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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Investigating Factors Affecting Housing Prices with an Emphasis on Non-Current Claims of Banks (VAR-TVPDMA Models Approach)




 Objective: The housing sector in Iran is considered one of the most important economic sectors, so that around 20-30% of the country's capital formation was allocated to this sector in the last decade. Price vibratilitys are one of the most important economic challenges of this sector. Examining the conditions governing the economy in the past years shows that the conditions of recession and inflation governing the country's economy have created one of the most difficult periods for the country, and in the meantime, the housing sector, as one of the economic sub-sectors, has not been protected from the Adverse effects of the conditions governing the macro economy. And it has experienced relatively long periods of recession and relatively high inflation before that. On the other hand, one of the basic problems that banks and financial and credit institutions are dealing with today is the problem of non-current claims and uncollected facilities. In addition to reducing the profitability of banks, this issue causes the slow circulation of liquidity in the economy, the lack of allocation of credits to productive requests on time, in the fields of industry, mining, trade and agriculture, and ultimately economic stagnation. One of the most important factors affecting the non-current claims of the banking system can be the business cycles and periods of the housing sector, since the civil partnership facilities of banks have a significant share, the booms and busts of the housing and non-residential buildings sectors can affect the ability to repay the received facilities. be influential. The boom in the housing sector and investors in this sector will help repay loans. While the stagnation of the housing sector and its expansion will reduce the willingness and ability of investors to repay loans; Therefore, examining the cycles of the housing sector as one of the factors affecting non-current claims is necessary and necessary. Also, it seems that the increase in demand is not the only factor affecting housing prices and the unfavorable conditions of other economic sectors of the country make the housing sector attractive to all investors (banks and non-banks). Considering the importance of the issue and considering that one of the effects and consequences of the monetary activities of credit institutions is the emergence of non-current claims that have negative effects on the cycle of resources and expenses of banks and can also affect housing prices; Therefore, the main goal of this research is to answer the question that to what extent does the investment of banks in real estate affect the price of housing?Method: In this research, using the TVP-DMA method, the most important factors affecting housing prices have been identified. To examine a forecasting model or to choose the best model among different models for a time series, an index is needed to make the necessary decision regarding the acceptance or rejection of the forecasting model. In this study, two standard indices of the Mean Squared Forecast Error (MSFE) and the Mean Absolute Forecast Error (MAFE) are used.Results: Based on the results, the most important variables affecting housing prices in Iran's economy are inflation variables; exchange rate; liquidity; Economic Growth; Bank payment facilities for housing; Overdue claims and increase in bank debt; the amount of fixed assets of banks; Land price index in Tehran; sanctions index; population; housing tax; Urbanization coefficient and price index of construction materials. Based on the results of inflation variables; exchange rate; liquidity; Bank payment facilities for housing; the amount of fixed assets of banks; Land price index in Tehran; sanctions index; population; Urbanization coefficient and price index of construction materials have a positive effect and economic growth variables; Overdue claims and increase in bank debt and housing tax have a negative effect on housing prices. Based on these results, inflation with the longest period of influence is the most important variable affecting housing prices in Iran.Conclusion: Based on the results, the following suggestions are made to improve the situation in the housing sector:Tax policies: According to the current conditions, the most effective way to deal with housing speculation is to apply effective taxes in the field of housing and real estate. These taxes can be placed in 5 areas: real estate capital gains tax, real estate transfer tax, annual real estate tax, real estate rental income tax, and real estate construction and sale income tax.Pending claims policies: Considering the results of the research and the significance of the effect of housing prices on non-current claims of banks in the period under review, it seems that policymakers and supervisors should consider housing prices as a key indicator affecting the stability of banks. In this context, it is desirable to provide a framework to control the relationship between housing prices, bank loans and loan losses.Facilitation policies: as a policy solution arising from the results and findings of this research and considering the existence of potential accumulated demand in the housing market and the existing imbalance, it is suggested to prevent the stimulation of potential demand and the increase of housing prices, the share of bank facilities granted for the purchase housing will be reduced and on the other hand, the share of bank facilities granted for housing construction will increase and then the facilities allocated for housing construction will be converted into long-term contracts for installment sales and rent as a condition of possession. It is worth mentioning that the interest rate of bank facilities can also be effective on housing prices from the cost aspect; Therefore, in the housing market, both supply and demand factors must be monitored and controlled.


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