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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


Information Journal Paper


The Role of verb phrases and Conditional Structures in Specialization of the Holy Quran Based on Fauconnier's Theory of Mental Spaces




 The theory of mental spaces is one of the significant achievements of Cognitive linguistics and one of its important auxiliary concepts is that it helps to analyze several semantic phenomena. With the help of mental spaces in analyzing a phrase, we study the concepts hidden in them and by considering spaces for them, we analyze the way of communication between spaces. These spaces are present in our cognitive context and sometimes a network of mental spaces is reproduced from within a phrase - all of which originate in the information that the speakers of the language have about Different concepts. One of the texts that have multiple conceptual layers and the theory of mental spaces is the most effective tool for its analysis is the Holy Quran. There are many and varied mental spaces in the Holy Qur'an, each of which depicts abstract concepts, and now, with the help of mental spaces, we can understand better and more deeply the abstract concepts depicted in the Holy Quran. Therefore, the present study, relying on a descriptive-analytical method, tries to analyze and examine the role of two groups of elements-space-makers, i.e. verb phrases and conditional structures, in creating the mental spaces of Quran chapters. The results show that verb and conditional phrases by drawing spaces beyond space and time and hypothetical spaces create a situation in which the audience places himself in that space and he can achieve deep meanings of the verses. And most of the mental spaces of the verb phrases are of the time type and the mental space of the conditional group is of the hypothetical type. Also, these phrases have created an atmosphere in the realms of resurrection on the Day of Judgment, claiming adoption for God and the conflict of God's creation with adopting a wife and having a child, returning to the life of the world, and asking for strange miracles.


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