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Queue length is one of the fundamental parameters of traffic flow on arterial streets that is the performance and flow optimization criteria However this measure of arterials less attention and has been investigated. This could be caused by periodic disruption on traffic flow by signal lights that make difficult evaluation of traffic flow on arterials. On the other hand the problem gets even more difficult when signal links are congested. In this paper, queue length on congested arterials is considered as one of the fundamental traffic parameters.

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Flexural toppling is a mode of failure that may occur in a wide range of layered rock strata in both natural and excavated rock slopes. As illustrated in Figure 1, a typical flexural toppling can be occurring in a rock slope when columns of rock are separated by steeply dipping discontinuities and bended forward.

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The development and importance of various types of commercial transportation from one hand and the accordance of Iran's law with the WTO's regulations on the other hand bring up some issues which makes the need of further researches undeniable. Among these regulations finding a proper theory for the liability of transport enterprise is one of the most challenging topics. A theory which ends in the most benefit for the owner of the goods as well as the transport enterprise. This approach should be also in accordance with the domestic and international laws existed in this area.For this reason, current article divides the responsibilities of the transport enterprise into two main groups. The first group includes the responsibilities that are related to his proficiency. Responsibilities which are in the dominance of a transport enterprise knowledge and experience and that’s the main reason why people, especially the owner of goods, refer to him. This category obeys the restrict liability theory in which transport enterprise bares the most liability. The rest of his responsibilities which are considered to be in the second group are those which are not only in the power and proficiency of a transport enterprise. In the other word these are some tasks which other people such as the owner of the goods have a part in them. This category is considered to be under the rule of negligence theory which is somehow less strict than the first group.Thus in the first chapter, traditional theories about the responsibility of transport enterprise especially under the civil and commercial codes and the defects which can be found in them are discussed, and in the second chapter the new theory mentioned above is illustrated and some clues which lead us to it are detected in national and international legislations and conventions. Particularly conventions which our country has joined it and are treated like national rules.By the hope that this new theory can resolve the incompetency of the old theories which are chosen by commercial and civil codes.

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Welding rail joints in Curves with radius less than 400 meters is not applicable. Consequently, maintenance costs in many old-fashioned railway tracks increases rapidly. Moreover, destruction of track components, plastic deformation and critical cracks to the rail head, fractures in sleepers, failure in fasteners, ballast bed damage and lateral movement of railway track occur in rail joints.

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Aviation industry due to economic problem was faced with loss of revenue in recent years. This industry has always been searching for ways to reduce costs and increase efficiency. Better understanding of behavior travelers to choose an airline, will help airlines in this field. In recent years this issue has attracted much attention by increasing number of companies, increasing trade competition and economic condition in Iran. In this paper through the literature review we can find out that to go through this business, the industry needs to tackle two obvious tasks: Cost-Reduction and revenue-generating. an Airline`s knowledge of its customers and its ability to devise marketing campaign’s to suit the preferences of those customer segments become of paramount importance in attracting the passengers to the cabin. In the development of new services and the utilization of new equipment, consumer driven input should be utilized. To achieve a competitive advantage, some airlines are offering better ground and in-flight entertainment systems. However, these measures are not industry norms, and may not be applicable to all airlines. Thus the airlines need to study their own customer base and find out if better offerings suit their customers’ needs and wants.Value is provided only by satisfying the needs of the customers, according to Schmitt and Simonson (1997). They stated that their book that firms can provide value by satisfying customers` experiential, aesthetic needs, in world in which consumers have their basic needs satisfied. The authors defined it as “Marketing Aesthetics” as the marketing of sensory experiences in corporate or brand output that contributes to the organization`s or the brands identity.This research evaluate the behavior of passengers on select domestic airlines, for collect the required information from passengers, using expert advisors and university professors, design a questionnaire with 21 criteria that was supposed to have an important role in selection of travelers and the passengers were asked to score the importance of each of them. These 21 criteria were prioritized based on the importance of travelers view point.In addition, this study sought to find relationships between preference criteria and different group of travelers based on their personal information and travel feature. 6th theories get tested by T, ANOVA & Homogeneity of variance for achieved to research Transportation Research Journal (TRJ) objectives. By using this method, the criteria’s were determined significant differences in term of importance and priorities in different group of travelers. In this study, 8th major factors were identified that most influence in the selection process of travelers, which include on time flight, safety, price, convenient flight time, number of past event in each airline, responsiveness in time of delay, how to sell ticket and reservation and crew & staff behavior. Practical implication of this research offers commercial competing for airlines and introduces some field for this kind of studies in Iran.

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Asphalt recycling has many benefits among which the preservation of natural resources, saving cost and energy can be mentioned. Although hot recycled mixtures are more durable and resistant compared to cold mixtures, using heat causes environmental pollution and toxic and hazardous gas emission and reduce workers safety. Therefore, there is a need to use additives in recycled asphalt mixtures for increasing durability and resistance of mixtures.

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The concrete sleeper that is one of the major part of ballast railway tracks are installed on ballast and subgrade to transfer any train wheel loads to the ground support subgrade in operation period that a wide range of loading conditions has been observed. In most of the cases, train wheel impact loads due to asymmetrical cause voids and pockets in contact interface of sleeper and ballast. When the ballast was damaged, the stiffness in ballast supporting of the sleeper will reduce.

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Diesel is one of the most important energy carriers in Iran and the land transport is the largest consumer of diesel. According to the low price and the important role of this fuel in carrying passengers and goods in Iran, Checking and identification of variables have impressive on demand that is important. In this paper from the GMDH neural network is been used as a tool for high ability in routing and detection of complex non-linear trends, identification effective factors and modeling whit limit the number of observations. Also for choice of effective variables is used from the two fundamental and technical analysis. In This study fundamental analysis system has been evaluated in during three steps impact of 10 the system variables inside and outside the on diesel demand. results is indicates in the final stage of fundamental analysis that the system variables inside, GDP per capita, the number of diesel-powered vehicles and the system output variables of allocated to diesel subsidies and informal market exchange rate have doubly effect and liquidity has identical and ordinary effect on the diesel demand. In addition, the results are show that entry of variables of informal market exchange rate, liquidity and subsidy variables besides variables that have been used in previous research, in rise authenticity and precision evaluation criteria of forecast of the model has a significant impact. Also the results of modeling and forecasting diesel demand using both fundamental and technical analysis shows low error and the accuracy and high performance of the forecast.

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