As the everlasting miracle of the holy Prophet, Quran has constantly been taken into consideration by Muslims and non-Muslims since it has been revealed. One facet of the Quran as a miracle which is noticed by some scholars in recent decades is the Quran as. a scientific miracle. Quran is sent down to us by Creator of the nature, so it is not that strange if one can find some issues mentioned in it, even implicitly, which had been unknown to mankind for centuries. Among the well-known scientific theories of the twentieth century is "Einstein's special theory of relativity". According to this theory, such quantities as weight, length, and time are not absolute. Rather, they are dependent upon the viewer who measures them. The said theory has not remained as a sheer theory, but, in addition to having mathematical coherence, is proven through very exact scientific experiments.This essay deals with the relation between expansion of time, which is a necessity of the special theory of relativity, and the verse 47 of the 22nd Quranic surah which asserts, "Indeed a day with your Lord is like a thousand years of your reckoning attempting to indicate that expansion of time can be treated as one of the implications of the said verse.