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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Investigating Ideological Metaphors in Moden Al-malh's Novel by Abdul Rahman Monif based on Van Dijk's Theory




metaphor| Ideology| Van dike| pragmatic|Critical discourse analysis|metaphor|Ideology|Van dyke|pragmatic|Abdul Rahman Monif when linked tometaphor| Ideology| Van dike| pragmatic|Critical discourse analysis|metaphor|Ideology|Van dyke|pragmatic|Abdul Rahman Monif becomes as one of the main concepts of metaphor| Ideology| Van dike| pragmatic|Critical discourse analysis|metaphor|Ideology|Van dyke|pragmatic|Abdul Rahman Monif, so they will not be decorative elements and out of the discourse cortex anymore; instead they will provide the benefits of the people in an insider group and try to knock the people of an outsider group. This matter greatly appears in kinds of literature which are Anti-Colonial. The Novel “ Moden al-Malh” written by “ metaphor| Ideology| Van dike| pragmatic|Critical discourse analysis|metaphor|Ideology|Van dyke|pragmatic|Abdul Rahman Monif” (1933-2004) is one of these kinds in which the Anti-Colonial Americanmetaphor| Ideology| Van dike| pragmatic|Critical discourse analysis|metaphor|Ideology|Van dyke|pragmatic|Abdul Rahman Monif is evident. The writers of this query are trying to study the metaphor| Ideology| Van dike| pragmatic|Critical discourse analysis|metaphor|Ideology|Van dyke|pragmatic|Abdul Rahman Monifical functions considering the Ideological Square of “ Van Dijk” by qualitative studies and critical methods. The research achievement shows that metaphor| Ideology| Van dike| pragmatic|Critical discourse analysis|metaphor|Ideology|Van dyke|pragmatic|Abdul Rahman Monif in "Moden al-Malh" describing the insider group (the Arabs) by applying metaphor| Ideology| Van dike| pragmatic|Critical discourse analysis|metaphor|Ideology|Van dyke|pragmatic|Abdul Rahman Monif, indicates characteristics such as patriotism, having a revolutionary spirit, alliance and liberalism in the text; and describing the outsider group (the Americans and the Government) induces characteristics like deception, frustration, interference, cultural invasion and falsehood to the audience. He also has been able to illustrate the conflict among the Arabs on the one hand and the Americans and the Government on the other hand as well. The most important metaphor| Ideology| Van dike| pragmatic|Critical discourse analysis|metaphor|Ideology|Van dyke|pragmatic|Abdul Rahman Monifical function in this novel is the legitimacy of America in the Persian Gulf States that has been simply achieved by leaders supporting them and by giving false secular promises, which of course the writer has maximized the function of metaphor| Ideology| Van dike| pragmatic|Critical discourse analysis|metaphor|Ideology|Van dyke|pragmatic|Abdul Rahman Monif in the above mentioned novel by the use of two instruments of humor and affection.


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    APA: Copy

    Hasan shahi, saeedeh, SAIIADI NEZHAD, ROUHALLAH, & NAJAFI IVAKI, ALI. (2019). Investigating Ideological Metaphors in Moden Al-malh's Novel by Abdul Rahman Monif based on Van Dijk's Theory. LANGUAGE RELATED RESEARCH (COMPARATIVE LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE RESEARCH), 10(4 (52) ), 113-142. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/166238/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    Hasan shahi saeedeh, SAIIADI NEZHAD ROUHALLAH, NAJAFI IVAKI ALI. Investigating Ideological Metaphors in Moden Al-malh's Novel by Abdul Rahman Monif based on Van Dijk's Theory. LANGUAGE RELATED RESEARCH (COMPARATIVE LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE RESEARCH)[Internet]. 2019;10(4 (52) ):113-142. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/166238/en

    IEEE: Copy

    saeedeh Hasan shahi, ROUHALLAH SAIIADI NEZHAD, and ALI NAJAFI IVAKI, “Investigating Ideological Metaphors in Moden Al-malh's Novel by Abdul Rahman Monif based on Van Dijk's Theory,” LANGUAGE RELATED RESEARCH (COMPARATIVE LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE RESEARCH), vol. 10, no. 4 (52) , pp. 113–142, 2019, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/166238/en

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