Menopause is a part of each woman's life. That, due to a decrease in ovarian hormones, causes a permanent stopping of menstruation. It has such various complications that affect a menopaused woman's abilities and life style.In this cross-sectional descriptive study, to assess the menopausal prevalence and related factors, 306 women were interviewed, weighed and height-measured at Mostafa khomeini hospital in 2001.The findings proved that the most Complications of menopause respectively stood for bone disorders (84.5%), asleep disturbances (62.5%), body irritation (37.5%), skin shrinkage (35.08%), nervous incitability (27.2%), cardio-vascular diseases(35.9%), whereas the least complication s went for involuntary urination (3.9%), vaginal abnormal bleeding (2.95%), anxiety (1.96%), alopecia (1.96%) and painful sexual intercourse. Further more, a significant correlation was noticed between such complications and factors such as age, financial status, menopausal age, B.M.I and O.C.P consumption, (P<0.05). There was also a significant correlation between menopausal duration and its complications, (P<0.01). No correlation was proved between such side-effects and living-place, pregnancy times, physical exertion, smoking or using dairy products.Considering the results at this research, to decrease the amount of women's problems, a promotion in their knowledge as well as providing them with free-of charge preventing drugs can manage the menopausal complications.