Background: The aim of this study was an assessment of patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) treated by short anterior fusion of the thoracolumbar/lumbar curve.Methods: In a retrospective study, 12 consecutive patients with Lenke 5 type AIS treated by short segment anterior spinal fusion during 2002-2005, were evaluated. The Cobb angles of major and minor curves, upper and lower end instrumented vertebrae angulation, disc angulation below the lower end instrumented vertebrae, apical vertebral angulation and translation, sagittal Cobb angles were assessed preoperatively, 4 days post operatively and at the last follow-up. Patients' satisfaction was assessed by SRS-30 questionnaire.Results: The correction of main curve cobb angle was 66.7%. The unfused thoracic curve improved to 50.2% that was comparable with flexibility data. In the major curve, there were an improvement of 92% in the apical vertebral rotation, 74% apical vertebral translation, 75% upper end instrumented vertebra angulation, 79% lower end instrumented vertebra angulation, and 92% correction of disc angulation below the lower instrumented vertebra. There were no significant changes in thoracic kyphosis or lumbar lordosis. The average SRS-30 at the last follow-up was 116 points.Conclusion: We conclude that short segment anterior selective fusion with anterior instrumentation of the thoraco lumbar/ lumbar curve in Lenke 5 scoliosis with a thoracic curve bending to 25o or less, results in a satisfactory correction and a well balanced spine.