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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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The Relation of Soul to Its Powers from the Prespective of Mulla Sadra and Modares Zonouzi




 As regards to the importance of Soul issue among philosophers and thinkers in the history of human thought, This research seeks to examine the points of communities and separations of Mulla Sadra's and Zenouzi's views on the Soul and its powers and the relation between them. Mulla Sadra on the basis of his main foundations which are the fundamentality of existence, existential gradation and change in substance, has considered powers as existential rank of a single Soul and has spoken of gradation of degree. Modares Zonouzi who considered as one of the best exponents of Transcendent Wisdom, has spoken of a combination of degrees rather than gradation of degrees. The research has made it clear that the difference between these two views arise from the way these two philosophers look at a single fact and does not emerge from the Fundamental differences between them, and that Sadra, with more emphasis on the issue of the fundamentality of existence in the substantial motion, has paid more attention to the issue of gradation, but Agha'ali, having relied on topics of matter and form, has focused on the issue of combination. The author has tried to provide a clear explanation of the views of these two wise.


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    APA: Copy

    Azizi, Ramin, & EBRAHIMI, HASAN. (2018). The Relation of Soul to Its Powers from the Prespective of Mulla Sadra and Modares Zonouzi. PHILOSOPHICAL INVESTIGATION (JOURNAL OF FACULTY OF LETTERS AND HUMANITIES) (TABRIZ), 12(23 ), 91-109. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/140993/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    Azizi Ramin, EBRAHIMI HASAN. The Relation of Soul to Its Powers from the Prespective of Mulla Sadra and Modares Zonouzi. PHILOSOPHICAL INVESTIGATION (JOURNAL OF FACULTY OF LETTERS AND HUMANITIES) (TABRIZ)[Internet]. 2018;12(23 ):91-109. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/140993/en

    IEEE: Copy

    Ramin Azizi, and HASAN EBRAHIMI, “The Relation of Soul to Its Powers from the Prespective of Mulla Sadra and Modares Zonouzi,” PHILOSOPHICAL INVESTIGATION (JOURNAL OF FACULTY OF LETTERS AND HUMANITIES) (TABRIZ), vol. 12, no. 23 , pp. 91–109, 2018, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/140993/en

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