Efficiency and benefits of seismic isolation as a passive control allow designers to reduce and balance the earthquake forces imposed to bridge piers and abutments. Regarding the variety of bridge damages occurred in the past earthquakes, mostly as a result of underestimation of seismic forces, seismic isolators can be effectively used in designing or retrofitting of bridges in high seismicity zones. Numerous existing bridges in the country use expansion bearings between superstructure and substructure. To mitigate the impact of seismic forces and increase bridge safety during earthquakes, these bearings can be easily replaced with seismic isolators.Although seismic isolation has been used for only two decades, extensive studies conducted in this field altogether confirms the efficiency of seismic isolation in bridges. The objective of this paper is to briefly review seismic isolation and its application in bridges to reduce earthquake forces in order to encourage their use in the country, and to investigate the shortcomings of existing expansion bearings. For this purpose, seismic isolation efficiency of two typical kinds of high-way bridges that are isolated with four elastomeric isolators is investigated by nonlinear earthquake time-history analysis. It is concluded that elastomeric isolators are very effective in reducing seismic forces and displacements of the typical bridges. Changing the vibration nature of the bridges, isolators can decrease the earthquake lateral force level and protect the non-ductile substructure elements through deviating and absorbing a major part of input seismic energy The larger the lateral stiffness of the bridge (like bridges with smaller spans and shorter piers), the more effective the seismic isolation. In addition to reducing seismic responses, seismic isolation, distributes earthquake force equally among piers and abutments. However, by decreasing the elastic stiffness of isolator, bridge responses including lateral drifts and internal forces reduce more, while the absolute displacement of the deck increases. This issue can be compensated by increasing yielding force and damping of the isolators by inserting other types of devices. Elastic stiffness as well as yielding force of isolator by controlling the hysteretic damping are important factors. Moreover, to get familiar with the seismic performance of existing bridges having expansion bearings, and to identify their limited and inadequate application as seismic isolation in bridges, their seismic behavior is studied and restricted use of such bearings for seismic isolation of bridges is numerically investigated. For this purpose, investigated bridges (with or without expansion bearings) are modeled and analyzed with "SAP2000 Nonlinear" subject to different earthquakes. Results show that expansion bearings effectiveness in reduction of seismic responses is not sufficient as seismic isolators. Furthermore, even in case of having enough slip during earthquakes, corresponding damping and energy dissipation of expansion bearings would be small due to their linear elastic behavior for force-displacement relationship. As a result, incapability of expansion bearings in tolerating large shear strains and absorbing input earthquake energy, because of damping shortcoming, reduces their efficiency as seismic isolators. For optimum application of seismic isolation in new bridges and also for retrofitting existing bridges, it is highly recommended to do research on manufacturing elastomeric isolators reinforced with steel plates or fiber polymers to induce high damping and use them instead of typical neoprene expansion bearings.