteorological station was selected. Results indicated that ET0data estimated by Hargreaves-Samani method in desert-arid, semi-arid and Mediterranean climates and by Turc method in very arid, humid and very humid kind B climates and by Makkink method in very humid kind A had the best correlation and the least error with FAO-Penman-Monteith method, respectively. For monthly mean of daily ETo data, estimation by Hargreaves-Samani method in desert-arid and semi-arid climates and by Makkink method in Mediterranean, humid, very humid kind A and very humid kind B climates and Turc method in very arid climate had the best correlation as well as the least errors with standard data. To reduce the difference between daily ETo data which had been estimated by simple equations and FP-M equation as well as monthly mean of daily ETo data, 50% of daily ETo data was corrected by using regression equation. As results showed, the differences reduced. Papadakis method did not have these features in any climate.