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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


Information Journal Paper


Evaluation of physical and functional quality of entrance in Maragheh city




 Introduction One of the most effective and attractive points of any city is its Entrance, The Entrance of the city is a space that enables the connection of the space outside the city limits with its interior, it is a joint that announces the entry into a distinct space and is a sign that expresses the existence of the city. In fact, the entry points of cities are conduits on the ground that provides the possibility of entering the city through motor vehicles. Today, the Entrance of contemporary cities, separated from the city structure and the way urban spaces are arranged, has become the dead tissue of the city and has distanced itself from its systematic structure in the old cities. The Entrances, which represent and summarize the heart of the cities, are considered the most important inducing elements of the whole subject as the most authentic factor of identity and the most influential subject on the mental perception of those who enter. Mainly, the length of the main Entrance axis of the city connects with the main centers of work and activity and the main communication network and plays a role in the spatial organization of all types of urban uses. This area can play a role in guiding the physical expansion of the city and finally in its physical structure as an effective variable. Therefore, the arrangement of the Entrance points of the city is of special importance in urban planning. Accordingly, the main goal of this research is to evaluate the physical and functional quality of the entry points of Maragheh city. Methodology The type of applied research and its method is descriptive-analytical. Library, documentary and field studies have been used to collect data. In order to examine the opinions of the experts, a 5-point Likert scale was used (1 means very unfavorable, 2 unfavorable, 3 average, 4 favorable and 5 very favorable) questionnaires with a total of 80 items (40 questionnaires from South-western Entrance and 40 questionnaires from the south-eastern Entrance of Maragheh city) were randomly completed by specialists and urban experts (professors of the department of geography and urban planning, experts of municipality, governorate and road and urban planning). Cronbach's alpha test will also be used for the reliability of the questionnaire. Sample t-test and step-by-step regression were used to analyze the data. Results and Discussion To check the quality of the entry points of Maragheh city, the Physical quality component with the number of 13 items, the functional component with the number of 11 items, the aesthetic component with the number of 9 items and the identity representation component with the number of 10 items were used. Also, the average level of utility of the input source number 3 is considered. Based on the analysis, the highest average of the 13 physical components of the entry point of Maragheh city is related to the sub-criterion of physical separation of opposite routes (outbound and return) with an average of 2. 89, and after that, the issue of two or three lane departure routes. And return at the entry points of Maragheh city with an average of 2. 84 and in the next rank is easy access to the main routes of the city and important centers with an average of 2. 83. Also, the lowest average obtained for the condition of sidewalks (existence of sidewalks, its width and whether they are paved) with an average of 2. 25 and the width of crossing lanes (fast and slow) with an average of 2. 33. The highest average was obtained among the functional items related to the component of easy access to car services (repair shop, car wash, etc. ) with an average of 3. 11 and after that, easy access to fuel stations with an average of 3. 05, which is more than The average test standard has been placed, and the lowest average obtained is related to the component of the deployment of emergency medical teams with an average of 2. 11 and the existence of tourism information centers and the quality of their services with an average of 2. 34, which is at an unfavorable level. Among the items of the beauty component, the highest average obtained based on the opinions of experts is related to the criterion of the presence of vegetation at the Entrances with an average of 2. 73 and the beauty and lack of wear and tear of traffic signs with an average of 2. 71 and the lowest average obtained For the criterion of artistic architectural signs and intimate spaces at the Entrances, an average of 2. 20 was obtained, and the criterion for pavement pavements was obtained with 2. 24. The results obtained for the identity representation component show that among the items of the identity representation component, the highest average was obtained based on the experts' opinions regarding the suitability of the quantity and quality of vegetation with the city's climate in the Entrances with an average of 2. 85 and feeling Directing and inviting into the city with an average of 2. 83. Conclusion The entry points of Maragheh city in all evaluated components were lower than the average, i. e. number 3. Especially, the southeast Entrance was weaker than the southwest Entrance. Therefore, managers and urban planners in Maragheh city should pay more attention to the Entrance points of the city, especially the southeast Entrance. Because the entry points of the cities should express the cultural and economic characteristics of the cities.


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