Information Journal Paper
CopySHAFIEI, NAHID, VALAVI, ALI MOHAMMAD, & Moezzi, Maryam. (2019). A study of the Effects of Commercial Competition between Fatimids and Abbasids on the Tendency of the South Kerman Nomadic tribes of Qufs toward the Fatimid Ismaili. JOURNAL OF HISTORICAL STUDIES OF ISLAM, 10(39 ), 51-75. SID.
CopySHAFIEI NAHID, VALAVI ALI MOHAMMAD, Moezzi Maryam. A study of the Effects of Commercial Competition between Fatimids and Abbasids on the Tendency of the South Kerman Nomadic tribes of Qufs toward the Fatimid Ismaili. JOURNAL OF HISTORICAL STUDIES OF ISLAM[Internet]. 2019;10(39 ):51-75. Available from:
CopyNAHID SHAFIEI, ALI MOHAMMAD VALAVI, and Maryam Moezzi, “A study of the Effects of Commercial Competition between Fatimids and Abbasids on the Tendency of the South Kerman Nomadic tribes of Qufs toward the Fatimid Ismaili,” JOURNAL OF HISTORICAL STUDIES OF ISLAM, vol. 10, no. 39 , pp. 51–75, 2019, [Online]. Available: