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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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The Role of German Engineers on Contemporary Iranian Architecture (With Emphasis on the First Pahlavi Period between 1925 and 1941)




 Problem statement: Germany has always been one the most important economic, political and cultural partner of Iran. During the First Pahlavi government, Germany had had a tangible role in constructing some educational, economic, and industrial centers in Iran; hence some eminent German specialists and experts of different fields, such as industry and economy and eminent professors at universities, provided the background for the foundation of a modern country in Iran. Consequently, architecture, besides other social, political, and cultural phenomena, witnessed a substantial transformations and German architects had played a noticeable role in this process. The objective of this research is to analyses and explain the rank of German experts in Iran’ s Contemporary Architecture, in order to find out the concealed Wisdom within German architects’ art pieces, and finally explain the features and criteria of the work, created by German experts and architect who were present in Iran. The hypothesis: Theory of this research is that after Reza Shah consolidating of power, the relationship between Iran and Germany, changed from coldness, which was caused by the first world war, to become strong gradually. Furthermore, during the third decade of 20th century, Germany tried to recreate and extend their relationships with Iran. Therefore, so the connection between the two countries provided for the presence of German specialists and engineers in Iran. Research methodology: This research uses and combines the historical interpretation, analytic and descriptive methodologies. Thus, by using the historical resources, and documents, identifying and introducing German experts and their role in Iran, and their reflection on different aspects of Contemporary Architecture. Conclusion: German Engineers influence on Iran’ s architecture can be categorized into three sections: first, the increasing quality of Iranian Traditional Architecture constructions and transformations, by using modern materials. Then in new practical models design field, and finally in the aestheticism and symbolism which illustrated the concealed Wisdom in German architects’ constructions.


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    APA: Copy

    Mirzahosseini, Morteza, SOLTANZADEH, HOSSEIN, & ALBORZI, FARIBA. (2019). The Role of German Engineers on Contemporary Iranian Architecture (With Emphasis on the First Pahlavi Period between 1925 and 1941). BAGH-E NAZAR, 16(75 ), 53-70. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/125652/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    Mirzahosseini Morteza, SOLTANZADEH HOSSEIN, ALBORZI FARIBA. The Role of German Engineers on Contemporary Iranian Architecture (With Emphasis on the First Pahlavi Period between 1925 and 1941). BAGH-E NAZAR[Internet]. 2019;16(75 ):53-70. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/125652/en

    IEEE: Copy

    Morteza Mirzahosseini, HOSSEIN SOLTANZADEH, and FARIBA ALBORZI, “The Role of German Engineers on Contemporary Iranian Architecture (With Emphasis on the First Pahlavi Period between 1925 and 1941),” BAGH-E NAZAR, vol. 16, no. 75 , pp. 53–70, 2019, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/125652/en

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