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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


Information Journal Paper


Examining the Pathology of Published Persian Articles on Nasir Khusraw from 1921 to 2014




 Introduction Nasir Khusraw is one of the greatest poets, writers and thinkers of Persian literature whose work has been of many researchers' interest. Lots of papers have been produced about his works and his thoughts. There has been a significant rise in essay writing during the recent years in Iran due to various reasons, such as the development of university centers and the importance of research studies. Considering and analysis of the hug bunch of published Articles would provide the Content and Structure strengths and weaknesses. Recognizing the Pathology leads to the correction of the approaches writers used in essay writing. It is a positive step towards the qualitative improvement of eligible principled research. Many researches have been conducted on Naser Khusraw. Systematic and critical review of the researches would show shortcomings of the Structure and Content. Identifying and explaining these shortcomings will help the researchers of the field to avoid mistakes like unreasoned repeated works. Therefore, the research quality of the Articles will be improved. Review of Literature Essay writing is considered a very important task in academic and university centers due to its special features. Today, essays are used as the key tool for presenting the results of important studies or academic research. A new subject has recently been developed called essayology and critical descriptive criticism due to the importance of essay writing and its specific features. Essayology improves subjects like the diagnosis of damages and strengths, organizing, subject determination, defining the background and the subject, originality and avoiding parallel work. This will simplify the research process and results in time management and the saving of money. There has never been research done on the assessment of papers in the field of Nasir Khusraw; however, there are Articles available about other poets, writers or other essayology subjects along with critical descriptive criticisms, such as Encyclopedia of Sa'di Studies by Kavoos Hasanli, Encyclopedia of Nizami Gə ncə vi Studies by Zeynab Norouzi and a Ph. D. thesis called “ A critical descriptive essayology on Ferdowsi up to 1991” by Zohreh Seyyed Yazdi. Method This research aims to study 336 Articles on Nasir Khusraw published during 1300-1393 in different Persian magazines and periodicals. The study applies critical descriptive criticism in order to study the papers structurally and contextually with the ultimate aim of contributing to Nasir Khusraw studies. In this article, structural damage such as inappropriate title as compared to the subject, incorrect academic Structure, lack of attention to the original or previous sources, not regarding the principles of reference writing and the existence of writing bugs are studied along with Content damage such as the quantitative growth of Articles as compared to qualitative growth, paying attention to marginal issues which are out of the main subject, personal commentaries on the text of Nasir Khusraw, unilateral actions and decisions, and lack of subject variety. Results and Discussion After studying the published papers on Nasir Khusraw from 1991 to 2014 structurally and Contently, some defects were found. On the whole, the Articles have a high frequency from the quantitative approach, whereas they face Content problems and the damage like parallelism, unilateralism and lack of subject variety and focus on Nasir Khusraw’ s poems from the qualitative approach. Conclusion The results reveal that most of the research done before the 90s are not qualified with today’ s academic approaches of university periodicals and publications. Lack of attention of most writers to previous studies of the cases has led to parallel works, repetitions, unilateralism on his poems and to other defects in other areas of Nasir Khusraw studies accordingly. It is ultimately recommended to writers who are interested in Nasir Khusraw studies that they pay more attention to research background and be careful to avoid parallel works. Subject variety must also be considered so that all fields be equally studied.


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    APA: Copy

    Golbaf, Kazem, GHAVAM, ABOLGHASEM, & Taghavi, Mohamad. (2018). Examining the Pathology of Published Persian Articles on Nasir Khusraw from 1921 to 2014. NEW LITERARY STUDIES, 51(3 (202) ), 71-96. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/185512/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    Golbaf Kazem, GHAVAM ABOLGHASEM, Taghavi Mohamad. Examining the Pathology of Published Persian Articles on Nasir Khusraw from 1921 to 2014. NEW LITERARY STUDIES[Internet]. 2018;51(3 (202) ):71-96. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/185512/en

    IEEE: Copy

    Kazem Golbaf, ABOLGHASEM GHAVAM, and Mohamad Taghavi, “Examining the Pathology of Published Persian Articles on Nasir Khusraw from 1921 to 2014,” NEW LITERARY STUDIES, vol. 51, no. 3 (202) , pp. 71–96, 2018, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/185512/en

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