Nowadays many different language-teaching methodologies are designed. Each
of these methodologies is aimed to help the language learner to learn a
foreign language, but each follows a special philosophy. This article examines
the principles and foundations of language teaching methodologies, the
education goals, theoretical principles, the methods and techniques employed,
and the educational material used in these methodologies are discussed. The
researcher attemps to analyze the scientific principles of the Global Structure
Audio-Visual method or Structuro-Globale Audio- Visuelle (SGAV). He will
simultaneously try to present the educational methods and the amount of the
application of grammar in this method. The idea presented in this article
considers teaching and learning the grammar of a language as one part of a
whole in global and communicative learning. The goal in teaching grammar
should be such that the learning and teaching of grammar is not separated
from the other aspects of communicative foreign language learning. In this
way, all phonetic and intonation aspects of the speech of a foreign language,
useful vocabulary, grammar, verbal and non-verbal speech (signs, gestures and
allusions) and personal behavior that serve speech in a real sutuation are
taught to the language learner, all in global and multilateral structures, by use
of the facilities provided by SGAV. The language learner is then immediately
required to apply them in an artificial, and then a real situation which is
provided by the teacher using the available references within the site.
Nowadays, the teacher should not provide information regarding the rules of
the language for the language learner, and thehmguage learner should not be
satisfied with knowing the rules (of the grammar) only. Rather, s/he should
experience the language in real speech, and even unexpected situations. The
last point to mention is that: unless a language learner lives a foreign
language, and unless s/he commits the, sometimes predictable, errors resulting
from the learning process, s/he will never learn a language properly.