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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


Information Journal Paper


Comparison of melt reactions and phase relationships in metapelite rocks of Tuyserkan and Boroujerd




 The intrusions of Boroujerd Granitoid Complex and Alvand batholith in the pelitic rocks have caused the formation of pelitic hornfels and Partial melting migmatite in the metamorphic aureole. In the Tuyserkan and Boroujerd areas, the Partial melting and migmatization phenomenon occurred in high grade metamorphic rocks owing to the influence of mafic and ultramafic rocks. Leucosomes are composed mainly of quartz and K-feldspar minerals, in which the potassium feldspar is subhedral to euhedral and quartz has filled interstitial texture between them. Paragenesis mineral of these two regions are very similar. The presence of spinel and corundum minerals and the abundance of andalusite is evident in the mesosome of Boroujerd's migmatite while there is no corundum in the mesosome of Hamadan's migmatite, and there are more abundance of cordierite and garnet. In the Hamadan region, the And + Spl + Crd symplectic exists in the part of the mesosome of the migmatitis, while in the Boroujerd region there is And + Spl + Crn symplectic in part of the mesosome of migmatitis. Based on field observations and petrography, the formation of the migmatite in both regions is occurred as the result of Partial melting process. The effective reactions in the melt formation and the leucosum of the migmatite include melting reactions in the presence of a fluid phase and melting reactions without the presence of a fluid phase. The reaction Bt +And = Crd + Spl + Kfs + melt are the most important melt development reactions in the metapelite rocks of Alvand aureole while the reaction of Bt + And = Crd + Kfs + Spl + Crn + L are the most important reactions of melt development in metapelite rocks of Boroujerd aureole.


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    APA: Copy

    Zare Shooli, Msoumeh, TAHMASEBI, ZAHRA, SAKI, ADEL, & AHMADI KHALAJI, AHMAD. (2019). Comparison of melt reactions and phase relationships in metapelite rocks of Tuyserkan and Boroujerd. RESEARCHES IN EARTH SCIENCES, 10(38 ), 165-181. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/207335/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    Zare Shooli Msoumeh, TAHMASEBI ZAHRA, SAKI ADEL, AHMADI KHALAJI AHMAD. Comparison of melt reactions and phase relationships in metapelite rocks of Tuyserkan and Boroujerd. RESEARCHES IN EARTH SCIENCES[Internet]. 2019;10(38 ):165-181. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/207335/en

    IEEE: Copy

    Msoumeh Zare Shooli, ZAHRA TAHMASEBI, ADEL SAKI, and AHMAD AHMADI KHALAJI, “Comparison of melt reactions and phase relationships in metapelite rocks of Tuyserkan and Boroujerd,” RESEARCHES IN EARTH SCIENCES, vol. 10, no. 38 , pp. 165–181, 2019, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/207335/en

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