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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (مسلسل 47)
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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1758

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Background and Purpose: Cuminum Cyminm (CC) is one of the plants whose aqueous extract is used in traditional medicine as anti-convulsive anti-epileptic and as a treatment for some visceral pains. However no substantial reports can be found of its effects on the peripheral pain in lab animals. Therefore this study was condcated to determine the effects of the IP injection of the aqueous extract of CC on the acute peripheral pain in Hot Plate (HP) and Tail Flick (TF) tests in mice.Methods and Materials: This experimental study was conducted on 56 male Albino mice (8 groups each with 7 mice) weighing 25-30 gr. 200 and 500 mg/kg of the aqueous extract of CC or saline of the volume were injected intraperitoeally 30 minutes prior to the tests. Pain measrment criteria in the TF test was the response time to the pain by raising the tail and in the HP test the time to begin to lick the front legs or raising the rear feet.Results: The IP injection of the CC aqueous extract with the doses of 200 and 500 mg/kg significantly increased the response time to the pain in HP and TF tests (P<0.01) in comparison with the control groups and the group receiving saline. The effect was however more remarkable with the 500 mg/kg dose.Conclusion: The results of this study indicated that the aqueous extract of CC reduced the acute peripheral pain in the mice.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1089

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    1 (47)
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Background and Purpose: Technological Progress and urbanization have caused lead pollution in air water and earth and higher lead intakes into the body have renal and nervous disorders. Since ascorbic acid acts as a can antioxidant can it reduce the toxic effects of lead in kidneys? In order to answer this question this study was designed to investigate the macroscopic and microscopic effects of ascorbic acid on the kidney of male rabbits exposed to lead.Methods and Materials: This experimental research was conducted on 40 white male rabbits at Isfahan University of Medical Sciences Iran. After adapting to the new environment rabbits were randomly assigned into four groups of ten: a control group exclusive ascorbic acid group exclusive lead group and the fourth group receiving both lead and ascorbic acid. After a 40-day diet they were anaesthetized by pentobarbital and their kidneys were extracted. Tissue processing was conducted after kidneys were weighed and measured. Also five-micron sections were prepared through serial sections stained with H&E. The slides were studied using a light microscope. ANOVA and t-test were used in data analysis.Results: Mean weight and dimension of the Kidneys were not significantly different across the four groups. Proximal convoluted tubules were observed in the exclusive lead group but not in other three groups.Conclusion: Ascorbic acid was effective in reducing the toxic effects of lead on kidney tissues.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 945

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    1 (47)
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Background and Purpose: Clomiphene is the most common drug for the male idiopathic infertility treatment with different results and no valuable factor ha been suggested for prediction of treatment. Therefore the present study was designed to investigate the relationship between early morning total Serum Testosterone Level (STL) before treatment and post-clomiphene changes in the spermogram.Methods and Materials: This clinical trial study was conducted on 172 idiopathic infertile men from 2001 to 2006 in Mashad Iran. Demographic and spermogram data were recorded via questionnaires and patients were divided into 6 groups by their pre-treatment STL. Spermogram parameter changes before and after clomiphene therapy were analysed with SPSS software using t-test ANOVA and Fisher’s test.Results: Mean age of patients was 31 years; and mean Serum Testosterone Level was 361.3ng/dl. After prescribing clomiphene recovery was observed in the spermogram of in 125 patients (72.7%) with Total Serum Testosterone Level of 200-500ng/dl (P£0.031).Conclusion: Early morning Serum Testosterone Level can be used as a criterion for predicting the efficacy of clomiphene in male idiopathic infertility.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1771

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    1 (47)
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Background and Purpose: Hypertension is a common but asymptomatic disease which is easily traced and treated. However if left untreated deadly complications and high costs of treatment should be expected. This study was conducted to investigate the prevalence of hypertension in the urban population of Sabzevar Iran. Methods and Materials: This deh1ive cross-sectional study was conducted on the population of urban families supported by the health centers in Sabzevar Iran. 596 cases (age 19 years or older) were selected by stratified sampling. In addition to filling out the study questionnaire the systolic and diastolic blood pressure of the cases were measured by the standard method using Alpk2 sphygmomanometer and Litman stethescope. The hypertension threshold was considered as 140/90. Frequency and percentages were used to describe the data and chi-square was used for the analysis in SPSS. Results: The prevalence of the systolic and diastolic BP hypertensions were 21.5% and 25.8% respectively and the prevalence was higher with women rather than men (p<0.0001). As ascending trend in the systolic and diastolic hypertnesion was observed with the increase in the age. Also, the prevalence of systolic and diastolic hypertnesions were observed to be 69.5% and 54% in cases of 55 years or older.Conclusion: This study indicated that the prevalence of hypertension was high in Sabzevar, Iran.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1513

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    1 (47)
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Background and Purpose: Women are subject to postpartum depression in the childbearing age which is associated with aerious somplications for the mother infant and the family. Its cause is not known. Many studies have the effect of psychosocial factors in this regard but there is meager information on the biological grounds. Recently anemia has been on the focus as causing depression. This study was conducted to determine the the relationship between anemia and postpartum depression.Methods and Materials: This prospective descripe-anlytical study was conducted on the population of women admitted to the Fatemiyyeh Health Center affiliated to Hamadan University of Medical Sciences Iran in 2006. The study sample included 159 normal (non depressed confirmed by the Beck test) pregnant women who were selected by convenient non-probability methods. With a gestational age of 38-40 weeks they were divided into two groups of anemics and non-anemics by their hemoglubin levels (measured by Cyan Matt). They were homegenized as for the confounders. On the 7th and 28th days after labor their hemoglubin was measred again. On the 28th day they completed the Edinburgh Questionnaire. The relationship between their postpartum depression and anemia was assessed three times. Chi-square t-test Mann Whitney and the relative risk tests were used in SPSS to analyze the obatained data.Results: 14.6% of the non-anemics and 38.6% of the anemics (measured on the 38-40 weeks) were found t obe depressed on the 28th day after delivery and anemia had increased the chances of postpartum depression by 1.8 times 14.8% of the non-anemics and 35.9% of the anemics (measured on the 7th day after labor) were depressed on the 28th day and anemia had increased the chances of postpartum depression by 1.7 times. Also 11.5% of the non-anemics and 46% of the anemics (measured on the 28th day after labor) were depressed after labor. Anemia had increased the chances of postpartum depression by 2.5 times.Conclusion: It seems that anemia in the 38-40 weeks of gestation on the 7th and 28th days after labor can increase the likelihood of postpartum depression.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1644

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    1 (47)
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Background and Purpose: Epidemiologists have always been sought to discover factors influencing populations so that they can control population growth. This study was conducted to investigate the relationship of socioeconomic and demographic factors with fertility.Methods and Materials: This deh1ive analytical study was conducted in two stages in 2003 on 1300 families in the Northwestern province of Azarbaijan-Gharbi in Iran. The study data were collected through questionnaires and interview. The relationship between woman's age marital age marital duration sexual preference number of wanted children stillbirth child death education and employment couples age difference and fertility was determined using Pearson's correlation coefficient stepwise multiple linear regression and ANCOVA in SPSS.Results: Mean age of the participants was 32.61±7.97 and mean live birth was 2.39±1.82. In the regression model child death number of wanted children sexual preference marital duration with positive coefficients and couples education with negative coefficients emerged. Fertility in marriages under 15 years (4.20±2.43) was significantly higher than other marital age groups. Fertility was higher in illiterate or low-education women. Mean wanted child in women of younger than 20 years old and women of 40-49 years of age were 2.9±0.56 and 3.37±0.84 respectively.Conclusion: As the results suggest child death sexual preference desire to bear more infants and marriage before the age of 15 are associated with higher fertility rates. Illiterate or Low-education women are more fertile than other educational groups. Mean wanted children in women of under 20 years of age is higher than the current fertility rate (2.39).

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1397

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    1 (47)
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Background and Purpose: Gnorrhoeae is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases in the developing and developed countries. This bacterium has gained some resistance against several antibiotics used as promary medication in the past decade; therefore the use of ciprofloxacin has been recommended. On the basis of reportsd on the reducation of this bacterium to ciprofloxacin this study in conducted to determine its sensitivity.Methods and Materials: This deh1ive research was conducted on the population of patients admitted to medical laboratories in Mashad Iran who were suspicious of having Neisseria Gnorrhoeae. They were selected by convenient sampling. 1348 cases with urethral discharge were examined from 2003 to 2004; two swaps were taken for smear and culture. After colony growth and the identification of the Neisseria Gnorrhoeae antibiogram was performed via disc diffusion with penicilin tetracyclin erythromycin and ciprofloxacin discs. Then the minimal inhibitory concentration was deetermined for ciprofloxacin.Results: 71 cases of Neisseria Gnorrhoeae were identified of which 16.9% were sensitive to penicilin 25.3% to tetracyclin 67.6% to erythromycin and 70.3% to ciprofloxacin. 6 cases were resistant to ciprofloxacin and their MIC ranged from 1 to 16mgr/ml.Conclusion: Since ciprofloxacin is currently the primary treatment for Neisseria Gnorrhoeae it seems that with the increased resistance obsered in the present study ciprofloxacin can no longer be considered as the preferred antibiotic against Neisseria Gnorrhoeae. Therefore self treatment without medical preh1ion is strongly prohibited.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 3957

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    1 (47)
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Background and Purpose: Sacroiliac joints are the link between the spinal column lower limb and pelvis. Any disfunctioning in the musculoskeletal structure or in the lower limb can cause sacroiliac tension leading finally to its curving. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between the flat foot and the hamstring flexibility with the sacroiliac joint mobility.Methods and Materials: This deh1ive analytical study was conducted on the students of Zahedan University of Medical Sciences Iran throughout 2003-2005 and 700 students were selected through census sampling and examined. Medial longitudinal arch hamstring lemgthening and sacroiliac joint mobility were evaluated using Feis’s line SLR Laseque prone knee flexion and long sitting flexion. The study data were analyzed using chi-square and Fisher’s exact test.Results: In this study 150 flat foot 153 nrmal foot 100 hamstring shortening and 100 normal hamstring were observed. 49.3% of the cases with flat foot (74 cases) had sacroiliac joint dysfunctiong. However normal foot together with scroiliac joint dysfunction was seen only in 58 cases (37.9%) (P>0.05).Conclusion: Sacroiliac joint dysfunction is found in subjects with flat foot more than the normal ones. However this type of dysfunctioning is not caused by the hamstring tightening.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1245

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    1 (47)
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Background and Purpose: Infection in healthcare settings is considered a serious risk and protection of the personnel and clients against it is a priority. Therefore this study was conducted to investigate the hand hygiene practice in four treatment groups in Sabzevar hospitals in 2005.Methods and Materials: This deh1ive cross-sectional study was conducted among the hospital staff of Sabzevar hospitals in Sabzevar Iran. The study sample (Cl= 95%) with a 10% attrition rate was calculated to be 25 amounting to 100 in 4 groups who were selected through convenient sampling. Luisham Observation checklist was used for data collection. For data analysis ANOVA t-test Fisher’s test Chi-square and Tukey were used.Results: The findings revealed that adherence to hand hygiene practice in internists was 34.4% in the surgical staff 21.3% in the intensive group 15.65% and in doctors 16.59%. Out of 1356 situations of hand hygiene practice only in 306 cases hand hygiene was practiced. In general the mean percentage for the four groups was 22.6%.Conclusion: In general the hand hygiene practice while taking care of patients is low and unsatisfactory.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1812

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