Introduction: Construction and demolition wastes make considerable part of the municipal solid wastes. Construction industry uses large amounts of the natural resources and produces massive quantities of construction and demolition wastes. Thus construction and demolition wastes management is one of the prime concerns especially in developing countries. Construction and demolition wastes management requires knowledge of ways of collection, recycling, and disposal of construction and demolition wastes. This study was conducted to evaluate collection system, recycling, and disposal of construction and demolition wastes of the city of Kerman in 1387.Materials and Methods: This work has been a cross-sectional research study .This study was conducted to evaluate the status of construction and demolition wastes in the city of Kerman. Initially, the required issues and matters were classified based on the research goals. Relevant foreign research papers and experiences of countries in the area of management and recycling of this type of wastes were reviewed. Then, a comprehensive questionnaire was designed and compiled.Result and Discussion: In Kerman 2400 tons construction and demolition wastes are generated daily, that is, 0.005kg/capital-day. The sources of the construction and demolition wastes in Kerman are construction of residential ,commercial ,industrial buildings ,excavation ,demolition and reconstruction of old buildings ,parks ,squares and curb forming which show a remarkable increase during last six years .Of 2400 tons construction and demolition wastes 120 tons (5%) are recycled and the rest are disposed .The predominant recycled construction and demolition wastes are scrap iron (3%) ,soil (2%) ,brick (1%) ,wood (0.5%) and asphalt (0.5%) .At the present time collection, transportation, and disposal of the wastes are accomplished by public and private section by the means of 300 auto trips each day .Conventional method of the construction and demolition waste disposal in Kerman is stored in places which is safe environmentally, hygienically, and recreationally.The implementation of a successful recycling plan demands thorough information regarding quality and quantity of wastes as well as recycling site. Trade market conditions of construction and demolition wastes are also prime importance. Establishment of a systematic method for collection, transportation and recycling of construction and demolition wastes would be a productive step in the direction of advancement and development goal of the city of Kerman. Present research results are conformed to obtained results in Thailand in the cases of the generation rate and management of construction and demolition wastes recycling, recycling of construction and demolition waste via a mechanical sorting process in Taiwan and generation and management of construction and demolition waste in Greece.