The hydrophytes (waterweed) complete their biological cycle in three forms: located under the water, floating on the water and above the water, and if we don' t care and management them, they can grow irregular and it will be damage water-life. Different specieses of these plants such as Azolla, have grown and have bred, according to proper physiological circumstances in all parts of the world and various water- environments. Azolla is one of the waterweeds that is flooted on the water and it is native in Africa and southeast asia. IT was distributed in Anzaly marsh and logons that located in north of Iran, by reason of lack of management purposes in agricultural and industrial uses, in 1363, and now it has made a mantle (cover) on the Surface of water, and instead of efficiency, it has Converted to a destructive factor (agert). Sofar, many researches have published in relation to application and it's bad effects on environment of biology and ecosystem of north of Iran, but no practicable (practical) function, has been done for particular studing of created damages, and it's optimum control. This paper is on the basis of studing research and it has been perfamed on the basis of methodology of library studings, searching of extraneous (outsider) Sources, scope observations and analysis of information, and the results have been giren in the form of descriptive and resolutive In this paper, status of Anzaly marsh has been studied with the view of vast attack of this plard, to identify, and logical manners to encounter this problem. In this paper, the concept of "management of waterweed" has been presented and emphasized on it's usage for Keeping of water sources in north of Iran. One of the main characters of this management is the prevention ond control manners (in form of sole or incorporation). Presentation of harvest machines of waterweed, such as Azolla, under the title of one of the effective methods for controling these plants and reformation of existent status, is one of the results of this research.