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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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During the last year we had observed different types of misconduct in the submitted manuscripts into the editorial office. Those are included attempted theft of data, presence of ghost authors, gift authorship, dual submissions, salami publications, falsification and some other types of fraud. Our analysis in the editorial office led us to conclude that research fraud is an important issue and should be discussed clearly. The emphasis on competition and pressure to produce published materials, while internal intention to discover the scientific truth may foster a conflict between personal career goals and human intellectual motivation; finally may induce research misconduct. Having accurate and good knowledge in this field is mandatory for researchers especially the younger ones. In the first part of this article we will discuss a short but important part of the history of this problem and in the second part definition and editorial response will be reviewed.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1198

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Background: With the development of chronic diseases including chronic renal failure, quality of life for these patients is often lower than normal. This study was designed to use Orem self care framework and it impact on quality of life in patients treated with hemodialysis was designed and executed.Materials and Method: Quasi-experimental research present study, sampling method on 35 hemodialysis patients who referred to were Khatam hospital Hemodialysis unit in Zahedan themerin 1389. Data collection included demographic information, health status forms of Orem-based model and the standard measure of quality of life instrument SF-36 was QOL Scores recorded as pre-test and then revied wase the plemouted questionnaire after completetion without health status, training needs and educational needs during the four individual half an hour sessions month. After two months of the last session of the quality of life questionnaire completion and data analyzed SPSS-16 software using Martvsyfy paired T test, Pearson correlation and ANOVA were analyzed.Resulst: After applying all aspects of self care model for quality of life was significantly enhanced (p<0.005). Also, mean total quality of life prior to the 90.46% 65.56% after applying self care model promoting Vtfavt found significantly (p<0.001).Conclusion: Results indicated a positive impact Orem self care framework is. Therefore, a program based on training needs, can indicate chronic and progressive course of disease patterns, the importance of self care that stows permanent drift.

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View 2325

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Background: According to the stages of change model, individuals are in the different stages of smoking behavior. The aim of current study was to analyze the smoking behavior based on stages of change model among the students of six Iranian universities during 2009-2010 academic year.Materials and Method: This is a descriptive study using convenient sample method (N=578). Data gathering instrument was the short form questionnaire based on stages of change model. Descriptive and inferential statistics were applied using SPSS software.Results: Subjects ages ranged between 18-49 years, with a mean age of 23.2±2.3. Average age for beginning smoking was 18.4±3.2; the duration of smoking was 4.4±3.3 years and the mean number of cigarette smoking per day was 9.09±7.4.268 cases (46.4%) and 83 (14.4%) announced half and more than half of their friends are current smoker, respectively.321 people (55.5%) were in precontemplation, 109 people (18.9%) in contemplation, 99 people (17.1%) in preparation, 27 people (4.7%) in action and 22 people (3.8%) in maintenance stage.Conclusion: About three quarter of the subjects were in precontemplation and contemplation stage and according to their age situation and known effect of smoking on their health it is necessary to encourage them smoke cessation intervention based on the stages of change model constructs. Meanwhile, 17.8% were in preparation stage and it’s a good opportunity for smoking cessation programs.

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View 1259

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Background: Teachers have an important effect on mental health and development of students. Teaching and counseling may be stressful jobs. The objective of this study was to compare psychological status of high school teachers and educational counselors measured by the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI).Materials and Method: In a cross-sectional study 60 teachers (20 male and 40 female) and 60 educational counselors (20 male and 40 female) from high schools of Zahedan city were recruited randomly and asked to complete Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (Iranian short form of MMPI). Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics andt test.Results: The results showed significant differences between teachers and educational counselors in 6 clinical scales of MMPI so that the teachers had higher scores than educational counselors in D (depression), Pd (psychopathy), Pa (paranoid), Pt (Psychastenia), Sc (schizophrenia) and Ma (hypomania) scales of MMPI. Mean scores of Male counselors in hysteria and psychopathy were higher than female's scores and also female teachers had higher mean scores in hypochondria, hysteria, paranoid, psychastenia and schizophrenia than male teachers.Conclusion: Although the profiles of both teachers and educational counselors were normal but teachers had higher mean scores than counselors, thus, efforts need to be made to explore possible factors associated to those differences.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 692

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Background: In schizophrenic clients, self-care strategies against auditory hallucinations can decrease disturbances results in hallucination. This study was aimed to assess frequency of self-care strategies against auditory hallucinations in paranoid schizophrenic patients, hospitalized in Shafa Hospital.Materials and Method: This was a descriptive study on 201 patients with paranoid schizophrenia hospitalized in psychiatry unit with convenience sampling in Rasht. The gathered data consists of two parts, first unit demographic characteristic and the second part, self- report questionnaire include 38 items about self-care strategies.Results: There were statistically significant relationship between demographic variables and knowledg effect and selfcare strategies against auditory hallucinaions. Sex with phisical domain (p<0.05), job with physical domain (p<0.07), marriage status with cognitive domain (p<0.07) and life status with behavioural domain (p<0.01). 53.2% of reported type of our auditory hallucinations were command hallucinations, furtheremore the most effective self-care strategies against auditory hallucinations were from physical domain and substance abuse (82.1%) was the most effective strategies in this domain.Conclusion: The client with paranoid schizophrenia used more than physical domain strategies against auditory hallucinaions and this result highlight need those to approprait nursing intervention. Instruction and leading about selection the effective self-care strategies against auditory hallucinaions.

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View 1262

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Background: The role and importance of meta-cognitive beliefs in creating and retaining of anxiety disorders were explained initially in meta-cognitive theory. The purpose of this study was to validate the Meta-cognitions Questionnaire-Adolescent version (MCQ-A) in normal Iranian people and compare of meta-cognitive beliefs between adolescents with anxiety disorders and normal individuals.Materials and Method: This was a standardized study. First of all, the original version was translated into Persian then administered to 204 (101 boys and 103 girls) adolescent aged 13 through 17 years. Theyhave been clustered randomly. They were selected from the schools of Isfahan, together with mood and feelings questionnaire and revised children's manifest anxiety scale. In order to assess reliability, method of internal consistency (Chronbach’s alpha and split-half coefficient) was used, and also in order to assess validity, convergent validity, criterion validity and confirmatory factor analysis were used.Results: The results of correlation coefficient of convergent validity showed a relation between total score of (MCQ-A) and its components with anxiety and depression except cognitive self-consciousness. Data were indicative of appropriate level of Coranbach’s alpha and split-half reliability coefficients of the MCQ-A and extracted factors. The results of factor analysis by principle components analysis and using varimax rotation showed 5 factors that account for 0.45% of the variance.Conclusion: MCQ-A has satisfactory psychometric properties in Iranian people.

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View 1469

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Background: Mind reading is a social cognitive ability and mindfulness is a self-regulatory guidance of attention to task. The purpose of present study is to evaluate the correlation between mind reading and mindfulness.Materials and Method: Forty subjects were participated in this cross-sectional study. Mean age was 21.5 years. Each of participants completed mindfulness questionnaire and neuropsychologic test of mind reading from the eye. Pearson correlation test is used for evaluation of the correlation.Results: Findings show significant correlation between mindfulness and mindreading. Also those findings showed a significant correlation between mind reading in the self and others eyes (p<0.05).Conclusion: Similar nature and neural substrate of mindfulness and mind reading may be a reason for their correlation. Mindfulness can be considered as proper predictor of mind reading. Also neural base of mind reading in the self and others eyes are the same.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background: Today, learning the communication skills such as conflict solving is very important. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the efficiency of cognitive and transactional analysis group therapy on improving the conflict-solving skill.Materials and Method: This study is an experimental study with pretest-posttest and control group. Forty-five clients who were referring to the counseling and psychological services center of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad were chosen based on screening method. In addition, they were randomly divided into three equal groups: control group (15 participants), cognitive experimental group (15 participants) and transactional analysis group (15 participants). Conflictsolving questionnaire was used to collect data and the intervention methods were cognitive and transactional analysis group therapy that was administrated during 8 weekly two-hour sessions. Mean and standard deviation were used for data analysis in the descriptive level and One-Way ANOVA method was used at the inference level.Results: The results of the study suggest that the conflict-solving skills in the two experimental groups were significantly increased.Conclusion: The finding of this research is indicative of the fact that both cognitive and transactional analysis group therapy could be an effective intervention for improving conflict-solving skills.

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Background: Incidence of asthma is 5.5% in Iran. Patients with asthma need frequent self-management in order to control the symptoms maintaining natural lung activity. The aim of this study is to study the effective factors of self-management behaviors, and its relation with controlling asthma in asthmatic patients in Kashan.Materials and Method: Simple sampling was employed to recruit 102 asthmatic patients referring to asthmatic therapeutic centers of Kashan, Iran. A descriptive, cross-sectional design was conducted and the data were collected using a survey questionnaire based on knowledge and attitude factors and self-management behavior constructions and asthma control test. SPSS software for Windows was used for analyzing data (t-test, ANOVA, correlation and regression).Results: The respondents acquired 46.8% of total asthma knowledge score, 82.2% of attitude score. Respondents with acquisition 57.7% of total asthma self-management behavior score placed in middle class. The acquired score in asthma control is low class (40.28%). Negative relation between knowledge and asthma control was observed.Conclusion: The results showed that if the situation of knowledge and attitude factors are better, the self-management behaviors in asthmatic patients will be better and if the situation self-management behavior be better, asthma control will be better, too. Negative relation between knowledge and asthma control needs more researches.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1905

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Background: Socio-physical anxiety, body image, and self esteem are variables that play an important role on eating disorders. The purpose of this research was the role of socio-physical anxiety, body image and self esteem in prediction of the eating disorders in sportswomen.Materials and Method: 181 of aerobic and physical readiness sportswomen were selected by clustered sampling method and filled the questionnaire containing eating disorder, socio-physical anxiety, body image concern and self esteem scales.Results: According to this research, there was meaningful correlation between social physical anxiety (r=-0.326), body image concern (r=0.466) and self-esteem (r=0.349) with eating disorders and these variables were explained the 0.27 variance in eating disorders.Conclusion: Results are corresponding with previous studies and have important implications in attention to the predicting variables of eating disorders in athletes’ women.

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View 1459

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Background: Nowadays, quality of life (QoL) is an important indicator of treatment outcome and it's evaluation in schizophrenic patients will be vital. So, this study is conducted to compare QoL in schizophrenic patients and healthy people in Rasht, Guilan.Materials and Method: This study is a cross-sectional descriptive survey that was done on 52 patients with schizophrenia referred to Shafa hospital with convenience sampling method and 153 healthy people of Rasht by cluster method. Data collection instrument was a 3 part questionnaire consisting demographic-social questionnaire, WHO QoL questionnaire, and mental status assessment form. Data gathered by interview and analyzed with SPSS software using descriptive and inferential statistics (X2, ANOVA, independent- t test).Results: Our finding indicated that patients and healthy individuals QoL had overall statistically significant difference (p<0.0001), and it's general (p<0.006), physical (p<0.0001), psychiatric (p<0.001), and social relationship (p<0.015).Conclusion: According result, schizophrenic clients compare with healthy people had lower QoL level that need special attention to improve treatment and their post-discharge care with focus on social relationship in this group of patients.

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Background: Internet addiction is a kind of dependence that some personality characteristics leave an important effect on using internet. On this basis, research is designed to assess the relationship between personality characteristics and internet addiction.Materials and Method: A cross-sectional descriptive study in 12, 480 of second and third high school students in Kashan was conducted.400 students were selected by random cluster sampling. To measure internet addiction we used twenty questions to test internet addiction and to measure personality characteristics of students we used sixty questions questionnaire of Neo To analyze data we used Pearson correlation coefficient and regression analysis.Results: There is significant relationship between internet addiction with neuroticism and extroversion, but there was not any significant relationship between being conscientious with internet addiction.Conclusion: Internet addiction relates to some personality traits of students, including neuroticism and extroversion.

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View 2875

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Background: The aim of current study was to compare the mental health of fertile and infertile couples.Materials and Method: A sample of four groups (infertile couples who gave birth child after treatment, infertile couples who brought adopted child, fertile couples who gave birth normally and infertile couples who have no children) have been selected using available sampling method and were asked to complete the mental health questionnaire (GHQ-28). A descriptive design has been used as the research method.Results: Infertile couples who had no children compared to other studied groups showed more risk for different psychological problems.Conclusion: Having no children seemed to make an important influence on psychological health.

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Background: Problem solving is an axial ability of educational promotion. Impulsive individual against reflectivity has fewer tendencies to involve in solving different problems. The purpose of present study was to evaluate the correlation between impulsivity, need for cognition and problem solving performance.Materials and Method: In this study, 72 individuals were randomly selected. Missionaries and cannibal's problem, Barrat Impulsivity Scale (BIS-11) and need for cognition scale were used for evaluation.Results: Findings show negative correlation between problem solving performance and impulsivity and positive correlation between problem solving and need for cognition. Duration of problem solving was not correlated with need for cognition and impulsivity.Conclusion: Pearson coefficient of correlation show that individuals with high level of need for cognition had better performance in problem solving accuracy but duration of problem solving is not related to impulsivity and need for cognition.

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View 1580

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Background: Psychiatric disorders are important complications of chronic diseases such as diabetes mellitus.Materials and method: In this descriptive study, 80 patients with diabetes type 2 referred to diabetes clinic of Zahedan in 2009. They were selected by simple randomized method, screened by General Health Questionnaire and assessed by psychiatric interview, if it was necessary.Results: Totally, 67.5% required an interview and 43.75% were diagnosed with a psychiatric disorder. Major depression were more prevalent (13.5%) than adjustment disorders (15%).Conclusion: High prevalence of depression and adjustment disorder in diabetic patients needs psychiatric assessment and treatment as the main part, in the diabetes clinics.

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View 1016

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Background: Substance abuse refers to a maladaptive pattern of use of a substance. The purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence of substance abuse in hostel boys in Hamadan medical university, 2008.Materials and Method: This research was a descriptive cross-sectional study. The method of sample was census report study and sample number was 430. The research objective data was gathered thorough questionnaire. Data processing and statistical analysis were performed using SPSS software, version 15.0.Results: Outcome showed that the majority of samples were 20 years old (21.9%), non married (92.8%), the number of family member were six members (21.9%), and they are the first children (85.4%).Also outcome showed that 27% of students did not consume any drug, and majority of light material drug abuse was narcotic (44.77%), cigarette (28.4%), alcohol (20.19%) and heavy material was opium (5.25%), hashish (4.1%), ecstasy (1.64%) and others (1.13%). Narcotic was in the first rank and cigarette was in the last.Conclusion: The screening of drug abuse and promoting primary prevention programs at the university were recommended.

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View 1196

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Background: The current research is aimed at the assessment of the effectiveness of cognitive- behavioral group therapy on the depression rate of imprisoned women.Materials and method: In this experimental research, depression in 14 imprisoned women were diagnosed using Beck depression test. Individuals were randomly classified into two groups. Then ten therapeutic sessions of 90 minutes were programmed for experimental group. At the end of this period both experimental and control groups were asked to respond Beck depression questionnaire for the second time.Results: The results showed the significant decrease (p<0.05) of depression rate of experimental group (0.912) as compared to the control group (1.469).Conclusion: The results of this study indicate that cognitive-behavioral group therapy is an effective way to decrease the depression rates of the imprisoned women.

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Background: Premarital educational programs are considered important in promoting the quality of married life.Material and Methods: This descriptive cross-sectional study was performed on 205 men at the stage of marriage. The data-gathering tool was a questionnaire about men attitudes to 6 fields of reproductive health.Results: Our results showed that the calculated mean of the attitude increased from 68.03±8.9 before participation to 71.6±9.4 after finishing the program (p>0.05).Conclusion: We conclude that the attitude of men should be improved in the field of reproductive health after such programs.

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