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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


Information Journal Paper


Study and Comparison of Prototype in the Novels „ Zemestan 62‟ (Winter 1982) by Esmail Fasih and „ Zamin Soukhteh‟ (Burnt Earth) by Ahmad Mahmoud




 There are some primary models in real life of each author, which on some levels motivate his mind to create an artwork. Through using these primary models and his imaginative mind, the author creates characters. In this study, the Prototypes of two Novels, i. e. „ Zemestan 62‟ by Ahmad Mahmoud and „ Zamin Soukhte‟ by Ismael Fasih, will be specified in a descriptive-analytical method. Firstly, the main and minor characters will be identified and structurally analyzed. Then the type of Prototypes will be specified and compared with each other. Results show that Ismael Fasih created his characters in „ Zemestan 62‟ by using „ classified‟ and „ private life‟ Prototypes. Ahmad Mahmoud, on the other hand, in creating his characters in „ Zamin Soukhte‟ used „ classified‟ and „ historical‟ Prototype. Both authors in creating story characters used „ leveled Prototyped‟ with the difference that they have chosen different social groups of people. „ Fasih‟ in his „ Zemestan 62‟ used „ intellectual‟ and „ educated‟ social class people. On the other hand, Mahmoud illustrated „ vulnerable groups of the society‟ during War time. They have tried to illustrate social, political, economic, and mental qualities of these classes in their characters.


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    APA: Copy

    VAHABI DARYAKENARI, ROGHAYYEH, Atrafi, Ali Akbar, & FAGHIHI, HOSSEIN. (2017). Study and Comparison of Prototype in the Novels „ Zemestan 62‟ (Winter 1982) by Esmail Fasih and „ Zamin Soukhteh‟ (Burnt Earth) by Ahmad Mahmoud. JOURNAL OF RESISTANCE LITERATURE (SCOLARY RESEARCH), 9(16 ), 365-390. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/177178/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    VAHABI DARYAKENARI ROGHAYYEH, Atrafi Ali Akbar, FAGHIHI HOSSEIN. Study and Comparison of Prototype in the Novels „ Zemestan 62‟ (Winter 1982) by Esmail Fasih and „ Zamin Soukhteh‟ (Burnt Earth) by Ahmad Mahmoud. JOURNAL OF RESISTANCE LITERATURE (SCOLARY RESEARCH)[Internet]. 2017;9(16 ):365-390. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/177178/en

    IEEE: Copy

    ROGHAYYEH VAHABI DARYAKENARI, Ali Akbar Atrafi, and HOSSEIN FAGHIHI, “Study and Comparison of Prototype in the Novels „ Zemestan 62‟ (Winter 1982) by Esmail Fasih and „ Zamin Soukhteh‟ (Burnt Earth) by Ahmad Mahmoud,” JOURNAL OF RESISTANCE LITERATURE (SCOLARY RESEARCH), vol. 9, no. 16 , pp. 365–390, 2017, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/177178/en

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