In our country the producers of protected crops in glass- house, plastic tunnels etc, specially for cucumber and tomato culture, use too much chemical fertilizers and pesticides. The pesticides are used on weekly basis (one or two times per week) for the control of pests and diseases. The crops produced in this way, have so much pesticide residues and excess of nitrites. -To resolve the problem of residues we started a project in 1988,with the aim of implementing of an IPM on ecological basis of organic crop production by the following programme: The management of organic production of protected cucumber and tomato consisted on the manner of biological strengthening of greenhouse environment (Soil and plant), prevention) measures and reasonably control of target pests and diseases, by cutting use of chemical pesticides.-By intercropping of cucumber and tomato, with the aim of increasing biodiversity, the pests, such as: Aphids, Trips, leaf miner, whitefly, preferred cucumber than tomato in early stage of crop g.-owing. To fertility the soil fauna and micro flora we added biofertilizers (green manure, manure and compost.) for the purpose of increasing soil fertility, yield increase and induce of plant resistance, we also added, some chemical fertilizers.- Planting the seeds in nursery pots, for uniform transplantation, with the use three-four week transplants in greenhouse, that are free of diseases and pests. The transplant were more advantageous than direct seeding for: plant growth, yield increase and plant resistance to pests. pruning and training of plants in optimum spaces ,between plants, in rows were also effective in management of greenhouse-culture. -In Preventive measures adequate irrigation, control of temperature (22 ± 4c°), relative humidity (60-70%), Light (14-16 hours period), and supplementation of co2 in greenhouse is also very important for increasing resistance of plants to pests and yeild increase. -In biological programme of IPM mass rearing and innundative release of predators: Orius albidipennis and Aphidolete aphidimyza are effective in resonably control of Aphids, Trips, and the use of hiomaterials, such as savona Bacillus etc., to keep the pests and diseases bellow economic threshold level. -Using yellow sticky traps, for trapping sucking pests, from transplantation period, for prevention of pests outbreak. -Release of parasitoid wasps: Diglyphus isaea for control of leafminer, and Eretmocerus mundus for whitefly control. And at the same time, use of antagonists, for control of mildews, such as Bacillus subtilis, milk, copost tea and Bacillus thurengiensis (Bactospein) for control Trichoplusia ni, were also effective. -During 10 cultivation period: from 1998-2001, it became clear, that for proper implementation of good IPM programme, the off season cultivation (fall and winter) should be recomended for good production and marketing.