E. J., the promoter, theoretician, and pioneer of "New Nationalism Movement" in Germany, characterized his nationalistic belief in 1920s, metaphysically in the form of war memories of the First World War. His perception regarding the phenomenon of war as "War is the father of nationalism." provided appropriate context to discuss war and nationalism in German literature and among political circles, critics, and German/ Non- German intellectuals. Juenger’s extremist view on war and nationalism led to new national movements in Germany. He, however, separated himself from political parties who were against the ruling government and were trying to overthrow it, and followed a non-conformist political view. He considered an ideological war as the only way of challenging. To discuss the war literature of E. J in 1920s requires a closer examination of his life before the First World War. His life in this period witnessed an unrest era and an adventurous and rebellious individual life that revolted against the rigid system of bourgeoisie, in order to satisfy a combative, adventurous nature and revolt against the quiet daily life of modem era. This type of thought was observed objectively in literary works known as war literature.