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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


Information Journal Paper


The relationship between philosophy of history and politics in Iranshahri thought




 abstractIntroduction: Politics feeds from various sources, among which the philosophy of history has always been considered one of the most important sources. The present study aims to address the question of how the philosophy of ancient Iranian history determines politics in the Iranian urban thought. In fact, understanding what and how the philosophy of ancient Iran's history influences the political thought of Iranshahri is the main problem of the present research.Methods: In order to answer the main question, the present research aims to examine the texts in which the theoretical foundations of ancient Iran are reflected. Such texts are either from the sources of the primary texts of ancient Iran or from the sources of secondary analyzes made from them. In this case, the main problem is to understand or evaluate the understandings made from such texts. For this reason, the text-based interpretation method is used, which is in the range of hermeneutic methods.Results and discutions: Iranshahri's philosophy of history can be divided and analyzed into four parts: the beginning of existence, the driving engine of history, the course of history, and the end of history. The findings of the present research show that the conflict in the past started from the conflict of Hormuzd and Ahriman and it is manifested in different levels of history, which is also formed in the earthly politics in the same framework. Time is considered as a trick of Zervan to defend the kingdom of the world from Ahriman, the driving factor of Iranshahri history, which the course of history and the passage of time increases the power of Hormuzd and his forces and destroys the reign of Ahriman. Politics in Gitti is based on the first conflict and is controlled by time, which is influenced by the initial agreement of Zarvan. Every action has a deadline that cannot be violated. Therefore, time acquires a completely political character. Time goes beyond the passive container of events and becomes a determinative activity that creates the stages of history.Conclusion: In Iranshahri's thought, the philosophy of history is the basis governing all other intellectual principles, and the order of all spheres of political and social life is affected by it. Basically, with the historical determinism that exists in the nature of this thought, political and social life is determined by relying on it. In this field, "time" is a compelling factor and the main carrier of events throughout history, and man is the only actor whose role-playing has been used in the framework of an eternal play. This is the time that has a political character and plays the main role in advancing the battle between Ahuraians and demons. It is the duality of being Ahurai/demon that casts a shadow over everything, left no tolerance in between and made human life only a path for struggle. The constant battle between good and evil is such that it becomes the main driving factor of history. The political affairs of Iranshahri have also been caught in the framework of these dualities and forced to create an irreconcilable situation for the world of Iranshahri, and according to this, in Iranshahri's thought, man lives in a "political situation"; A situation that has always put humans on one side of these two and they are always facing otherness. The philosophy of history has also determined the turning points and fundamental moments of change in the world. Here, politics is not the result of the complete will of rulers and actors, but the result of the will of time, which is realized.


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