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Background: Migraine is a chronic neurological disorder that affects people's quality of life and ability to participate in work, family, and social affairs. Despite the extensive research in the field of perception of migraine, no comprehensive explanatory pattern has yet been suggested to identify this disease. Aims: The present study, through a qualitative perspective, aimed to explore the effective factors on pain experience in terms of physical, psychological, cognitive, social, and spiritual aspects and ultimately, provide a multi-dimensional pattern to explain this disease. Method: This study was conducted using a qualitative approach and applying content analysis method (Graneheim & Lundman, 2004). Participants consistet of 19 female patients selected by purposive sampling. The data were collected using semi-structural interviews. All interviews were reviewed and categories were extracted based on semantic similarities. Results: The process of pain experience of migraine is often initiated by a trigger and creates various reactions which lead to the improvement or severity of pain based on the individuals’ coping. In this process, psychological factors particularly play a critical role. Therefore, patients with migraine are not only engaged in physical symptoms, but also they have serious conflicts in expressing or hiding pain while encountering others. Conclusions: In the context of migraine, individuals’ negative evaluations which are consequences of their mental negative self-appraisals raise concerns. On the other hand, it is possible that others induce these negative evaluations and expose the patient to negative consequences. Given that migraine headache is both a physical and a psychological variable, the treatment should simultaneously include both medication and improving symptoms, and solving problems that affect the individual’ s psyche and intensify his/her migraine.

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Background: research has been indicated about effectiveness of group compassion and choice theory training on well-being of students but which one of this training could be more effective than other. Aims: The present research aimed to compare the effectiveness of group compassion and choice theory training on learned helplessness and self-efficacy in students. Method: The current research was a quasi-experimental design with pretest-posttest and control group. The statistical population consisted of all female students aged 15-18 years old in the city of Karaj. Among them, 45 girls were selected through convenient sampling and were assigned randomly into two experimental groups and one control group (each group included 15 people). Inclusion criteria were age and studying in high school and exclusion criteria were having a specific physical illness or taking psychiatric medications at the time of research implementation. Each experimental group received eight 90-minute sessions of one of the structures of group compassion (Guillibert, 2010) and choice theory )Glaser, 2009) training, and the control group received no intervention during this period. Participants were assessed by Quinless and Nelson learned helplessness scale (1988) and Sherer self-efficacy scale (1982) in pre-test and post-test. Results: The results of covariance analysis showed significant differences between experimental groups together and with the control group. These differences were significant regarding learned helplessness (p<0/001) self-efficacy (p<0/01). Also, the effectiveness of choice theory training was higher than compassion training. Conclusions: Although both types of group training have been able to reduce learned helplessness and to increase selfefficacy in students, their effectiveness has been different and choice theory training was more effective than compassion training.

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View 1326

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Background: although increasing use of Internet and social networks have affected social life and interaction of people, but how quality of life style can be compared among people? Aims: this study aimed to compare quality of life, family function, and lifestyle of married women users and non-users of social networks. Method: This research was a causal-comparative design and its statistical population consisted of all married women users and non-users of social networks of Islamic Azad University of Rasht in 2016. The study sample included 150 users and 150 non-users of social networks who were selected through convenience sampling according to inclusion criteria. To collect data, the world health organization quality of life questionnaire (1990), Epestin and colleague family performance scale(1982), Lali and colleague questionnaire (2012) were used. Results: The results of multivariate analysis of variance showed that there were significant differences between the married women users and non-users of social networks in four components of quality of life, three components of life style, and in all components of family functions, so that the score of social network user group was lower than that of the non-user group (p<0/001). Conclusions: non users married women had better quality of life and family function than other group.

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View 1053

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Background: research showed about the effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy and mindfulness training on selfcare behaviors, but which one of this can have more improvement on patients with type 2 diabetes? . Aims: The present study aimed to compare the effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy and mindfulness training on self-care behaviors in patients with type 2 diabetes. Method: This research was a quasi-experimental study with pretest-posttest design with experimental and control groups. Sixty patients with type 2 diabetes who were members of the Tehran Charity Association for the Support of Diabetic Patients in 2018 were examined. Among them, 48 patients with the lowest scores on Tubert and Glasgow self-care behaviors questionnaire (1994) were assigned and randomly placed into three groups (two experimental groups and one control group) 8 session of cognitive behavioral therapy (Crane, 2011) for the first group and mindfulness(Baer, 2014) for the second group were applied. Results: The results of covariance analysis showed significant effectiveness of both cognitive-behavioral therapy (p<0/05) and mindfulness training (p<0/05) on increasing the levels of patients’ self-care behaviors. Based on the results of Bonferroni post‐ hoc test, there were no significant differences between the effectiveness of two psychological interventions on increasing self-care behaviors in patients (p<0/01). Conclusions: cognitive-behavioral intervention by changing and coping to patients’ irrational beliefs as well as mindfulness by increasing the range of self-attention and adherence to treatment programs can enhance adherence to diabetes self-care programs in patients.

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View 782

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Background: Learning disorders are the main cause of poor academic performance and annually many students have difficulties in learning lessons due to these disorders. But whether, the availability of effective educational programs could be effective in teaching these students. Aims: The present study aimed to compare the effectiveness of computer-based education and traditional education on numerical memory of the third grade students with mathematics disorder in the city of Ahvaz. Method: The present research was a quasi-experimental study with a pretest-posttest design and control group. The statistical population consisted of all third grade male and female students with mathematics disorder in the city of Ahvaz. Among them, 60 people were selected by simple random sampling and were randomly assigned into three groups (two experimental groups and one control group). The data were collected using the numerical memory test of Wechsler intelligence scale for childrenfourth edition (2004). Data were analyzed by covariance analysis and Bonferroni post hoc test. Results: The results showed that there were significant differences between the effectiveness of computer-based education and traditional education (p<0/05) and the control group (p<0/01) on students’ numerical memory. Conclusions: computer-based education is more effective on improving students’ numerical memory than traditional education.

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Background: Obsessive-compulsive disorder is a serious problem which damages adolescents’ psychological, communicative, social, and emotional processes. But whether acceptance and commitment therapy could improve the syndrome of this disorder? Aims: The present study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) on the OCD syndrome and thought-action fusion in the students suffering from OCD. Method: The present study was a quasi-experimental design with pretest-posttest and control group and a two-month follow-up phase. The statistical population of the study included the students with OCD in the city of Isfahan in the academic year 2017-2018. In the present research, 30 middle school students with OCD were selected through purposive sampling and were placed randomly into experimental and control groups. Experimental group were applied acceptance and commitment therapy. In the study, the Maudsley obsessive-compulsive inventory (Hajson and Rachman, 1980) and the thought-action fusion scale (Shefran et. al, 2004) were used. The data were analyzed through the repeated measures ANOVA. Results: The results showed that ACT significantly influenced OCD syndrome and thought-action fusion in the students with OCD (p<0/001). Conclusions: based of the above findings acceptance and commitment therapy can improve the syndrome of obsessive-compulsive disorder in adolescents.

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View 839

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Background: research has shown the relationship between emotional schemas, attachment styles and personality traits in patients with Body dysmorphic disorder. But could this relationship be predicted in individual prone to cosmetic surgery? Aims: The present study aimed to determine the roles of emotional schemas, attachment styles, and personality traits in body dysmorphic disorder in individuals prone to facial cosmetic surgery. Method: The study sample included 273 people selected using non-randomized sampling method among all individuals prone to cosmetic surgery in the city of Ahvaz. Participants completed Stoizin et al. body dysmorphic questionnaire (2007), Leahy’ s emotional schema (2002), the NEO-short form of personality traits (2003), and Hazen and Shaver’ s attachment style (1987). Results: The results of this study showed that according to the cut-off score of the body dysmorphic questionnaire, 1. 7 percent of men and 8. 8 percent of women suffered from body dysmorphic disorder. Conscientiousness in the first step (β =-0/34), avoidance attachment in the second step (β =0/28), and the simplistic view of emotions in the third step (β =0/21) as well as the control component in the fourth step (β =0/16) predicted body dysmorphic in women. In men, only validation predicted body dysmorphic (β =0/27). Conclusions: The results of this study indicated the role of personality traits, attachment style, and emotional schemas in body dysmorphic disorder in men and women.

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Background: The increasing emphasis on the link between ethics and psychology, in the context of marital interactions, has led researcher of this field to concentrate on quantifying ethical constructs. Aims: The current study aimed to assess martial virtues and construct and validate a scale to evaluate these virtues in Iranian families. Method: The present research was a descriptive-correlational and factor analysis design. The sampling method was convenient which was performed in a number of survey stages on 302 married men and women, pilot implementation on 100 married men and women, and the final implementation on 298 people from five regions of the city of Tehran. Participants completed Hendrick relationship assessment scale (1988), Hills & Argyle (2002) oxford happiness scale-short form, Blom and et al WHO psychological well-being scale (2012), Pines marital burnout scale (1996), and the researcher-made marital virtue scale (2017). Results: Results showed that four factors including generosity, tolerance, guarding privacy, and tactics together explained 50% of the total variance. The reliability of each of these factors were 0/85, 0/70, 0/70 and 0/69, respectively. Also, results showed that the scale of marital virtues had an appropriate convergent validity with the constructs of happiness, well-being, and marital satisfaction as well as a favorable divergent validity with marital burnout (p<0/01). Results also showed that women and men had significant differences regarding the virtues of generosity and tolerance. Conclusions: this scale had an appropriate reliability and validity for use in clinical-counseling and research programs on the couple.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 794

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Background: research showed having a child with autism disorder can have adverse effects on mother’ s psychological condition, but can be compare them with those who have normal children. Aims: The present study aimed to compare cognitive (executive functions, mindfulness ability) and psychological (depression, anxiety, stress) functions between mothers with autistic child and mothers with normal child. Method: The present study was a causal-comparative study. Two groups involving 30 mothers with autistic children and 30 mothers with normal children were selected. Thirty mothers with autistic children were selected among the mothers of autistic children who referred to rehabilitation centers and autism center of the city of Tabriz for rehabilitation interventions for their children in autumn and winter 2018. Two groups completed Barkley (1997) deficits in executive functioning scale, Beer, Ward, & Moar (2013) Kentucky inventory of mindfulness skills, and Lovibond and Lovibond (1995) 42-item depression anxiety and stress scales. Results: Multivariate analysis of variance showed that the levels of deficits in executive functioning (p=0/007) as well as depression, anxiety, and stress (p=0/001) in mothers with autistic children were significantly higher than mothers with normal children. The mindfulness level in mothers with autistic children was significantly lower than mothers with normal children (p=0/012). Conclusions: the mothers of autistic children indicated more depression, anxiety, stress but lower mindfulness comparing with other group of mothers.

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View 1062

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Background: All theorists try to provide solid foundations for future actions in meeting strategic needs and combating inequalities in all areas by empowering women through the promotion of new ideas, training skills for activities in the economic sectors, raising the awareness of all members of the society of women roles (especially female-headed households), and improving their welfare, but the problem is that whether training some skills such as positivism can be effective in empowering these women? Aims: This study aimed to examine the effectiveness of group positive psychotherapy on the quality of life, life expectancy, and social adjustment of female-headed households. Method: This study was a quasi-experimental design with pretest-posttest and two-month follow-up with control group. A sample of 50 women who met the inclusion criteria of the research were selected through convenience sampling and placed randomly into experimental (25 people) and control (25 people) groups. Group positive psychotherapy (Rashid, 2015) was administered on the experimental group at twelve 90-minute sessions once a week. In this research, the applied instruments were the quality of life scale (World health organization, 1993), the hope scale (Snyder and et al, 1991), and the social adjustment scale (Bell, 1961). Results: The findings confirmed the effectiveness of group positive psychotherapy on the quality of life (p=0/007), life expectancy (p=0/002), and social adjustment (p=0/0001) of female-headed households and also this effectiveness was stable in follow-up stage on the quality of life (p=0/005), life expectancy (p=0/002), and social adjustment (p=0/0001). Conclusions: positive therapy increased quality of life, Life expectancy and social adjustment of female-headed households.

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View 1145

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Background: Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is one of the disabling disorders associated with extensive personal and social costs. This disorder has a significant comorbidity with depression and anxiety disorders, and many of these patients do not respond to psychotherapy and medication. Thus can we develop a new and non-invasive brain stimulation techniques to improve obsessive-compulsive symptoms. Aims: This study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of cathodal transcranial direct current stimulation (c-tDCS) on obsessive-compulsive, anxiety, and depressive symptoms in patients with OCD. Method: Thirty OCD patients (15 patients in the experimental group and 15 patients in the placebo group) were selected by convenience sampling. In the intervention step, the experimental group received c-tDCS for 10 sessions (2 sessions per week, 20 minutes each session with 2 mA intensity) and the placebo subjects received the sham-tDCS. Subjects in both groups were evaluated using the Yale-Brown obsessive-compulsive scale(Goodman, 1989), the Hamilton anxiety rating scale(1959), and the Beck depression inventory(1978) in the first and tenth sessions. Results: The results of this study showed that the use of c-tDCS in orbitofrontal cortex and anodal transcranial direct current stimulation in O2 region resulted in significant reduction of obsessivecompulsive symptoms (p<0/001), anxiety (p<0/003), and depression (p<0/004) in OCD patients. Conclusions: tDCS is an effective non-invasive technique for the improvement of obsessive-compulsive symptoms, anxiety, and depression in OCD patients.

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Background: research indicated emotional-based couple group therapy and schema group therapy have improved life satisfaction, but whether emotional-based couple group therapy and schema group therapy are effective on this variable and which one is more effective? Aims: The aim of the current study was to compare the effectiveness of group schema therapy and group emotional-based couple therapy on couples’ life satisfaction and maladaptive schemas. Method: The present study was a quasi-experimental design containing two experimental groups and one control group. Among couples who referred to counseling centers in the city of Mashhad, 50 couples with marital problems were screened by interview. Then, among them, 24 couples were randomly assigned into the groups. Eight emotional-based couple therapy( Johnson, 2012) sessions and 11 schema therapy( Young, 1999) sessions were held. Data were collected by using Diener, Emmons, Larsen, and Griffin satisfaction with life scale (1984) and Young's maladaptive schemas questionnaire (1991). To analyze the data, SPSS software and multivariate analysis of covariance were used. Results: The results of the present study showed that schema therapy was effective in the improvement of life satisfaction and the reduction of maladaptive schemas in couples. Emotional-based couple therapy was also effective in reducing maladaptive schemas and increasing life satisfaction (p<0/001). Conclusions: The results showed the positive effects of schema therapy and couple therapy on couples’ maladaptive schemas and life satisfaction, and also these two methods were equally effective.

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