The custom of washing in Iran has very historic records, in the ancient time, regarding to the belief of different tribes, who had stayed in Iran, the concept of purifying not only consist of cleaning the body, but it was extended to the purification of the soul and so, this custom which included in praying ceremonies had a very honorable situation. With attention to the lack of rain and the importance of the role of water in daily life of people, especially their economical existence the purification of water, and its' veneration for protection, as well as , preventing of wasting the water all had been emphasized in praying ceremonies, so in such global perspicacity which attends to the clean of body and purification of the soul, and in such environment that water has a valuable, situation, the bath will have a special concept in the construction of the urbans.
Appearance of Islam, and its expansion all over this country, not only does not reduce the importance of bath, in Iran, but with attention to the cleaning and purging, in the religion of Islam and it's propag and a notifying " the cleaning is a part of belief" , caused a higher evaluation of general bath, in the urbans, and developed its constructional designs as well as
In order to protect, the social, rights of the citizenship, and with attention to the complementary of law, the state accountants, take care of general places, of the urban, the philosophers such as Ibn Arabi and others had compare the environment of a bath with the immortals, the physicians such as Ibne Sina, use the baths, for treatment or operational surgery, and the entrance of these general bath become a popular place for data transfer and distribution of local news. The intelligent architects of Iran, regarding to all eliminations , including, fuel, the flew of water to the bath, drainge of swage , the procedure of cleaning and ablution, and etc" and with attention to all facilitates, constructed the best samples of these kind of general buildings, with best designs of facade, sections, specially at the urban level.
A glance to the todays bath, with its limited space defines the deteriorate of cultural and beliefs of our society.