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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Analysis of the status of effective factors on drought management in rural areas, from the viewpoint of households' supervisors (Case study: Eslamaban Gharb)




 1-INTRODUCTION The purpose of this study was to analyze the status of effective factors on drought Management in Rural Areas, which was done in Rural Areas of Eslamabad Gharb. The statistical population of the study consists of all households of over 20 households (due to agricultural land and topographical conditions) in seven rural districts. Using the Cochran formula, 374 of them, located in 21 villages, in each village, 3 villages, have been studied as an example due to the environmental structure. To analyze the data, the confirmatory factor analysis method was used in the Spss 22 and Smart-Pls software environment, and the Spi index was used for assessing the situation in the region for drought severity. Economic dimension has an impact on drought Management, with a value of 17, 642 T, and the path coefficient between these two is 0. 251. The social dimension, with a value of T 23. 999, and a path coefficient of 0. 351, an environmental dimension, with a value of 23. 449, and a path coefficient of 0. 168, an institutional dimension-substructure, with a value of 32. 421 T and a path coefficient of 0. 381, Direct management of drought. Accordingly, the institutional-infrastructural dimension, the most impact, and economic dimension, has the least effect. In general, in order to manage drought in Rural Areas in Eslamabad Gharb, in planning, priority should be given to effective factors in drought Management, especially social factors. Accordingly, it should first be facilitated by the capacity of the region, with regard to the existing rural population, in the context of universal participation, as well as the prevention of migration, by resorting to professionals and instructors. In recent years, due to the successive droughts, many villages have suffered a slight blue crisis, and have certainly caused adverse effects on their social, economic and environmental conditions, and the fundamental problem has occurred when Paying attention to this drought, the authorities and authorities, have not discussed the effects of this drought on the dimensions of the lives of villagers, and have gone through the issue with formalities, and have taken action against this dysfunctional and cross-sectional measures. Undoubtedly, the first step, in order to adequately deal with the drought and its consequences, is to understand and understand the phenomenon and its effects in different dimensions in order to be able to draw up effective strategies and strategies in this regard. And he worked. On this basis, it is necessary first of all, based on a scientific and logical research, to investigate the effects of this bite on different dimensions of life, and then on the basis of it, to plan, the present study is in this regard. So, the present research seeks to answer the following question: How much is the economic, social, environmental and institutional-physical effects on drought Management in the Rural Areas studied? The life of the rural community, among the three existing human societies in Iran, due to drought-induced crises, has had many destructive effects in rural life, and faces them with many challenges, and has had a major impact on the economy and its livelihoods, so that Past strategies for managing droughts in Rural Areas have not been so successful and have not been able to resolve issues such as water scarcity, and easing rangelands and migration. Kermanshah province is the sixth province of the country due to drought problems. As a result of recent droughts, about 550 villages in the province suffered from a mild crisis, and the damages caused to the province due to drought and frost in 2008 exceeded 800 billion USD It was announced. 3-Materials and methods The statistical population of the study consists of all households of more than 20 households in seven rural districts. Using the Cochran formula, 374 of them (located in 21 villages), for example, have been studied. To analyze the data, confirmatory factor analysis method was used in SPSS 22 and Smart-Pls software. 4-Results and discussion The economical dimension of drought Management, with a 17, 642 coefficient, indicates the significance of economic dimension to drought Management, and the path coefficient between these two is 0. 251. Also, the social dimension, with the value of 23. 999, the path coefficient 0. 351, the environmental dimension, with the value of 23. 449, the path coefficient 0. 168, and the institutional-institutional subfield, with the value of 32. 421, the path coefficient of 0. 381, directly explained the drought Management they do. 5-CONCLUSIONS In general, in the management of drought, in Rural Areas of Islamabad, West, planning should prioritize factors affecting drought Management, especially social factors. Accordingly, first, government measures should be taken to create the technical, institutional and service infrastructure in the region, and then, based on the capacity of the region, with regard to the prestigious rural population, in the direction of universal participation, as well as the prevention of migration, basic measures, the face Take up.


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    APA: Copy

    SHAFIEI, BAHMAN, BARGHI, HAMID, & GHANBARI, YOSEF. (2019). Analysis of the status of effective factors on drought management in rural areas, from the viewpoint of households' supervisors (Case study: Eslamaban Gharb). PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY RESEARCH QUARTERLY, 51(3 ), 403-416. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/138692/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    SHAFIEI BAHMAN, BARGHI HAMID, GHANBARI YOSEF. Analysis of the status of effective factors on drought management in rural areas, from the viewpoint of households' supervisors (Case study: Eslamaban Gharb). PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY RESEARCH QUARTERLY[Internet]. 2019;51(3 ):403-416. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/138692/en

    IEEE: Copy

    BAHMAN SHAFIEI, HAMID BARGHI, and YOSEF GHANBARI, “Analysis of the status of effective factors on drought management in rural areas, from the viewpoint of households' supervisors (Case study: Eslamaban Gharb),” PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY RESEARCH QUARTERLY, vol. 51, no. 3 , pp. 403–416, 2019, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/138692/en

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