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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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The consequences of America's withdrawal from Afghanistan on the geopolitics of West Asia




 Introduction One of the most important aspects of the foreign policies of the United States is around the Middle East and the West Asian region, and all the strategies and policies announced and implemented by the United States regarding the developments in the region and Afghanistan are of great importance for the situation in the Middle East region in view of the recent developments, i. e. the rise of the Taliban in this country. has it. After two decades of America's presence in Afghanistan, it has attracted many criticisms in America. The slogan "end of endless wars" addressed to Afghanistan and Iraq, in the propaganda campaigns of Obama and Trump, arose from this public demand. Methodology In terms of its nature, the present research is in the category of theoretical researches and in terms of its purpose, it is in the group of basic researches (Waghet et al., 2016: 117) and tries to analyze the role of the United States in the geopolitics of West Asia in the direction of leaving the United States. The data collection method in this research is documentary and library and the data analysis method is descriptive-analytical. And based on the structural approach and the theory of aggressive realism, the reflection of the American rebalancing policy in the withdrawal from Afghanistan is explained in the geopolitics of West Asia. Result and discussion Now, the American government during the Biden era has decided to end the military presence in Afghanistan, the question is raised, what are the consequences of the American withdrawal from Afghanistan on the regional geopolitics of West Asia? In this regard, using the theoretical framework of balancing Stephen Walt and Descriptive-analytical, we came to the conclusion that the redefining of regional alliances and coalitions with the presence of a new player in the region and the efforts of China and Russia to fill the American power vacuum in Afghanistan will be one of the most important geopolitical consequences of America's withdrawal from Afghanistan, and in this regard, the Islamic Republic of Iran. As one of Afghanistan's neighbors, it has taken a positive and negative approach to the withdrawal of America from Afghanistan, which has had a great impact on the geopolitics of West Asia in the way of accompanying China and Russia. Conclusion Merica's withdrawal from Afghanistan is an important component of Washington's return to the rebalancing strategy, a strategy that implies the mobilization of resources in new vital areas. The redistribution of power in the international system has forced America to redefine the source of threat (from terrorism to hegemonic powers) and the center of threat (mainly) from West Asia to East Asia. China's rise over the past three decades has become the main challenge to America's hegemony in Asia-Pacific. In addition, Russia due to its strategic expansionism in Europe and Iran due to its regional and nuclear activism in the Middle East are considered challenges to American hegemony. The main reason and goal that motivated America to withdraw from Afghanistan is to confront its hegemonic position with the increasing influence of China as the highest priority, followed by Russia and finally Iran. The aim of the article was to analyze the withdrawal of America from Afghanistan in the framework of rebalancing in the geopolitics of West Asia.


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