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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Objective: In recent years, many industries activities such as refining crude oil, aluminum and zinc production, ship repair and construction, loading and unloading minerals and chemicals, as a development center in Bandar Abbas of southern Iran, has exacerbated the pollution and destruction of sensitive ecosystems of coastal region water. Therefore, determination of trace elements, making the harmful effects on marine ecosystems including aquatic and consequent effects, puts man’s life in sediments of coastal waters and which is important. Based on this research measurement of the amount of heavy metals Ni, Zn, Cu and Pb in coastal sediments is the target of Bandar Abbas area.Materials and Methods: All stages of sample digestion and sedimentation according to standard methods (MOOPAM) were performed. The amount of heavy metals Ni, Zn, Cu and Pb in coastal sediments by atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) was measured.Results: On this basis, the average concentration of heavy metals copper, zinc, nickel and lead in sediments, respectively 35.2±0.2, 89.1±0.3, 27.9±0.3 and 149.6±0.1 (mg g-1) dry weight sediment, has been calculated. These values mean concentrations of elements in the sediments are above the global and domestic and foreign regions standard.Conclusion: Statistical analysis (ANOVA: Single Factor) showed that concentrations of heavy metals copper, zinc, nickel and lead in sediment are significant differences between the crossings. Two elements lead and nickel with a coefficient of correlation 0.8368 have the highest range then respectively the elements lead and zinc with a coefficient of correlation 0.5270, nickel and copper with a coefficient of correlation 0.1722, nickel and zinc with a coefficient depends on 0.1704 and copper and zinc with correlation coefficient of 0.0890 are placed at the next step. The correlation coefficient between positive and significant lead and nickel, lead and zinc, nickel and copper, nickel and zinc finally determined that the source of pollution in the sediments of these elements is the same. Coefficient of negative correlation between different elements showed that the resource of thesediment for these heavy metals is the same.

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    2 (57)
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Sirjan area is one of the important agricultural areas in Kerman province. Sirjan-zeidabad plain is the most important area of agriculture in Sirjan city and the most of it is allocated to culture pistachio. In recent three decades, high application of ground waters, continued droughts and serious evaporation caused the decrease of groundwater level that resulted moving salinity water from the Kheirabad salt pan to nearly pistachio lands. The moving salinity water in this area caused the undesirable quality of irrigation water, change of physicochemical characteristics and decreasing pistachio yield. In order to perform this research, first, topographical maps (1:25000) and satellite pictures of area were applied. Then a number of studied points were chosen and samples of soils and waters at any point were sent to library. At next step, regression of relationships between soil and water considering different parameters such as EC, pH, Ca, Mg, Na, Cl and HCO3 was confirmed by using Excel software. Results showed that all parameters of irrigation water, except PH, have direct effect on factors in soil. This subject shows the effects of unknown waters on changing the quality of soil characteristics especially land salinization. The measured parameters volumes, in areas under effect of developing of salinity water, were unusable for cultivation based on FAO standards The pistachio orchards which had no problems of salinity, had economic production. Also, results showed that time has effect on undesirability of irrigation waters. Finally, for every studied area there was a completed questionnaire in order to predict new ways of removing the problems.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1623

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    2 (57)
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Finding the best site for construction of wind farm such as any other engineering project needs basic information and specific programming. After confirmation of exploitable wind potential, finding the suitable location of wind farm regarding to various technical, economic-social and natural factors are so important. This study analyzes land suitability for placing wind farm in Ardabil province regarding to some effective factors such as height, slope, and distance from urban areas, distance from village regions, distance from water bodies and distance from main roads networks. For this purpose, at first 9 effective factors are identified and prepared in GIS and weight of each criterion and classes are calculated by Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) methods. The next step of procedure was the elimination of exclusionary areas for wind power plant. Afterwards, the study area was zoned for each criterion using analytical functions of GIS. Finally by integrating zoned maps based on weight from AHP and SAW methods, final map of both methods are supplied in 5 classes from completely suitable to unsuitable. In this study comparing the results of 2 methods expressive that AHP method results are more cautious than SAW results. Also Completely suitable class resulted from 2 methods in spite of different area, shows Ardabil Plain and foothills of Sabalan could be considered as suitable site to exploit of wind energy.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1331

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    2 (57)
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Introduction: Corn is an important plant in the world. It grows well under medium to hot climate. Development of dent corn plant in Ravansar city in Kermanshah province has such conditions that make Ravansar as a first class of corn producers in Iran. So identifying and prioritizing important factors effective on increasing the production will lead extending its plant domain in other cities of the country and finally develops the agriculture and economic specially for rural people. The main purpose of this survey is recognition and grading of the effective factors for increased the corn production in Rawansar city.Material and Methods: In this study the tested population was the society of experts of Jahade Keshavarzi of Rawansar. The information were obtained as questionnaire and the data were analyzed by AHP (multivariate analyzes method) and the Expert Choice software.Results: The results showed that the education-extension factor is the main operative factor in increasing the production of corn, and the factors management, technical and economical factors are in subsequent preferences. Therefore it is suggested that environmental sustainability should also be included in training programs for farmers.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (57)
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In this study, waste product process, type, volume, source and their period of disposal as well as management methods have been identified. Moreover waste and chemical substance classification hasbeen done according to RCRA law and Basel convention by considering certain codes for each substance.In general, average produced waste in the study area is estimated about 1750 tones, which means 20.4g per each crude oil barrel. Annual average hazardous waste is estimated about 1338.7 tons/year, which is %76.5 of whole produced waste and average amount of non-hazardous waste is %23.5 of whole produced waste. According to RCRA classification amongst all substances, only 9 of them have been categorized as hazardous waste listed in K list, 11 substances as hazardous waste from unknown source listed in F list, 25 substances classified as poisoned hazardous waste listed in U list and 4 substances classified as major hazardous have been listed in list P. Generally 49 substances of 133 substances have been identified and included in RCRA list.On the other hand according to Basel classification, 14 substances classified by Y codes, 6 substances by H code and 16 substances goes to both H and Y codes. Results from examinations on soil samples show, that wastes produced by refinery includes heavymetal such as Cd, Co, Cu, Ni and Pb more than standards limits. Soil in Salvage area includes the highest average of Zn, and lowest of Cd. Average density of TPH in regional soil is about 230.58mg per each gram of soil; this clearly showsthe polluted soil with oil-waste in Salvage area.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1322

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    2 (57)
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Introduction & Objective: Air pollution is one indication of the urbanization, population incensement, excessive use of fossil fuel resources, lack of utilizing environmentally friendly technologies and most importantly lack of proper environmental management are some the factors which play big roles in this matter. Establishment more than ten million people and excessive concentration of industries and factories, alongside with the geographical situation, topography and specific climatic region, have made Tehran one of the seven polluted cities in the world. In the assessment of air quality, concentration of carbon monoxide gas (CO), among the various pollutants, has a main role and importance.Materials & Methods: In this study, the probability of persistence of two to seven days unauthorized amounts of pollutants CO in city of Tehran was investigated. For this purpose, the 5-year data (2002-2006) related to five stations measuring air quality of pollution control companies of Tehran were collected and then using first-order, two-state Markov chain were modeled.Results & Discussion: Results showed that the highest probability of persistence of pollutant CO exist in Fatemi station, Bazar and Aqdasiyeh stations are sat at next orders. Many months of the year, Fatemi station has the highest probability of CO and two stations, Bazar and Aqdasiyeh, are located in next ranks. Meanwhile, the persistence of pollutant CO in Shahr-e-Rey station compared to other stations is the least.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 828

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    2 (57)
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Cumulative effects assessment of development on environment studies the kind of impacts of projects that were ignored in environmental assessment directly. CEA, as an act, is a method to distinguish this point. Although some separate actions may individually do not have a significant impact, but when they are combined the impacts may be significant. Industrial estate of Sepehr is located in geographical position of 50° 35' eastern longitude and 35o 58’ northern latitude of Nazar Abad County. Close to this industrial estate, there is industrial estate of Nazar Abad, which is under construction. The area of this industrial estate is 194 hectares. At first environmental conditions of Nazar Abad County and in possible cases the locations of industrial estates were described. Then prediction and assessment of impacts which accrued from construction and operation of industrial estates on surrounded environment to borderlines of pointed County were investigated.For cumulative environmental effects assessment the Monavari Method (2001) was used and 2 alternatives, "No action alternative" and "with project alternative" were considered. In "No action alternative", just environmental impacts which occurred by development activities with assumption of not implementing Nazar Abad industrial estate project and in "with project alternative" cumulative impacts which were accrued by activities of Nazar Abad and Sepehr industrial estate projects were investigated.Result of weighting indicated that "No action alternative", 139 positive impacts and 120 negative impacts and in "with project option" 216 positive impacts and 143 negative impacts will affect the environment. In "No action alternative", algebraic summation of averages score impacts in construction and operational phases were -1.78 and in "with action alternative" average score impacts +2.04 were achieved. "With action alternative" in the proposal site was considered as the best alternative, but project implementation is upon a condition that obeys the proposals for decreasing the negative environmental effects seriously and impacts and implements the management programs, monitoring and environmental education.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (57)
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Introduction: Due to inaccurate and irregular development of cities, lack of proper consumption patterns and increasing growth and production of solid waste and also problems and disorders of solid waste management system, the most logical and most cost-effective method for municipal solid waste disposal is sanitary landfill. This method is a specific engineering operation which is done by solid waste disposal with minimal health and environmental risks using daily soil cover, creating impenetrable layer on the bottom of Landfill to prevent leakage of Leachate and contamination of groundwater, leachate collection system and use of layer of sand to control the methane gas. The area under study includes total Semnan city with 2291 km2 area. It is located between geographical coordinates 34 degrees, 14 minutes and 36 degrees, 11 minutes of north latitudes and 52 degrees, 46 minutes and 54 degrees, 11 minutes of east longitudes. The proposed location for construction of sanitary landfill of Semnan is 25 acres of land which is located 20 km southeast of Semnan.Material and method: In this paper environmental impact assessment of municipal solid waste sanitary- Engineering landfill of Semnan city and comparing it with not to execute alternative (current landfill) by using a fast matrix has been done and Parameters have been evaluated on the basis of defined criteria.Results: Results show that adverse effects resulting from construction activities and operation are in low and very low level and the positive consequences are at low and medium groups. Soil and air pollution are the most important environmental problems and creating green spaces, employment, increasing income, satisfaction of local communities, increasing health indicators are the most desirable environmental factors of project. According to the results, sanitary landfill of solid waste in Semnan at the proposed site with regards to high potential design to solve the health problems in accordance with the reform options in order to protect air and soil and it is evaluated totally as positive action and will be permitted.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2541

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    2 (57)
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Introduction: Amongst the environmental problems, environmental pollution by heavy metal can be pointed. The aim of this work is to investigate adsorbing Cadmium (II) a brown alga Fucus serratus and its uptake by gram-positive bacteria Bacillus sp. Biological methods in comparison with conventional chemical and physical methods have higher efficiency.Material & Methods: In this study, isotherm and kinetics of cadmium (II) uptake by bacteria and algae in batch reactor is studied. Langmuir equation based on the maximum rate of uptake of cadmium (II) in bacteria and algae is achieved. The bacillus sp selected in Tehran, and algae brown Fucus serratus harvested from Ponic city in ocean Atlantic in France.Results & discussion: This study has shown cadmium (II) uptakes, equilibrium time for algae is about 240 minutes and for bacteria is about 10 minutes respectively. The adsorption equilibrium date was well described by Langmuir equation. The maximum capacity has been extrapolated to 0.45, 0.85 mmol/g for bacillus and F. serratus respectively. All these observation indicate that, this biomass (alga) could be a suitable sorbent for the removal of cadmium from wastewaters.

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In order to examine the fecundity and egg quality connected to biometrical parameters of female broad stocks of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) a case study in cold water fish reproduction center (shahid motahari in yasuj) was done. In this study broad stocks were 2-7 years and 0.78-3.02kg weight. Sampling was done in 3 times and in each time 27 broad stocks were examined.Length, weight, total fecundity egg size and egg diameter of each broad stock were measured.The relation between length, weight and age of broad stocks with fecundity, ova and egg quality was applied by Microsoft SPSS Version 14.Results showed a direct relation between broad stocks age, length and weight with relative fecundity (P<0.05). There was a meaningless relation between age of broad stocks with relative fecundity and also age, length and weight of broad stocks with egg diameter. Based on this study, with increasing the weight and length of broad stocks, total fecundity was increased and relative fecundity was decreased. Average of relative fecundity in elder broad stocks decreased. Our study showed that broad stockswith 40cm length and weight of 1-1.5kg are better than other broad stocks for reproduction.

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View 1366

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    2 (57)
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Introduction: Production of materials and the building processes monopolize a lot of energy and cause a lot of pollutions for the environment. Emissions of dust due to the building operations in different areas, emission of chemical pollutions due to the production of building materials, fumes & airborne contaminations produced by transportations & transship systems that took building materials to the supposed places, and building rubbles are all some illusions of environmental pollutions due to the building industries on the earth. So it is necessary that the design strategies in new buildings, head to the future with the aim of reducing environmental pollutions.Research Method This paper with utilizing a comparative method aims to illustrate the tactics of architects and environmentalists in relation to the building industries and to consider the effects on natural ecosystems by evaluating some case studies in the world and some scientific researches in definite terms. Gathering the information was done in a deskwork process with a documentary method.Results: The obligation in this article is considering the futuristic structure designs based on sustainable development purposes in relation to the environment. Finally it is going to propose some easy tacticsin design of future buildings with the purpose of reducing environmental pollutions.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (57)
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Introduction and Aim: Due to energy resources limitations it is necessary to optimize design of buildings in point of saving energy. For this purpose, suitable direction of buildings is so important because of reducing of heating, cooling load and wasting energy in buildings. The goal of this research is the effect of direction in quantity of heating & cooling load in educational buildings.Method and Discussion: For this purpose it's taken a sample school with the same physical & geometrical condition in variant microclimate. Then we use Carrier software for modeling of the building and consider direction effect by rotation of building in 22.5 degree and calculate heating and cooling loads.Conclusion: With comparison of revealed results, appropriate orientation of the buildings with regards to thermal and cooling loads and proper orientation from point of annual energy saving of the buildings in different regions of Iran is recommended.

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