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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


Information Journal Paper


Investigation of the Internal Development Capacities of Inefficient and Worn-Out Lands Case Study: Districts 4 and 14 of Tehran




 Extended Abstract Introduction With the increasing growth of urbanization and population growth in recent years, the city and urban planning has faced many problems. One of these problems is the deterioration of the old neighbourhoods and textures of the city. Given that the majority of the world's growing population lives in urban areas, the city cannot be simply abandoned. Extensive efforts have been made in the city, large sums of money have been invested, which cannot be simply ignored. In this regard, sustainable urban development was considered as a solution to the dilemma of urban development in the changing conditions of the last years of the twentieth century. In a sustainable city, the goal is to use the land within the city before consuming or destroying important natural or barren lands around the city. More effective use of land covered by urban development and the establishment of much of the future population growth by filling the existing fabric of the city, balanced increase in density, renovation and reconstruction of dilapidated areas and rehabilitation and change of use of old buildings in the inner development of the city is strongly emphasized. Districts 4 and 14 of Tehran, located in the east and northeast of the city, in recent decades has had rapid growth in terms of population and size. Due to its natural and climatic advantages (for District 4) and economic, cultural and appropriate urban services (for District 14), these areas have been considered by different groups such as the rich classes. Also, during the period, there have been various migratory groups in terms of investment, which in aspects of physical and land use, in addition to erosion, have many Worn-out Textures and abandoned lands. Existence of military centers with a large area of abandoned lands on the outskirts of the Islamic Azad University, Firoozeh Palace lands in the 14th district of Tehran, Lavizan marginal lands in the 4th district of Tehran, active or abandoned textures and real estates that have commercial, Industrial, military land uses etc. are very common in these areas. According to the concepts of moderate development, Districts 4 and 14 of Tehran have a lot of unused spaces that can be used as potential for Infill development of the area and in order to provide local services, create physical capacity for housing and so on.   Methodology The present research is a descriptive-analytical one in terms of method and also, survey method has been used to implement it. First, the data related to each index is entered into the GIS system and the initial processing (editing of descriptive layers and tables, changing the image system and geographical coordinates, etc.) is performed on them. Then, the layers have been turned to fuzzy in the GIS. Finally, for the final calculation of the priority ranges, three fuzzy operators are used: 1- Fuzzy OR; 2- Fuzzy AND; 3- Fuzzy Gamma. After determining the final weight of the criteria for identifying internal development capacities in the area of Worn-out Textures in the 14th and 4th districts of Tehran, an information layer was prepared for each of them in the GIS Arc software environment.   Results and discussion The results of the 14th district of Tehran show that there is a significant level of Worn-out Texture in this area, due to the limitations of the horizontal expansion of the city, the destruction of high quality agricultural lands as well as the existence of social, economic and environmental-physical threats in these areas, in the future by adopting and implementing appropriate strategies in the field of rehabilitation and Renovation as well as meeting the physical, functional and recreational needs of the city can be effective. So that from the 1456-hectare area of the 14th district of Tehran, the area of 192.76 hectares is composed of worn-out, inefficient and densely abandoned lands, and the rest is allocated to passages, open spaces and barren lands. Based on the prioritization of inefficient areas (abandoned and brown lands) of worn texture using the combined model GIS Fuzzy in the 14th district of Tehran, about 60.6% of the Worn-out Texture area (equivalent to 116.82 hectares) has high priority and very high for Infill development. Calculations related to the prioritization map of inefficient and dilapidated lands in District 4 of Tehran show that the area of high and very high priority area with 92.7% of the total Worn-out Texture and landless lands has the highest level.   Conclusion The study and interpretation of the results of the present study shows that the Worn-out Textures of Districts 4 and 14 of Tehran have high physical capacities for internal development, which can provide the basis for sustainable development of these areas. According to the studies and calculations made based on the construction criteria in the special design zones of Worn-out Texture of Districts 4 and 14 (including abandoned and worn lands), it can be said that if properly managed and the use of public participation in the revitalization of the neighbourhood, they have a high potential for the Infill development of the city. Infill development of Districts 4 and 14 of Tehran is achievable in all dimensions.


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