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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    4 (مسلسل 47)
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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Contamination of the aquatic environment by detergents is a worldwide problem. Usually waste water treatment processes are unable to remove their chemical efficiently, therefore, more appropriate techniques must be implied. The present research investigates the application of natural absorbents for removal of detergent from waste waters. Carbonic saw dust, activated carbon, raw saw dust, pine tress fruit, Caolinite sail was used as absorbent. Anionic detergent in the form of liner alkyl Benzene Sulphonate was used in 25, 50 and 300 mg/lit Concentration. After sample preparation and additional of detergent in the above concentrations the absorption behavior was studied. The results show that equilibrium time for activated carbon was 90 minutes, saw dust activated carbon 60 min. Pine tree fruit. 45 minutes. Using activated carbon made pine tree activate carbon reduced detergent concentrating by %95 which equaled 1.5 gram of standard activated carbon. Caolinite and raw saw dust proved to be the least efficient. The adsorption with activated carbon followed the Frundlich isotherm characteristics and carbonic pine tree fruit was accordance with Langemure isotherm.

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View 1310

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As a result of the consumption of hazardous chemicals and their pollution on the environment, the use of different stabilization and adsorption methods and the application of clay liners for prevention of dispersion and leaching of such chemicals have become a significant task in recent years. Organophilic Bentonites, due to their large surface areas, negative charges on their particles, and high adsorption characteristics could have many applications in treatment of contaminated sites. The above mentioned characteristics of modified Bentonites have enabled them to attract contaminants from solutions or stabilize them in soils. This study focuses on interlayer change of Bentonitic clays due to adsorption of aromatic contaminants. The results of X- ray diffraction analysis of modified Bentonite samples indicated a 44.2% interlayer increase after their exposure to gasoline while that of ordinary Bentonite samples was insignificant (5.16%). Similar observations were noticed for other aromatics contaminant, hence denoting their Organophilic properties. It should be mentioned that the highest Interlaminar change for modified Bentonite particles occurred in adsorption of MTBE with 48% increase (from 28.6A0 to 42.32 A0) while with the water shows 4.5% increase which is the lowest adsorption.

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View 845

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Industrial and agricultural activities are major factors for distribution of As in Mobarakeh region. The aim of this study is an evaluation of the extent and amount of Arsenic pollution in the soils of south – west Mobarakeh region .In this study, systematic sampling and geochemical analyzes were used. After granular metery the samples were analyzed using the ICP method. The amounts of As in soil were distinguished and a distribution map was drawn with the Surfer software. Because of the effect of Fe and P in the distribution of As , their amounts in the soil were analyzed and the distribution maps were drawn and compared with the Arsenic map .Considering the global standards and comparing them with natural limits, Changes in the range of As were normal(0/1 -40 PPM).

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 973

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Because of locating in the border of desert and having access to suitable clay mine the city of Qom have abundant brick kilns for providing building materials in line with the increasing need and demand for housing due to population growth and the betterment of economic condition and social welfare. These kilns are often active in suburbs for a reduction in transportation costs and utilization of urban facilities. Most brick kilns, plastic kilns and lime kilns are placed in the southeast of the Qom's city. There are totally 446 kilns, of which 225 are located in Qom-Kashan road which consume yearly 95520 m3 heavy fuels. The main purpose of this research is presentation of environmental management plan for brick kilns in city of Qom by determining the fuel consumption, soil removal and the procedure used in traditional and Huffman kilns to reach suitable management guidelines by gaining information about the amount of pollutants regarding the kind of fuel and procedure. The amount of pollutants was calculated through measuring the fuel consumption and the amount of soil loss by weighting every bricks and then comparing it with its soil form. Then by determining the amount of pollutants in 10 stations, 12 times a day (totally 120 samples of every one), the quality of breathing air in the region and its correlation with the distance of traditional and Hoffman kilns was obtained. Examination and comparison of pollutants in traditional and Hoffman kilns chimney deference was done by DELTA 2000 analyzer. Each cube meter of brick weighed 1480 kg which was lighter than its soil form (1687 kg/m3). Both traditional and Hoffman kilns use Mazut as fuel. The amounts of CO and SO2 produced in the traditional kilns are 392.5 ppm and 469 ppm and these amounts in the Hoffman kilns are 278.5 ppm and 13.4 ppm. Data analysis of kilns location is showing, their relation with the amount of pollutants and has proved the importance and verification of the experiments. Taking into account the environmental standards and regulations kilns are considered as pollutants and are known as antienvironmental activities. But environment and industry can be both conserved by changing kilns procedures, control of fuel and torch, changing the brick compound, substitution of material, Restoration and repairing removed land, management monitoring guidelines and finding appropriate location.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2224

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    4 (47)
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Phyto-remedial is an emerging cost-effect green technology that can be a promising solution to remediate hydrocarbon-polluted soils. Screening native tolerant plant species for growing on weathered, petroleum hydrocarbon-contaminated soils is a key factor for successful phyto-remedial which has been considered here. This study investigated the effect of hydrocarbon pollution with initial concentration of 40000 mg/kg of soil on growth characteristics of 5 plant species, Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.), Castor bean (Linum usitatissumum L.), Sunflower (Helianthus annus L.), Flax (Linum usitatissumum L.), and Maize (Zea mays L.) with or without organic fertilizers. Plant growth was monitored on days 10, 20, 30, 60, and 90. At the end of the experiment, soil samples in which plant species had grown well were analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPHs) removal by GC-FID (eight soil samples with three replicates). Oil pollution depressed growth of surveyed plants significantly. Sun flower and maize had better growth characteristics than other species. Among the cultivated plants in hydrocarbon contaminated soil, maximum shoot height, root length, dry biomass of root and shoot were achieved in Sun flower (treatment I-25.5 cm), Castor bean (treatment H-26 cm), Sun flower (treatment I- 4.2 gr), and Maize (treatment E-2.6 gr), respectively. In addition, among the used organic fertilizers in this study, peat fertilizer had the best influence on growth parameters of plant species cultivated in hydrocarbon contaminated soils. Maximum phytoremedial potential was achieved in flax (63.87 percent removal). Flax reduced TPHs concentration by up to 35000 mg/kg of soil in a three-month experiment. Results confirmed that phyto-remedial holds promise as an efficient treatment technology for TPHs contaminated soils.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1985

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Each year, about 17500 various species of animals and plants get ruined around the world which this quantity is less than actual ecological statistics. During recent years, there have been several established meetings and conferences around the world which resulted better recognition and decision of fighting against the most important environmental dangerous factors. The convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora ( CITES ) is an international environmental agreement aimed to protect the endangered species against the exceeding trade of these species and currently is one of the most effective Environmental Convention to save these species around the world. Although the CITES has regulatory identity around the world, but regarding to various reasons such as it`s limits and specific context of this issue and the lack of direct relation to national governments of states, this convention basically can`t play it`s role as an international expression, so this convention only is valid for it`s subscribers but has indirect effects on other countries. In other words, regarding to quick membership of countries in this convention, they have been working to catch the goals of this convention for 3 decades.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 3353

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This Study was carried out with the purpose of Investigating the Pollutants Resulted from Bandarabbas Industrial Estate I during operation phase and presenting Environmental Management Program for this Industrial Complex from 21/04/2006 to 21/07/2007. There are 38 Industrial units working in this Industrial Estate. These units are grouped as chemical, Food, Metal, non-metallic minerals, Cellulosic, and Electric and Electronics. To Develop an Environmental Management program for the Industrial Estate, the Following Steps were respectively taken during operation phase: to determine the environmental policy and objectives for the Industrial Estate, to Investigate Industrial Estate Environmental effects in the area of interest, to plan and implement the operational projects, and to control and monitor the extent of programs progress. To examine the Industrial Estate environmental effects, some stations were specified and environmental elements including wastewater repelled from treatment plant, air and sound were sampled and measured. Air and sound were sampled at ten stations and repelled wastewater was sampled twice to determine TSS, COD, BOD parameters. After the samples were measured, the results of the analysis were compared with the current standards. The results of Industrial Estate wastewater samples analysis revealed a BOD more than 240 mg/liters. Industrial Estate wastewater also contained microbial infections. The investigation of air quality in the area showed that the extent of gaseous pollutants such as NO, NO2, and SO2 and troposphere ozone exceeded the permissible level. Sound measurements at three stations "Bita South Electricity", "Hormozgan Rubber Complex", "Hormozgan Oxygen Generating Plant" were reported to be db 76.3, 78.2, 76.8 respectively, which were higher than the permissible level specified for sound in industrial areas. The proposed guideline for controlling these pollutions and reducing their potential effects on the Industrial Estate environment and personnel's health involves running a short-termed environmental control and monitoring program. A major element in environmental management is to perform a careful assessment of environment and to control and monitor the protection programs. Hence, in order to achieve the mentioned goals and running the environmental management program in the investigated area, this study intends to establish the Industrial Estate environmental management unit and put the Industrial Estate environment policy into action by 2009.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2902

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Harvesting of forests is a necessary, logical and economical action as other God’s gifts. Although we know it is harmful for forests. For instance soil compaction is the most important of those damages. But we can determine the best harvesting methods for each zone with investigation of different harvesting systems that have the least damages in forests. The negative impacts of soil compaction on these sites include the reduced growth of seedlings and residual trees. In some cases, it increases the surface runoff and erosion. Therefore, we investigated the effect of two methods of transportation system used on forest soil, in district 9 of Shefarood. Soil compaction degree, by pressure and percentage of compacting dispersion caused by skidding, estimated by this two method based on identical out putting volume (100m3). Along a pathway by 200 meter length, Sampling for bulk density was conducted using a standard cylinder soil sampler in the depths of 0-10, 10-20 cm. The result showed that compaction in depth of 0-10 cm was more in animal logging compared with skidder. But adverse result obtained in the depth of 10-20 cm. These analysis show that the effect of skidding with mule and skidder, soil compaction, standing ground pressure and percentage of soil compaction was not significantly different between these methods in the depth of 20 cm. Also the standing ground pressure was significantly higher logged by mule than logged by skidder, but the percentage of spreading of compacting was more in skidding by the skidder.

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View 1107

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The main goal of designing and developing of new cities in developed and developing countries is to achieve the policy of settling and attracting the population spillway out of the great cities. Usually selected sites for constructing new cities determined in the vicinity of greater cities in order to benefit the facilities of the greater cities. Andisheh new city is constructed in 30 km distance of the west and south west of Tehran, and extends 1495 HA. Predicted final population for this city is about 118000 persons. Unlike the importance of Andisheh new city, its extension and its vicinity with the capital city, there is no plan in order to organize and manage its solid wastes. To survey the solid wastes of Andisheh new town, we have chosen the third phase of Andisheh new town, because the population in this phase is greater than others. In this paper by using GIS software, organizing of present condition of solid wastes, designing and site selection of solid wastes mechanized container and defining the route of machine is analyzed and presented.

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View 912

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Iranian cities development shows the fact that however their quantitative development was along with city superficial development and increase of construction together with urban incomes, but this development, in qualitative point of view, was accompanied with many challenges. Semnan is one of these cities with subjects like natural environment and under structures which has a considerable effect on qualitative improvement of this city. According to green urban spaces importance, this research considers landscape and environment beautification plans of Park 8 Shahrivar of Semnan measuring 5 hectares. The questionnaire is designed according Likert scale with 5 score. The aims of this research were studying landscape and environment beautification plans in urban parks for citizens, studying existing abnormalities and irregularities in parks, resulted from inappropriate design of park spaces, providing appropriate conditions in Park 8 Shahrivar for users, providing suitable criteria to qualitative improvement of Semnan parks. Statistic society of this research, based on census of 2006, is included all citizens of Semnan estimated of 126780 persons and the studied sample is 170 persons of this society. This research has 2 hypotheses in mind: the hypothesis 1” landscape and environment beautification plans in urban parks can attract and increase users’ numbers” which is confirmed by calculating percentage abundance and Pierson test calculation and considerable different between questions. Hypothesis 2 “access to beautiful and green environment can increase citizens’ life quality and increase the society output”. It is confirmed by calculating percentage abundance and Pierson test calculation and considerable different between questions.

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View 1208

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Waste production, as we will study in this plant is one of the unavoidable features of any industrial plant. This study aims at identification and classification of wastes to manage them from initial to last case of waste management. In this field study, that done in Assaluyeh, after identification and classification of production processes being done, waste production paints, kinds, discharging period were identified. Moreover, producting and consuming chemicals classification on RCRA basis and Bazel convention devotion of especial codes to any material, fundamental separation of the wastes from the source and wastes management method. To the final direction were also determined and taken into the place. Here, the whole process and non-process wastes, catalysts, oils and chemicals barrels were identified. Also the correct method for elevation, plat forming, setting and storing of consuming chemicals were planned and announced. Finally, the correct method for wastes and chemicals inputting and outputting were planned on RCRA basis. With this procedure and instruction, producting wastes of this plant are managed from the first stage to the last stage.

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View 2123

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As the life protection and life continuation depends on saving and maintaining the environment, looking on this issue is very important. Keeping in mind that most of the world populated areas are next to the coastal zone, and because of the day by day increasing population, the waste production effects the coastal zone management a lot and plays an important waste management role in the three Northern provinces and the study of the present waste management in this area. First of all because of the complications of coastal zone management, in this study the waste management used the Decision Support System (DSS) which is the best selected scenario for the waste management. Then by using the SWOT model and strategic quantities matrix planning (QSPM), the priorities on strategies in waste management in coastal zone in Northern provinces was graded and categorized. The result shows that the performed program has a suitable corporation with the municipal waste management and it rises up the accuracy of decision making.

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View 2425

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This study is aimed at need assessment and setting educational requirements and priorities of students and teachers in junior division (guided school) in Tehran about the environment. Training is an efficient factor on productivity of human resources. The research was done by sampling based on statistical data. The community of study includes two groups of guided school students and teachers, from 5 training areas and 3 random schools in every area. Data was collected by questionnaires containing 30 questions about training needs of students and teachers about environment. Knowledge of statistics was applied to earn mean value, standard deviation, frequency tables and other essential information on knowledge, skill and vision categories. Results show that both students and teachers need to be trained although teachers have a higher level in these three fields rather than students. Based on training models, in order to improve and develop, a need assessment is essential at first. The "t" value of independent groups was used for mean values of gender (M/F) and evaluation of needs in these three fields: knowledge, skill and vision show they should be trained independently from people's gender. The "t" value of independent groups was used to compare mean value of student/teacher and one-way variance of exam analysis. Results also show that teachers have a better knowledge, skill and vision rather than students in environmental problems. A weighting mean value was used both for students and teachers to set a priority for educational needs. Also educational needs of students and teachers were ranked in three fields of knowledge, skill and vision.

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View 5132

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The diatom flora and their population were studied from March 2007 to February 2008 in Haraz River. Triplicate samples were gathered from 10 stations at monthly intervals: Temperature, pH, DO, EC were analyzed during this study. Samples were collected from rocks and sediments. For better observation cell walls and permanent mounts were prepared using Patrick and Reimer procedure and species were identified using Husted, Patrick & Reimer. In this study 33 kinds were identified, Navicula witht 21 species Gyrosigma with 4 species, Fragilaria with3 species , cocconeis and Achnanthes with 2 species, and Achnanthidium with1 species. Navicule radiosa, Navicula halophile and Navicula Viridula were dominant species in all period of study. The study revealed that, species diversity decreased downstream. This may be due to increased pollution with effects of diatom communities' structure.

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View 1441

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The generation of sewages from agricultural & industrial activities, causes ecological quality derangement of the water of ecosystems. Among them, in many of ecosystems, Enrichment caused danger for ecosystem. To introduce a biological control method was the main objective of the present research experiments. In this study filtration rates of two species of (Asian clam) Corbicula Fluminea and (The Swan mussel) Anodonta Cygnea utilizing Chlorella spp in a closed system was experimented. In these studies three treatments of algas (5×104, 1×105 and 2×105 cell in per milliliter) which already were cultured in mono Xenic and Guillard media were used. Surrounding water of mussels in the recipient was sampled in 30 min period of time and then, current water was remained during intervals of 120 min between two stagnant sampling times (30 min). For Each treatment there was a triplicate repetition and two repetitions for whole experiments. Results show that in each treatment, filtration rates decreased at the end of the experiment compared to the start stage. However, the result for Corbigula fluminea differences was insignificant. The maximum filtration rate was observed in the first treatment (low concentration) 3.56 (s=0.7) ml. min -1AFDW. In Anadonta Cygnea case filtration rate in three treatments was closed to one another and in second treatment (medium concentration) was more and eventually average of three replicates in low concentration had partial significant differences with medium concentration. (t=3.19, p<0.05, mean50000=5.29± 0.56, mean 100000=5.89±0.32) But filtration rates in high concentration of alga had no significant difference with those in medium concentrations. (t=0.2, p>0.05, mean 200000=5.86±0.16, mean 100000=5.89±0.32) Comparison between filtration rate values of C. Fluminea and A. cygnea suggest that the lather has better clearance capacity. In first treatment, filtration rate of Chlorella spp was in the case of C.Fluminea 3.56 ml.min -1(AFDW) and in the case of A.cygnea 5.29 ml.min -1(AFDW). In medium concentration C. Fluminea filtred 3.44 (AFDW) compared to 5.89 (AFDW) of A. Cygnea but in high concentration C. Fluminea filtered 2.95 (AFDW) compared to 5.86 (AFDW) of A. Cygnea.

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View 1041

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Urban space is one of the most attractive subjects in urbanism which attracts attention of scientists. Studying the history, the man’s kind imagination and so its description of space and urban space has been changing enormously. Basically today urban space is known as the social dimension of description of sheer space, although nowadays analysis and space design in cities are more emphasized on aesthetics and formalist and less attention is paid on content. According to scientists ideas this article tries to present theoretical frame work of space and urban spaces emphasized on social and cultural aspects. On the other hand, with the presentation of this theoretical frame work, definition of developed urban space skeleton are excluded from aesthetic point of view based on formalism and included necessary forces for dynamic urban space and life style forces which create urban space based on social movement of society. So, the urban space is described not only by form but content.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Landscape Ecology is a base for analyzing and managing the landscape by using some key concepts including structure, function and change. This approach is used to conserve the existence of green and open spaces in urban environment and to integrate the urban ecological landscape. In the last decades, uncontrolled growth and landscape structural alterations of Tehran city has caused important structural disturbance in urban and natural landscapes. It has changed the function and has disturbed the ecological balance in Tehran city. In this paper with the aim of improving the current conditions, land cover map based on Landset satellite image (2002) was prepared and urban landscape structure of Tehran was studied in 3 scales (Macro, Middle and Micro). Then, the structure and function relationship and landscape structure was studied. Tehran was divided to some zones and sub zones according to the landscape features and based on that, some strategies were given for restoration the urban landscape structure.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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