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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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The Effect of Positive Mindfulness Therapy on Affective Capital and Metaemotions among Women with Generalized Anxiety Disorder




 Generalized anxiety disorder is a type of anxiety disorder that is defined as excessive and unreasonable worry about everyday events and activities. The present study was conducted with the aim of determining the effectiveness of Positive Mindfulness Therapy on the Affective Capital and Metaemotions of women with Generalized Anxiety Disorder in Isfahan, Iran. The research method was a quasi-experimental type of pre-test-post-test and three-month follow-up design. The sample consisted of 30 people who were selected by the purposive sampling method after reviewing the inclusion criteria and were randomly replaced in two equal groups. The research instruments involved Affective Capital questionnaires and the short form of the meta-emotional perspective. The experimental group received 8 sessions of 60-minute Positive Mindfulness Therapy, and the control group was placed on a waiting list for training. Data were analyzed by Combined analysis of variance. The results showed Positive Mindfulness Therapy led to reduced negative Metaemotion and increased Affective Capital and positive Metaemotion, and this effect of the follow-up phase persisted.IntroductionGeneralized anxiety disorder as one of the most common psychiatric disorders can be related to learning, concentration, and remembering the contents and connecting the subjects with each other. It can creates a disturbance and may make the person with problems and face risks such as psychological and emotional problems (Fara and Smith, 2019). This disorder is caused by excessive anxiety and worry, difficulty in controlling worry, psychological and physical complaints, concentration problems, irritability and sleep problems (Keshavarz et al., 2021). For women with generalized anxiety, various treatments and trainings have been used so far, the most important of which is the Positive Mindfulness Therapy. Prevalence of Generalized Anxiety Disorder among women is high. Also, the decrease in energy level, positive emotions, happiness and inability to regulate negative emotions can have negative consequences including anxiety. The present study sought to answer the question of whether Positive Mindfulness Therapy was effective for enhancing Affective Capital and Metaemotion in women with Generalized Anxiety Disorder. MethodThe method used in this study was a quasi-experimental pre-test-post-test design with a control group and a three-month follow-up period. The statistical population of the study included all women with Generalized Anxiety Disorder in Isfahan, Iran. To recruit the sample, 100 people were selected from among the people who referred to four private counseling centers in the fall and winter of 2021. Among them, 36 people who had a score above on Spitzer's Generalized Anxiety Disorder Questionnaire (2006) were selected as the sample of the study. Then, they were randomly divided into two experimental and control groups (18 people in each group). At the end of the treatment process, 6 subjects dropped out due to meeting the withdrawal criteria (absence of more than one session and starting to take psychiatric drugs) and the final sample number reduced to 30 subjects. After randomly assigning the women to two groups and conducting a pre-test through research questionnaires, the experimental group underwent 8 sessions of 60 minutes weekly for two months of Positive Mindfulness Therapy. The control group did not receive any intervention. After completing the sessions and three months later, the experimental and control groups were re-evaluated. For the statistical analysis of the data, the combined analysis of variance method was used. Results    Table 1The Average Scores of the two Groups in the Pre-test, Post-test, Follow-up and the Normality of theData Variablegrouppre-examPost-testFollow-upMSDF(1/28)PMSDF(1/28)PMSDF(1/28)PAffect capitalexam50/275/570/2690/60860/075/960/3330/56959/135/830/5610/46Control49/136/4148/2776/6248/936/77Positive emotionexam26/278/381/360/25334/337/320/3440/56235/536/990/1890/667Control25/66/7324/936/2824/66/11Negative emotionexam53/87/10/1460/70536/87/540/0070/93438/27/050/0990/755Control52/076/7653/337/5352/076/63The assumptions of the combined analysis of variance method were checked. Since the aim of the present study was to examine the effects within and between subjects simultaneously, mixed variance analysis was used. In this analysis, while examining the difference between the research stages and the difference between the experimental and control groups, the examination of the difference between the groups in each of the research stages was also been considered. Therefore, the interaction was investigated. In the obtained results, a significant interaction was obtained in both linear and non-linear ways, which shows that the change in the scores of the groups in the research stages was significant. In other words, there were significant differences in the scores before the test compared to the post-test and the follow-up in the two groups. ConclusionThis research was conducted with the aim of determining the effectiveness of Positive Mindfulness Therapy for increasing Affective Capital and Metaemotions of women with Generalized Anxiety Disorder. The results of the present study are in line with the results of Madadi Zavareh et al.'s study (2017) and Golperor and Zarei's study (2016) who reported the effects of Positive Mindfulness Therapy on Affective Capital among Iranian people.  The results of this study are in line agreement with the findings of Feig et al.'s study (2020) . In the treatment of positive mindfulness, a combination of mindfulness and positivity techniques such as focusing on destructive and negative emotions, focusing on the positive aspects of life at the level of mind and behavior, teaching meditation techniques and focusing on increasing value and self-satisfaction, training inhibition Emotion, conscious breathing meditation training focusing on the virtue of wisdom and knowledge and its dimensions, self-regulation of mood and emotion, and learning the skills to do it are employed (Golperor et al., 2018). These techniques help women suffering from general anxiety to increase the level of their character capabilities. In addition, it gives them tools to control the cognitive, behavioral and emotional factors involved in anxiety, and in this way, the increase their positive emotion, feeling of energy. and promote happiness, which are the main factors in emotional capital.In relation to the effect of positive mindfulness ttherapy on Metaemotions, the findings of study are consistent with the research results of Benisi (2018) and Biranvand et al. (2018). In fact, the effectiveness of Positive Mindfulness Therapy on Metaemotions is due to the ability to cognitively regulate positive and negative emotions and the ability to manage and regulate positive or negative emotions that feed positive or negative emotions. By increasing the level of concentration of the mind on cognitive states experienced in the present and focusing on human abilities, Positive Mindfulness Therapy provides the cognitive, human and behavioral possibility of positive and negative Metaemotions. The most important limitations of this research include being cross-sectional, single-sex society, the research community being limited to the group of women, conducting the research in the city of Isfahan, and not comparing this treatment with other treatments. Therefore, it is recommended to use the group of men in future researches and compare this treatment with other treatments. Ethical ConsiderationEthical Consideration Compliance with Ethical Guidelines: All ethical issues were compiled based on ethical committee of Isfahan Azad University (Khorasgan branch).Authors’ Contributions: All authors contributed to the study. The first author administered positive mindfullness therapy to the participants and written the first draft of the manuscript. The second author edited the manuscript.Conflict of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest for this study.Funding: The study had no financial support.Acknowledgment: The authors would like to thank all participants for their time and contribution to the study. *. Corresponding author


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