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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources



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The effective factors model in institutionalization of sport for all in Iran




 The purpose of this research was the explanting effective factors model in Institutionalization of Sport for all in Iran. The research method was mixed method in type of exploratory. The statistical population in part of factors recognition was composed of all specialists in Sport for all and Institutionalization and in part of design and testing of model, statistical population was composed of all managers and experts responsible for Sport for all that research sample was selected with census method. (306 person) Measurement tool was a questionnaire compiled by the researcher which its validity was investigated by study of theoretical basis and surveys of 10 professors and experts and its reliability by Cronbach's alpha coefficient 0/91 was calculated. The research results revealed the research model have four dimensions include individual, group, organizational and environmental with 28 factors. The proportionality indices of research model were at an acceptable level, that is, research model had a good proportionality and factor structure of it was acceptable. Finally, results of the second-order confirmatory factor analysis showed the most important dimension in Institutionalization of Sport for all in Iran was organizational dimension (0/93, t = 7/34) and afterwards were group (0/82, t = 7/46), environmental (0/70, t = 6/34) and individual dimension (0/65, t = 7/31). The most important factor in organizational dimension was Human Resources (0/67, t = 6/91), in group dimension was the Reference groups (0/65, t = 7/37), in environmental dimension was the economic, cultural and geographical environment (0/59, t = 6/08, 6/04, 6/05) and finally, in individual dimension, Belief and Attitude (0/75, t = 9/78) was most important factor.



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    APA: Copy

    ASEFI, AHMAD ALI, & GHANBARPOOR NOSRATI, AMIR. (2019). The effective factors model in institutionalization of sport for all in Iran. RESEARCH IN SPORT MANAGEMENT & MOTOR BEHAVIOR (JOURNAL OF MOVEMENT SCIENCE & SPORTS), 8 (16)(16 (32) ), 29-46. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/213811/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    ASEFI AHMAD ALI, GHANBARPOOR NOSRATI AMIR. The effective factors model in institutionalization of sport for all in Iran. RESEARCH IN SPORT MANAGEMENT & MOTOR BEHAVIOR (JOURNAL OF MOVEMENT SCIENCE & SPORTS)[Internet]. 2019;8 (16)(16 (32) ):29-46. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/213811/en

    IEEE: Copy

    AHMAD ALI ASEFI, and AMIR GHANBARPOOR NOSRATI, “The effective factors model in institutionalization of sport for all in Iran,” RESEARCH IN SPORT MANAGEMENT & MOTOR BEHAVIOR (JOURNAL OF MOVEMENT SCIENCE & SPORTS), vol. 8 (16), no. 16 (32) , pp. 29–46, 2019, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/213811/en

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