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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


Information Journal Paper


Sociological Explanation of Women's Violence Against Men Research Areas: Research on Iranian social issues


DANESH PARVANEH | Zahedi Mazandarani Mohammad Javad | khosh sima nazanin | Issue Writer Certificate 




 The general view of family violence is usually referred to violence by men against women or other family members, but reports in this field show that sometimes men are victimized by women's violence. The main objective of this research is the sociological explanation of women's violence against men. This research was conducted in a qualitative method and data was analyzed with the method of ground theory. The sample includes married men who have experienced violence in Tehran. The method of selecting the samples was purposeful and the sample volume reached saturation during the research after the 10th interview. The analyzes were done by three types of open coding, central coding and selective coding. The findings of the research include: background conditions affecting women's violence against men, including: 1-cultural issues, 2-social issues, 3-financial issues, 4-occupational and organizational conditions, 5-mental and psychological problems in the family, 6-history of addiction. In the family, 7-Knowledge of life skills,Intervening factors affecting the strategy of women's violence against men include: 1-personality difference, 2-cultural difference, 3-age difference, 4-difference in financial issues, 5-difference in the type of need, 6-marital beliefs, 7-gender beliefs,Causal conditions affecting women's violence against men include: 1-broken relationships, 2-intertwined relationships, 3-inappropriate family experiences, 4-occupational-organizational factors, 5-communication problems at work, 6-social factors, 7-cultural factors,Action and interaction strategies are: 1-Unhealthy communication behaviors 2-Retaliatory interaction pattern 3-Lack of love and intimacy,The consequences are: 1-Psychological injuries 2-The lack of power of the man in the family 3-Separation 4-Risky behaviors 5-Damage to the children 6-Weakening of the family foundation 7-Lack of household financial management,The research results show the existence of violence against men in the family and the consequences of this type of violence weaken the family institution.


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    APA: Copy

    DANESH, PARVANEH, Zahedi Mazandarani, Mohammad Javad, & khosh sima, nazanin. (2022). Sociological Explanation of Women's Violence Against Men Research Areas: Research on Iranian social issues. RESEARCH IN SOCIAL PROBLEMS OF IRAN, 2(5 ), 1-30. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/1041047/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    DANESH PARVANEH, Zahedi Mazandarani Mohammad Javad, khosh sima nazanin. Sociological Explanation of Women's Violence Against Men Research Areas: Research on Iranian social issues. RESEARCH IN SOCIAL PROBLEMS OF IRAN[Internet]. 2022;2(5 ):1-30. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/1041047/en

    IEEE: Copy

    PARVANEH DANESH, Mohammad Javad Zahedi Mazandarani, and nazanin khosh sima, “Sociological Explanation of Women's Violence Against Men Research Areas: Research on Iranian social issues,” RESEARCH IN SOCIAL PROBLEMS OF IRAN, vol. 2, no. 5 , pp. 1–30, 2022, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/1041047/en

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