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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


Information Journal Paper


Martyr Haj Qasem Soleimani in the mirror of dialogue and polyphony of Iranian and Iraqi poets based on the views of Mikhail Bakhtin




 Mikhail Bakhtin, a theorist of conversation logic, considers Dialogue the result of the interaction between the speaker and the listener, which is formed in the social  context and interacts with past and future discourses; Therefor, while guiding the reader with the details and conceptual sub- layers of the text, it leads to the frequent and infinite meaning of the meaning. However, form his point of view, among the literary genres, only the novel has the characteristics of Dialogue logic and Polyphony poetry due to limited choices and being empty of the presence of another not worthy of attention form this perspective but the poems of contemporary Iranian and Iraqi poets have conversational features due to the wide selection , creation of spaces and situations of presence of others and the use of words, concepts and themes that poets freely and far form the common norms of poetry. In the present study, the poems of prominent contemporary poets of Iran and Iraq with a descriptive- analytical method that revolves around the cowardly assassination of resistance leader Haj Qasem Soleimani, a famous Mujahid who is a manifestation of nationnal authority and the spirit of resistance in west Asia and the world Bakhtin has been analyzed with a special approach to the theory of Dialogue logic. The result of the research indicates that contemporary Arabic and persian poets are Dialogue- oriented in their poems and to create a Dialogue atmosphere in their poems, they have used arrangements and tricks related to Dialogue logic, including the use of pronouns, rhetorical and polyphonic propositions. Narrative expression is the most prominent technique used by the poets in question to create a polyphonic atmosphere, and the explicit and bitter criticisms of the poets have brought their poems closer to the carnival speech and added to the Dialogue and polyphonic nature of their poems.Introduction:In general, “Dialogue and Polyphony” are referred to as two of the most pivotal elements in the field of literary and artistic criticism since they were presented by Mikhail Bakhtin who is a Russian literary critic and philosopher for the second half of the 20th century. Bakhtin's life coincided with major developments in Russia comprising the 1917 revolution and, then, the emergence of Lenin and Stalin as two powers has occurred. Stalin's suffocating, despotic, and anti-joy era led to the emergence of Bakhtin's conversational logic. Therefore, during this period, the suppression of opposition of any kind (e.g. thoughts and voices) had a prominent role. Social tendencies and libertarian ideals prompted Bakhtin to turn to Dialogue in protest against intimidation, dogmatism, tyranny, and monotony. In other words; the most fruitful period of Bakhtin's life and activity has coincided with the darkest period of Russia. Following the same theme, the poets of Iran and Iraq have also faced dogmatism and anti-conversational monotony during the period of absolute oppression and suffocation ruling the Iraqi society. Precisely, the crimes of the US usurping regime, the ISIS terrorist group, and the assassination of the leader of the resistance (Sardar Qassem Soleimani) were the most critical factors that led the rebellious spirit and conversational nature of the poets to write poems that call for interaction and Dialogue.Inspired by methods and arrangements with very diverse dimensions in a Dialogue-oriented environment, Iranian and Iraqi poets had provided the combination of multiple thoughts and have established multiple communication forms and interactions with society in a wide dimension. Moreover, with each of the phenomena, they have portrayed new windows of worldview based on conversation in front of the audience. Having established that, the current research is an attempt to explain the basic concepts and characteristics of his theory, such as conversationalism, otherness, and Polyphony by analyzing and revising Bakhtin's conversational and polyphonic logic at different levels. Followed by that, by adapting his theory and integrating it to the works of Iranian and Iraqi poets, prose poetry and poetic debates, which are abundantly evident in the poets' works, conform to the Bakhtinian model and can be read and analyzed.The thing that maximizes the necessity of this research is the social and political attitude toward the Iranian and Iraqi poets and their poems. The discussed poets have dedicated their poems to explaining the political and social situation of the society. Therefore, these situations have been embodied and depicted in the eyes of the readers with a special beauty and elegance and, consequently, the current research has tried to examine the conversational subtleties of Iranian and Iraqi poets' poems carrying a Bakhtinian approach. This study follows a theoretical and descriptive-analytical procedure in terms of nature and method. Accordingly, the main theoretical framework is devised based on Bakhtin's opinions in the field of literary criticism and emphasizing the concept of "Dialogue" and "polyphony".As the results of the study have indicated, in poems provided by Iranian and Iraqi poets, a specific person, nature, or society can be addressed and individuals are introduced using different pronouns, propositions (collative, interrogative, imperative) and Dialogues at the level of poetry. Furthermore, every word is addressed to someone. These questions and calls are clear symptoms of Dialogue at the level of order, which can be seen in the works of the poets discussed in different ways. More specifically, Iranian poets show the polyphonic and conversational nature of their poems, both at the level of meaning and by using multiple personal pronouns and interrogative sentences. They clearly state that their poems have an audience and are for others. They sing and depend on the listener and the audience in what they shout.Undoubtedly, one of the requirements of Polyphony in the poems of Iranian and Iraqi poets is the presence of different people to express different views and express different opinions, and the poets' cleverness in characterizing is the most suitable way for political criticism and expressing views. It creates less heard voices in a dictatorial and monotonous atmosphere. Allusions and intertextual relationships are not limited to precise and intertextual references to the Qur'an and other religious books in the poems of contemporary Iranian poets, as well as the works of ancient poetry. However, in the poems of Iraqi poets, allusions, similes, and symbolism expressed with special literary techniques have more intertextual relationships with the works of ancient poetry and the Qur'an and have a higher appearance. Therefore, the consistency of the poems of Iranian and Iraqi poets with Bakhtin's ideas can be observed in the struggle of poets against monophonic and anti-Dialogue political structure. Finally, the Dialogue logic of the poems indicates that despite Bakhtin's emphasis on the novel, some of the poems can be analyzed from this point of view.


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