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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Spatial analysis of urban poverty based on social, economic and educational dimensions of Rasht city.




 Introduction In order to evaluate the level of Urban poverty in different blocks of Rasht city and to cluster poverty in this city (very poor, poor, average, prosperous, very prosperous), 17 indicators of Urban poverty using Arc GIS software and hot spot analysis method The space of Urban poverty was drawn according to their poverty components. The rate of Urban poverty in different blocks of Rasht city was calculated using R statistical software and Prometheus multi-indicator decision-making method, where the weights of the indicators were calculated using the ANP method from the raw data of the statistical blocks of Rasht city obtained in the census of 2015. The findings of the research showed that the hot spots (prosperous and very prosperous) are mostly seen in the central core of the city. On the other hand, cold spots (poor, very, and poor) are mostly observed in the outskirts of the city in the east, west, and southwest of Rasht city. The border between these two regions of moderate spots is a dividing line and the border of Urban poverty from poor to wealthy. The comparison of the components shows that educational poverty has followed and expanded from a uniform structure in this city. The noticeable difference in the dimensions of Urban poverty is in the social component and the economic component, so that the pattern of distribution of social poverty and economic poverty are inverted, wherever the social poverty is more, the economic poverty is less in them. Also, a significant difference between educational poverty and social poverty can be seen in the northeastern region of Rasht, which is poor and very poor in terms of social poverty, and on the contrary, it is prosperous and very prosperous in terms of education. Methodology In this research, the multidimensional poverty index approach was used to calculate the amount of Urban poverty in different blocks based on the components related to economic poverty, social poverty, and educational poverty. Results and Discussion In the city of Rasht, the dimensions of the physical development of the city have more obvious consequences. With its social, economic, industrial, etc. attractions, Rasht city has been known as a population attraction pole in the region, and the demographic changes and the subsequent physical development of the city after land reform in the second Pahlavi period from 1956 until now confirm this. Due to the location of this city in a smooth and fertile plain, this development has generally been associated with the destruction of agricultural lands and the annexation of villages around the city. Considering the rapid changes in population and the physical growth of the city, the need for planned development and urban organization is felt more than before. The effective factors in increasing the number of immigrants to the city of Rasht can be divided into two main natural and human groups from the point of view of geography and urban planning: natural factors such as: special geographical situation and earthquakes that happened in the surrounding cities. Human factors such as: political, economic-social factors, as well as rural repulsive and urban attractive factors. The increase in population has caused the reduction of urban per capita, so that different indicators are completely unbalanced in the city. The spatial expansion of Rasht city has expanded in a spiral and within the void and has integrated many agricultural lands within its service limits. Among other things that have been affected by the population growth are the heavy pollution of the rivers located in the city, as well as the increase in the production of garbage, urban sewage, and the change in the use of agricultural land. The growth of the population and especially the arrival of immigrants in Rasht city has caused a kind of selective economic-social separation in the city. Among other things, we can mention the increase in the level of informal settlements in the outskirts of the city and the increase in the amount of social crimes in these areas. Although the expansion of the city in the form of a star causes the land to remain empty in the distance between its radii, but these lands provide better conditions for the development of green spaces, forestry and parks. In general, at some distances from this design, the big ring roads connect the radii to each other. There is no development around the main roads. The main roads connect to different areas of the city at the intersection with Shuaa. This form is the logical result of the expansion of concentrated cities that begin to expand along the roads outside the city. Star city development allows for a centralized and compact model with a center and pulls public transportation to the city center, so that the entire city and its people have access to the city center, which, among other things, The merits of the plan are counted. Also, the existence of green spaces that have access to rural spaces also provides an environment for walking, cycling, horse racing and sightseeing. The theoretical model of the development of Rasht city, a combination of three models of multi-core construction (with the main cores of the central market, Zarjoub, Motahari Street, Pirsara and Golsar), general construction of the city (establishment of service units based on the geographical conditions of the city) and sectoral construction (Nashi) It is from the creation of radial streets such as Imam Khomeini, Shariati, Lahijan, Saadi, Shahid Ansari, Biston and Lakani Street). Due to the construction of this city, it has a radial-ring construction, which is indicated by the communication lines and accesses. Conclusion Based on the research findings and the comparison of social poverty, economic poverty, educational poverty and Urban poverty in Rasht, the distribution of poverty in Rasht follows a uniform structure and has expanded. The noticeable difference in the dimensions of Urban poverty is in the social component and the economic component, so that the distribution pattern of social poverty and economic poverty are inverted, so that wherever social poverty is more, economic poverty is less in them. A clear example of this is Hafez Abad in the west of the city. It is Rasht. Also, there is a significant difference between educational poverty and social poverty in the northeast region of Rasht, the rural neighborhood of Imam Reza, which is poor and very poor in terms of social poverty, but prosperous and very prosperous in terms of education. In terms of similarity, a significant similarity between the social dimension with the educational dimension and the economic dimension with the multidimensional poverty of Rasht city can be seen in most parts.


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