Thyroid hormones affect on almost all body tissue, Studies showed this hormones change the red blood cells (RBCs) and hemoglobin (Hb), There is no study regarding effect (s) of this hormones on white blood cells (WBCs) and their precentage encountered in literature. This study evalute the effect of thyroid hormones on RBCs, HB, hematocrit (Hct), EBCs and their precentage in rat. (n=10) and control (n=10) groups used in the study. Methimazole (500mg/lit, H2O) in diking water used for twenty days to induce hypothyroidism in rats and animals of control group drink tap water. Thyroid function assessed by TSH and T4 RIA assay in both groups. Blood sample from tail of all rats in beginning and end of study under general anesthesia with diethly ether inhalation. In hypothyroid group, sentm T4 and TSH decreased and increased respectively. Also Hb, Hct, RBC s and body weight decresed significantly. In additi ........
In comparison to the control group, in hypothyroid group the perxentage of
....(P<0.001).There was no difference between other WBC types (basophil, eosinophil, monovyte) in control and hypothyroid group.According to the above results it seems that hypothyroidism may cause lymphocytopenia and induce immunodeficency in rat. Therefore, a question may exist, that which type of lymphocyte decrease? To clarify the exact mechanism (s) involed will requre further work.