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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


Information Journal Paper


Study of the Relationship between Meaning-oriented Factors and Perception of Tourist from Travel (Case study of foreign tourists in Tehran market)


 IMANI KHOSHKHOO MOHAMMAD HOSSEIN | Shahrabi Farahani Mahdieh | Issue Writer Certificate 




 Human is a perfectionist creature who has been seeking to know, and travel which is based on motion provide a platform for the realization of the human meaning-orientation approach. Meaning-orientation is the concept of trying to understand the meaning of being; consist of different elements. In terms of the methodology, this is a qualitative and descriptive research and is conducted in the form of library studies and field interviews in two parts, using content analysis method. The elements of meaning-orientation are explored and integrated from three perspectives of the West, Islam, and Tourism. In the first part, after assessing the interviews of the experts, the three elements of knowing God, human and the world as the elements of the tourist's meaning-orientation were derived. In the second part, based on the interview with the foreign tourists of the Tehran market in January 2016, the connection between the three elements of meaning-orientation with the tourist perception of the trip was examined. The results show that knowing the world and human has a longitudinal relationship with knowing God. The tourist in the search of knowing the world around him/her and the inner spiritual force that leads him/her to recognize history, the background of the culture and art of humans as much as possible, knows the creator of these talents and creates artwork. In fact, the contemplation and concentration of the foreign tourist of Tehran's market is his/her inward spiritual power.


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    APA: Copy

    IMANI KHOSHKHOO, MOHAMMAD HOSSEIN, & Shahrabi Farahani, Mahdieh. (2019). Study of the Relationship between Meaning-oriented Factors and Perception of Tourist from Travel (Case study of foreign tourists in Tehran market). TOURISM MANAGEMENT STUDIES (TOURISM STUDIES), 13(44 ), 143-170. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/202600/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    IMANI KHOSHKHOO MOHAMMAD HOSSEIN, Shahrabi Farahani Mahdieh. Study of the Relationship between Meaning-oriented Factors and Perception of Tourist from Travel (Case study of foreign tourists in Tehran market). TOURISM MANAGEMENT STUDIES (TOURISM STUDIES)[Internet]. 2019;13(44 ):143-170. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/202600/en

    IEEE: Copy

    MOHAMMAD HOSSEIN IMANI KHOSHKHOO, and Mahdieh Shahrabi Farahani, “Study of the Relationship between Meaning-oriented Factors and Perception of Tourist from Travel (Case study of foreign tourists in Tehran market),” TOURISM MANAGEMENT STUDIES (TOURISM STUDIES), vol. 13, no. 44 , pp. 143–170, 2019, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/202600/en

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