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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Evaluation and quantitative analysis of urban land use from the prospective of spatial justice using RN model and spatial statistics techniques (Case study: Ardebil city)




 Introduction The location of types of urban use and establishing each user, in his real position to spatial arrangement of urban landscape and prevent user interference and uncontrolled expansion of the city, because most of time, paying attention to the number of users and less attention has been paid to its quality in the direction of public welfare so, positive effects lead to increased efficiency and negative effects lead to incompatibility among users. Investigation of Urban land use changes, it is possible for manager and urban planners to predict future changes. In addition to this, citizens can invest with better planning and knowledge by accessing information about land use changes in the urban environment. The Ardabil city which in recent years, fallowing the center of the province has seen a high population growth, so that during the period 1956-2016 the population of this city has increased 8 times and its area has increased 9. 6 times, population growth and immigration from the cities of province and surrounding villages to this city and having some neighborhoods with rural core in heart of the city has caused in some cases, The use of urban land leads to disproportionate and unprincipled formation of some urban lands of this city, therefore the purpose of this city research is to investigate spatial justice in the allocation of Urban land uses in the 5 municipalities regions of Ardabil city. In this regard, main question of research are as follows: Do the studied uses from statistically significant Cluster and Non-cluster? And what is the compatibility with each other and distribution of uses in the urban areas of Ardabil? Methodology This research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical in nature. The data and information are used documentary. In this research, the qualitative evaluation has been based on the compatibility matrix and determination of spatial distribution with the nearest neighborhood model(RN) And analysis of the cluster and nom-cluster has been used Entropy index, access index, focal statistical index and mix land use in GIS. Results and Discussion The users that settle in one area should not disturb and prevent the implementation of other activities. based on this, users may have the following situation in terms of compatibility, fully compatible, relatively compatible, indifferent, relatively incompatible, completely incompatible also, in order to determine the degree of compatibility and incompatibility between two users, one must determine the different characteristics and needs of each one to perform its activity and then by comparing these characteristics the agreement and non-agreement should be determine in order to determine the degree of compatibility of land uses with neighbor land uses, first the land uses of map of Ardabil city was transfer to GIS environment and the necessary points were given in one of the land uses of the city in comparison with the neighboring land uses, and after the completion of land use scoring in the areas of Ardabil, for accurate determination the degree of compatibility in the GIS environment has been determine by selecting each of uses and turning them into an independent layer with sum of the points and the area of each use the method of nearest proximity or neighborhood is used to show the dispersion of phenomena that are distributed with spatial order in a certain range. In this method, you get an index called RN (cluster distribution to scattered distribution) which ranges 0 to 2/15 show that in what pattern are the phenomena with desired elements distributed in the study area. Conclusion The result of the research with regarding land uses in qualitative evaluation using the compatibility matrix in 5 regions of Ardabil show that in most of the land uses studied, incompatibility between them is tangible. By analyzing the current situation to answer the research questions, It concludes that easy access to facilities and uses that provide balance and sustainable development in this city is not observed in the way of using the uses of Ardabil city. one of reason of this problem can be seen in the increase immigration to Ardabil city after it became province in the 1970. Most of the existing users are not in accordance with the standards and the desired situation in terms of quantity and quality that are actually in unequal condition (lack of fair distribution).


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