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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Making Iranian version of marital controlling scale and determining its psychometric properties


Amini Hamze | KIMIAEI SEYED ALI | Asgari Ebrahimabad Mohaamad Javad | Issue Writer Certificate 




controlling can have a serious impact on the unhealthy relationships of families, especially marital relationships. The purpose of this study was to identify the controlling methods in marital relations and making the marital controlling scale, and determine its validity and reliability in Iranian couples. The present research based on the aim of the research is a descriptive-survey research and in term of developmental research. The statistical population of the study included all married people in Mashhad in 2017 that were selected using available sampling method. 310 subjects ( F =155 and M =155) responded to marital controlling 52 questionnaire. for analyzing the data, face and content validity, exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, internal consistency and criterion validity were used. Data was analyzed using two SPSS-21 and Amos-24 software. Using exploratory factor analysis and using Varimax rotation, five factors were identified that the eigenvalue of each factor was higher than one. 37 questions remained that was used for confirmatory factor analysis. The structural model of marital controlling with 21 questions after exerting of assumptions and modification of the model with five factors of emotional control, control through disregarding, control through verbal violence, control through isolation and control through secrecy were confirmed. Also, the convergent validity of this scale with a subset of hegemony-obedience of the sixteenth factor of Kettle had a significant positive correlation of 0. 240 (p <0. 001). α =0, 933 and the Spearman-Brown and Gutman coefficients are 0. 894 and 0. 886, respectively, indicating that the final scale has a convergent and divergent validity and is reliable. The result of this marital control scale is five factors for Iranian couples and family and marital research in Iranian society.


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    APA: Copy

    Amini, Hamze, KIMIAEI, SEYED ALI, & Asgari Ebrahimabad, Mohaamad Javad. (2019). Making Iranian version of marital controlling scale and determining its psychometric properties. JOURNAL OF FAMILY COUNSELING & PSYCHOTHERAPY, 8(2 (26) ), 47-68. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/201763/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    Amini Hamze, KIMIAEI SEYED ALI, Asgari Ebrahimabad Mohaamad Javad. Making Iranian version of marital controlling scale and determining its psychometric properties. JOURNAL OF FAMILY COUNSELING & PSYCHOTHERAPY[Internet]. 2019;8(2 (26) ):47-68. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/201763/en

    IEEE: Copy

    Hamze Amini, SEYED ALI KIMIAEI, and Mohaamad Javad Asgari Ebrahimabad, “Making Iranian version of marital controlling scale and determining its psychometric properties,” JOURNAL OF FAMILY COUNSELING & PSYCHOTHERAPY, vol. 8, no. 2 (26) , pp. 47–68, 2019, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/201763/en

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