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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Making Smart; an Approach for Attaining Sustainable Urban Development (Case Study: District 6 Tehran)




 Introduction The concept of the smart city over the past two decades has found great popularity in the realm of science and politics. The term of development focuses on improvement of the level and quality of life for individuals and enhancement of the general welfare of society. Its sustainability refers to the continuity of this process throughout the human generations. As a result, the sustainable development will encompass all the aspects and dimensions of human life. Sustainable development focuses on the qualitative and quantitative aspects. Since 1990, the term of smart city has been expanded with the liberation of telecommunications and the development of services provided through the internet. What drives a city into intelligence is not merely the application of electronic device and communication system of that city. The smart city is a city administering all the affairs of its citizens online including public and private services. Thus, one of the main differences between the smart city and other urban concepts (virtual city, electronic city, digital city, etc. ) is the ability of the smart city to answer and solve the urban problems of citizens in a hierarchy. The citizens of smart city have a high responsibility for their settlement because they are more aware of their own city and can participate in its administration. They will provide service at their level of participation. Thus, the major roles the smart city can play are including smart environment, smart mobility, smart economy, smart governance, smart life and smart people. This study attempts to examine Sustainable urban development in Tehran 6th metropolitan area with 14 neighborhoods. One of the main physical features is its location in the city center of Tehran in one hand and the establishment of the most important administrative-service utilities with a transnational, urban and even national scale of service-oriented utilization on the other hand. This kind of application is faced with many challenges and problems such as blending of resources, population overflow in the region, concentration of ministries and important national organizations. These factors can cause instability in the neighborhoods of this region. Methodology The current study was conducted using a survey method and a questionnaire tool to collect data. Measurement tools (questionnaires) have formal validity. Cronbach's Alpha coefficient was used to obtain validity of the tool. The statistical population of this study is all the residents in the district 6 of Tehran, by cluster sampling method. The district 6 may be considered as one of the central areas of Tehran. This neighborhood is geographically limited to the Enghelab Islami Street from the south, to the Hemmat highway from the north, to the Modarres highway from the east and to the Shahid Chamran highway from the west. The district of the municipality is divided into 14 neighborhoods. Results and discussion The results of this study indicate that there is a solid correlation between smart environment, smart governance, smart mobility, smart people, smart living, and smart economy. Each of the smart urban components will increase the stability of the district. This finding is confirmed by the research findings of Su, Li and Fu (2011), Awosusi and Jegede (2013), Lee and Hu (2013). The results of regression analysis have indicated that three factors of smart mobility, smart people and their smart life affect their significant sustainability as the most important factors. The proportions of the smart mobility, smart people and smart lives are 26%, 16%, and 28%, respectively. Thus, among these factors, smart life is the most influential factor in explaining sustainability. The results of this research are consistent with the research by Ni and Liu (2014). Conclusion The term of development focuses on improving the level and quality of life of individuals and improving the general welfare of the community, and its sustainability refers to the continuation of this process in future. In this way, sustainable development embraces all aspects and dimensions of human life. Paying attention to the purposes, principles and philosophy of sustainable development explain that sustainability of development depends on the participation of the people of a country in the planning, implementation and evaluation of projects. Since sustainable development has a quantitative and qualitative dimension, it is necessary to change the attitudes, skills, and perspectives of individuals. The development proceeds more quickly and this is not possible without the cooperation of all people. In sustainable development, people constitute the true wealth of every nation, and the purpose of development is to create conditions to enable people to enjoy a long healthy life. Over the past decades, cities have become increasingly important in economic, environmental, social, and development trends. These agents, in turn, depend on the real and focal point of political and economic strategies. The smart city is about how citizens can shape the city and how it can contribute to urban development. The smart cities join to each other by strategic planning initiatives from a bottom-up perspective. The planning approaches from top to bottom and from bottom to top must be complementary. The areas, neighborhoods, and urban spaces are key elements of smart city strategies. Therefore, the current paper argued that the use of new methods such as urban intelligence with intelligent economy, smart people, smart environment, intelligent mobility, and intelligent governance can realize purposes of urban sustainability. The main goals are including supply of basic needs, improvement of living standards, better management of ecosystems and a secure future in several economic, social, cultural, environmental, and physical aspects.


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    APA: Copy

    ESMAEILZADEH, HASAN, FANNI, ZOHREH, & Abdoli, Seyyedeh Fatemeh. (2019). Making Smart; an Approach for Attaining Sustainable Urban Development (Case Study: District 6 Tehran). HUMAN GEOGRAPHY RESEARCH QUARTERLY, 51(1 ), 145-157. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/138997/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    ESMAEILZADEH HASAN, FANNI ZOHREH, Abdoli Seyyedeh Fatemeh. Making Smart; an Approach for Attaining Sustainable Urban Development (Case Study: District 6 Tehran). HUMAN GEOGRAPHY RESEARCH QUARTERLY[Internet]. 2019;51(1 ):145-157. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/138997/en

    IEEE: Copy

    HASAN ESMAEILZADEH, ZOHREH FANNI, and Seyyedeh Fatemeh Abdoli, “Making Smart; an Approach for Attaining Sustainable Urban Development (Case Study: District 6 Tehran),” HUMAN GEOGRAPHY RESEARCH QUARTERLY, vol. 51, no. 1 , pp. 145–157, 2019, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/138997/en

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