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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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To determine prevalence of opioid misuse and its predisposing factors in-patients with pain in the 10 clinics of Zahedan. Four hundred and eighty consecutive patients with complain of pain were included in a descriptive analytical cross-sectional study and asked by uniform questionnaire about opioid misuse and its 18 suspicious associated factors between January 1999 and May 1999. The data were analyzed by standard procedures including Chi square, T test, confidence interval, odds ratio, and multivariate and logistic regression analysis. Prevalence of opioid misuse was 28.5% inpatients presenting with pain. There was no significant relation between opioid misuse and chronic pain, but there were significant relationship between opioid misuse and the following five factors by logistic regression analysis, respectively: 1. Previous opioid misuse by friends 2. Type of ccupation 3. Cigarette smoking 4. Neuro-psychiatric consultation 5. Death of spouse. There is high prevalence of opioid misuse in-patients who complain of pain in Zahedan. It is recommended to educate associated factors of opioid misuse to the society and to who are responsible to promote health, and support high-risk groups.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Hypertension is an important health problem in developing countries. This research is a descriptive study that determine prevalence rate of hypertension in Zabol age is 18-over year. A number of 1530 cases, including 841 (55%) females and 689 (45%) males were selected by random stratified cluster sampling. Based on definition of JNC- VI & WHO systole BP>140 mm Hg and diastole BP>90 mm Hg in more there two intermittent time with 3 days interval or who's taken anti hypertensive medication is considered as hypertension. BP recorded in two positions (Dorsal and sitting position) from both left and right arms and High BP considered as constant BP. At first time in addition to BP, height and weight were also measured. Them 3 days interval BP second and third stages measured. Data collecting invalided to risk factors and physical Examination completed by questionnaire. Based on this study, prevalence of hypertension was 15% in females, 12.5% in males and 13.9% in the studied whole population. Prevalence age adjusted 13.4% in females, 11.09% in males and total case population was 12.24%. The results showed that 36% of females, 52% of males and 44% of total case population were un aware of their illness. Chi- square test with 99% coefficient of certainty showed significant difference between hypertension, obesity and age. However, significant differences was seen between hypertension and sex. The results showed that the hypertension risk is consider in society, there fore population screening with concern to hypertension, teaching people and modifying their life style is recommended.

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Individual behavior is dependent to brain activities and hormone secretion. Puberty in females is manifestation of hormonic changes and their effects on behavior of this age. Mental revolution caused by this results in actions which necessarily needs parental and tuforal, because menarche can he considered as a probably growth index. This study was performed on secondary school girls in Zahedan in 1380 to determine their age of menarche; 558 students were selected by multistage random sampling.Data were collected using a questionnaire filled by each selected student. Their height and weight were measured and added to the questionnaires. Data were analyzed by SPSS package and the Shefea test was used. The results are expressed as mean ± SE and P<0.05 were considered significant.The results showed that the menarche age is 12.6 ± 0.05 years. Significant correlations were observed between the age of menarche and mothers education, number at family members, physical and mental circumstances and people's appetite. There was no correlation between the age of menarche and parents "jobs, fathers" education and race.

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The basic science (BS) is the first examination of the Medical students after starting the medical courses. This examination can assess their abilities in performing a doctor's responsibilities. It is expected the students who are not successful in the exam, have some problems in their future examinations. This research has described some of important factors, which are most effective in the results of the exam.The target population is 206 participants in the exam from Shahrivar 78 to Esfand 79. The study is cohort and for the analysis, the students" means and the scores of 10 courses of the period together with the final score and some demographic factors were collected. The time of the study is 1380.The failed students were 41 (20%) and the mean of the final basic science scores are significantly different in two age groups (19-21 & more than 21)(P=0.000). The means of final scores are different in different marital statues (P=0.038) and different quota system (P=0.000). Also, the final scores are different due to difference in basic science period (5 semesters and more than 5)(P=0.000). Finally the final score are different in students with different gap between university and high school (at most 1year or at least 2 years)(P=0.002).The regression equations show that the scores of Microbiology and Parasitology, the demographic factors of sex, quota system have the most important role in the result and the score of the BS examinations. The average of the BS period and the gap between high school and University, together with the score of Physiology (2) have the less role in the result of the examinations. The adjusted coefficient of determination is R2=0.60 and the Regression were successful in predicting in the correct result of the 87.9% participants.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2257

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Diabetes is one of the most common metabolic diseases, which accompanies the patient through out his life; unawareness from its consequences in advanced states can cause irreparable physical and spiritual loss. As in time awareness can stop physical and mental loss and also ceases or stop the development of the disease, therefore more attention should be paid to it. This study is a semi-experimental and practical one. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effect of education on knowledge attitude and practice of type II diabetic patients in relation to correct nutrition in Bu-Ali hospital in Zahedan.People under study include 100 diabetic patients who were systematic randomly chosen and had files in the clinic. The method of performing the study was to assess people's awareness, attitude and practice of people before and after the program and the devices (Method) of collecting the data was through questionnaires which was given before and after the education, finally the KAP rate in the two steps were compared.The result showed a great increase in awareness (P<0.001), correct attitude (P<0.001) and right practice in relation to proper nutrition.The results of research can itself help for a better education of diabetic patients. 60% of these patients include either illiterate people or people who can only read and write.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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In our country production of unpasturized ice cream is customary that produced by manual method in respect to traditional ice cream, the consumption of which is high in warm seasons. Contamination of this product with pathogenic microorganisms can lead to food poisoning and food borne infection and can endanger the sanitation of human. Being which can cause countless economic lessees. The aim of this research was to assess physiochemical and microbial status traditional ice creams in Zahedan. Due to production and maximization centers of this type of ice cream we divided the Zahedan city in to 10 regions and then 25 samples from each region were selected by cluster sampling during spring and summer. They were moved to a laboratory under sterile condition and examined consequently. The collected dates were analyzed statistically using ANOVA and Mean procedure. The results showed that: The average percentage for total solid, acidity, pH, fat and sucrose were respectively 30±2, 0.25±0.001, 6.3±0.2, 2.7±0.2 and 14±1 (The calculation of fat has been according to grams in proportion to the final weight product. Microbial contaminations of the products included aerobic mesophilic, Coliform, E. Coli and staphylococcus aurous in (56%, 53%), (72%, 64%), (2%, 5.3%) and (8%, 5.3%)of samples in spring and summer respectively. None of the samples was contaminated with Salmonella. To prevent outbreak of poisoning and microbial infectious due to consumption of ice cream, pasteurization of milk and traditional ice cream as well as supervision and control during the production are essential.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Mycobacterium chelonae is a nontuberculosis mycobacterium, rapidly growing and nonpigmented pathogen. Major clinical syndromes associated with this infection include skin and soft tissue disease and skeletal infection, but disseminated skin and soft tissue lesions occurs almost exclusively in the setting of immunosuppresion, especially AIDS. Disseminated infection and multiple organs involvement due to M. chelonian are very rare in normal host. We report a case of disseminated M. chelonae infection with multiple organ involvement ina4- years old girl.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Chicken pox is a viral disease occurring with Varicella zoster, from herpes virus's family, which presents with papulovesicular lesions on mucocutaneous surface. These lesions first appear on trunk and face and then could be spread to whole body. Size of lesions is about 5-10 mm with erythematos background. Rupture of the vesicles is a predisposing factor for secondary bacterial infection. Signs and symptoms of disease are fever, abdominal discomfort, and malaise and skin eruptions. Period of symptoms is 7-10 days with a fever about 38.3 - 39.4. It's a very contagious disease and has specific vaccination and immunoglobulin. Chicken pox without secondary bacterial infection does not need to antibiotic. Here is case of neonatal chicken pox.18 days old boy with fever and cough and skin lesions referred to Ali Asghar hospital. Skin lesions were papulovesicular with erythematous background and were appeared since 5 days before admission. Patient had fever 2 days before eruptions and poor feeding after them. At the same time he had cough and progressive respiratory distress. His mother had a history of fever and eruptions in last week of pregnancy. Patient did not respond to all supportive and medical treatments and died in sixth days of admission.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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