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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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The study of effect of social and demographic factors on consumption pattern in rural and urban areas of Iran




 Change in household Consumption Pattern is one of the most important issues that have been greatly influenced by social and demographic changes in Iran. Allocation of limited resources in Iran and Demographic Management of household Consumption Pattern are important and necessary issues that provides the contexts for investigation on changes in Consumption Pattern and its socio-demographic determinants. The main purpose of this paper is the Study of the impact of social and demographic changes on household Consumption Pattern in rural and urban areas of Iran. In order to achieve the purpose, we have used Secondary analysis method with Household’ s Income and expenditure data during the period of 1984-2013. Also, we have used Cross-Classification Multilevel Model for handling of Pseudo Panel Model in order to investigating the effect of social and demographic changes on Consumption Pattern Change. The results showed that the cross-sectional Consumption Pattern and dynamics of Consumption Pattern had significant relationship with head of household age, household welfare Index, household Living Arrangements and residential origin. Also, results based on Pseudo Panel Model showed that the household Consumption Pattern is significantly different in periods and birth cohorts. Single-person households and one-couple family without children Compared with extended family had positive effect on share of food, education and communication consumption and negative effect on share of housing and health consumption. Age of head of household had a positive effect on the share of food, education and communication consumption and a negative effect on the share of housing and health consumption. Household welfare situation has negative effect on share of food and health consumption and positive effect on housing, communication and education consumption.


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    APA: Copy

    SHIRI, MOHAMMAD, GHAZI TABATABAEI, MAHMOUD, SADEGHI, RASOUL, & RAGHFAR, HOSSEIN. (2015). The study of effect of social and demographic factors on consumption pattern in rural and urban areas of Iran. JOURNAL OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT (RURAL AND URBAN COMMUNITIES) (TOWSEE ROSTAEI), 7(1 (12) ), 1-28. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/224122/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    SHIRI MOHAMMAD, GHAZI TABATABAEI MAHMOUD, SADEGHI RASOUL, RAGHFAR HOSSEIN. The study of effect of social and demographic factors on consumption pattern in rural and urban areas of Iran. JOURNAL OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT (RURAL AND URBAN COMMUNITIES) (TOWSEE ROSTAEI)[Internet]. 2015;7(1 (12) ):1-28. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/224122/en

    IEEE: Copy

    MOHAMMAD SHIRI, MAHMOUD GHAZI TABATABAEI, RASOUL SADEGHI, and HOSSEIN RAGHFAR, “The study of effect of social and demographic factors on consumption pattern in rural and urban areas of Iran,” JOURNAL OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT (RURAL AND URBAN COMMUNITIES) (TOWSEE ROSTAEI), vol. 7, no. 1 (12) , pp. 1–28, 2015, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/224122/en

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