One of the excluded subjects in the frame of programs and designs which are related to built environment such as housing, is a quality discussion, particularly the effect of cultural values. Meanwhile the main attention of housing preparation experts is concentrating mainly on subject and quantity matters, specially economical matters. This article is trying to state and briefly introduce some quality characteristics of desired housing as the honour of cultural values. To gain this aim after the introduction, considering the above characteristics, the criteria's of design and the acquired methods will be titled.
1- Quality characteristics of desired housing.
According to the "unitism thought" which is taken from the Islamic Culture, housing is not separatable from the related subjects of human life.
One of the most noticeable subject is observing the quality and quantity factors together. So in this part the overall quality characteristics of housing will be considered the meant quality characteristics mostly include those cases which are introduced in Islamic instructions either as housing and living location characteristics or what can have positive effect on quality for human life.
2- Design Criteria's
In this part we will talk about the criteria's which by respecting them the stages of programming, designing, and performance, we can collect the opportunity of manifesting, the desired housing for the society who think about the noted quality characteristics. In other word, each of these play their roll in glowing to real meaning of one or more of the noted characteristics. 3- Acquired methods of quality characteristics several human groups such as: designers, programmatic, politicians, manufactures and consumers play their roll, in creating, changing and manifesting, the pattern of housing. This part of this article will point to some cases of related subjects which can be effective on the mental and practical preparation of these groups, in other words, a set of methods will be presented that by putting them in use the possibility of manifesting the quality characteristics of housing will be prepared.