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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


Information Journal Paper


Evaluation of Sustainable Reporting Functions under the Dimensions of Holographic Structures of Capital Market Companies




Intuitive Fuzzy Sets (IFSs)Q4


 Objective: The need to restructure companies due to the change in the nature of the environment and the expectations of stakeholders has become a strategic basis for achieving a competitive advantage that can help increase the effectiveness of Sustainable Reporting Functions of companies. One of the structural types of companies in terms of knowledge-enhancing nature is Holographic Structures. The holographic nature of a company in terms of meaning means a system that distributes the total quality in all the structures of the company in such a way that each component and unit is capable of self-organization and sustainable re-creation in order to be able to provide an appropriate response to the environmental needs. This structure teaches its components based on learning functions so that they have the necessary capabilities to respond as a whole in dealing with environmental challenges. The purpose of this research is Evaluation of Sustainable Reporting Functions under the dimensions of Holographic Structures of capital market companies. Method: This research is developmental in terms of methodology, and in terms of the type of data collection, it is a mixed research. In this research, in the qualitative part, based on meta-composite analysis processes, it was tried to first identify the researches related to the two concepts of holographic structure and Sustainable Reporting Functions, and then determine the components and themes of the research based on the critical evaluation scale. Also, in the continuation of the qualitative part, Delphi analysis was used to determine the limit of theoretical consensus. In the quantitative part, with the aim of determining the most effective component of sustainable reporting codes from the themes of the holographic structure, Intuitive Fuzzy Sets (IFSs). In this study, 14 research experts in the field of accounting participated in the qualitative part, and 24 people from capital market company managers filled in the matrix questionnaires in the quantitative part. Results: As the analytical process of the research showed, based on the intuitive fuzzy matrix, the dimensions related to the research variables should be determined in the form of components and themes. Therefore, in line with the first and second questions of this study, during the critical evaluation process, 5 components were determined under the title of functional criteria of sustainable reporting and 4 themes were determined under the title of holographic structure criteria of companies, and the reliability of the identified dimensions was confirmed based on Delphi analysis. Based on the third question, the results of the research showed that the most important influential component of the themes of the holographic structure, especially the holistic culture, is the sustainable socialization of capital market companies. The results in the quantitative part also showed based on the process of fuzzy Vikor analysis, holistic culture is considered as the most influential theme of Holographic Structures that can lead to sustainable reporting dynamics. It was also found that sustainable socialization based on the  index value is the most important influential component of the themes of the holographic structure, especially the holistic culture, at the level of capital market companies.Conclusion: The result of this study states that socialism as an effective dimension in the sustainable development of companies' social responsibility development processes towards stakeholders in the form of non-governmental groups; guilds; NGOs, etc., is focused to act voluntarily and according to an inclusive approach with pluralistic values, even in the absence of official laws and requirements, based on normative mechanisms and social commitment, and commits itself to providing transparent and stable reports to them. to do This level of sustainability in reporting, although it is sometimes not measurable due to the social intentions of the companies, but the promotion of cultural values and norms causes the trauma of social mistrust to the capital market companies, especially the recent events regarding the negative growth of the desire to invest in the stock market. be reduced and companies responsibly seek social harmony with the concerns of people's groups, domestic and international institutions; the environment; Economic conditions; Individual satisfaction of human resources and... to disclose their functional realities. In this regard, as it was determined, the existence of a holistic culture in the holographic structure can be the basis for the development of the desired values and norms.


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