This Study was carried out with the purpose of Investigating the Pollutants Resulted from Bandarabbas Industrial Estate I during operation phase and presenting Environmental Management Program for this Industrial Complex from 21/04/2006 to 21/07/2007. There are 38 Industrial units working in this Industrial Estate. These units are grouped as chemical, Food, Metal, non-metallic minerals, Cellulosic, and Electric and Electronics. To Develop an Environmental Management program for the Industrial Estate, the Following Steps were respectively taken during operation phase: to determine the environmental policy and objectives for the Industrial Estate, to Investigate Industrial Estate Environmental effects in the area of interest, to plan and implement the operational projects, and to control and monitor the extent of programs progress. To examine the Industrial Estate environmental effects, some stations were specified and environmental elements including wastewater repelled from treatment plant, air and sound were sampled and measured. Air and sound were sampled at ten stations and repelled wastewater was sampled twice to determine TSS, COD, BOD parameters. After the samples were measured, the results of the analysis were compared with the current standards. The results of Industrial Estate wastewater samples analysis revealed a BOD more than 240 mg/liters. Industrial Estate wastewater also contained microbial infections. The investigation of air quality in the area showed that the extent of gaseous pollutants such as NO, NO2, and SO2 and troposphere ozone exceeded the permissible level. Sound measurements at three stations "Bita South Electricity", "Hormozgan Rubber Complex", "Hormozgan Oxygen Generating Plant" were reported to be db 76.3, 78.2, 76.8 respectively, which were higher than the permissible level specified for sound in industrial areas. The proposed guideline for controlling these pollutions and reducing their potential effects on the Industrial Estate environment and personnel's health involves running a short-termed environmental control and monitoring program. A major element in environmental management is to perform a careful assessment of environment and to control and monitor the protection programs. Hence, in order to achieve the mentioned goals and running the environmental management program in the investigated area, this study intends to establish the Industrial Estate environmental management unit and put the Industrial Estate environment policy into action by 2009.