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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


Information Journal Paper


Comparative study of environmental patterns affecting prevent theft of old and new residential buildings in urban areas using network Analysis (ANP)


Behzadpour Mohammad | Karbalaei Hossini Ghiyasvand Abolfazl | Issue Writer Certificate 




Network Analysis Technique (ANP)Q1


 Introduction: The phenomenon of robbery threatens the social and economic Security of citizens. This phenomenon, which is in some way connected with the Security of the country, creates inSecurity in the community in terms of bringing about physical and mental harm to those who are losing money. From decades ago, especially since the 1960s, there has been growing interest in studying the role of the environment in delinquency and in contrast to the impact of environmental conditions on crime prevention. This issue, along with the failure or limited success of the official policy of the criminal justice system in combating crime, has been important to prevent crime. One of the preventive strategies of crime and, consequently, theft, is "crime prevention through environmental design". The purpose of this paper is to present an analytical model of the physical indicators of crime prevention (robbery) of residential buildings and comparative study of these indicators in the new and old urbanized Qazvin context. The studied area is district one (worn-out texture) and district three (new texture) of municipality of Qazvin. Material & Methods: The research method used in this research was based on the purpose of the applied and descriptive-analytical nature. The data collection in this research was carried out in two stages: firstly, by using library and documentary studies, the background of the subject and the theoretical framework of the research was known. In the next step, by using the obtained information, a five-level analytical model of the physical criteria for preventing theft was presented. Then, a questionnaire was developed by using the Super decision program and distributed among 15 experts from crime prevention experts, architects and urban planners. In the second stage, which was conducted as a field survey, the criteria which obtained in the first stage were evaluated in the sample population. To analyze the data from the questionnaires and determine the prioritization of the criteria and sub-criteria, and to evaluate the criteria obtained in the study area, the network analysis technique (ANP) was used. Discussion of Results & Conclusions: Specific results for the number of robberies that took place in 1395, statistically (rather than the value of the stolen property), district one of municipality (worn-out texture) was superior to district three (new texture). The study of physical patterns also shows that most of the houses that were robbed have shortcomings in terms of observing the index introduced in the research. In this area, the indicators of "access control", "environmental quality" and "natural surveillance" need to be strengthened with weights (0. 021), (0. 333) and (040. 0) respectively. In the new urban context, we saw fewer robberies but more valuable financial ones; perhaps we can include factors such as: lack of sense of belonging to residents and indifference to neighborhoods, permeability of a building, for example, the use of facade to penetrate into the house, the balcony, the roof, doors of buildings … , the cause of theft in the region. In this area, "natural monitoring" and "social support" are weighted (0. 026), (0. 444), and require more attention. The sub-criteria also showed that: " Impregnable", "proper monitoring of spaces", "proper lighting of spaces" and "the possibility of monitoring" with weights: (0. 21), (0. 14), (0. 12), (0. 12), respectively, have the greatest role in achieving these goals. The results show that the district one of Qazvin municipality has a relatively unfavorable position regarding the observance of physical patterns in order to prevent theft. In this case, zone one with a score of (1. 11) has a worse condition. District three of Qazvin Municipality has a better situation. The area of 4, 5 and 6 have the privileges (1. 88), (1. 75) and (1. 61).


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    APA: Copy

    Behzadpour, Mohammad, & Karbalaei Hossini Ghiyasvand, Abolfazl. (2018). Comparative study of environmental patterns affecting prevent theft of old and new residential buildings in urban areas using network Analysis (ANP). STRATEGIC RESEARCH ON SOCIAL PROBLEMS IN IRAN, 7(2 (21) ), 65-86. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/236850/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    Behzadpour Mohammad, Karbalaei Hossini Ghiyasvand Abolfazl. Comparative study of environmental patterns affecting prevent theft of old and new residential buildings in urban areas using network Analysis (ANP). STRATEGIC RESEARCH ON SOCIAL PROBLEMS IN IRAN[Internet]. 2018;7(2 (21) ):65-86. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/236850/en

    IEEE: Copy

    Mohammad Behzadpour, and Abolfazl Karbalaei Hossini Ghiyasvand, “Comparative study of environmental patterns affecting prevent theft of old and new residential buildings in urban areas using network Analysis (ANP),” STRATEGIC RESEARCH ON SOCIAL PROBLEMS IN IRAN, vol. 7, no. 2 (21) , pp. 65–86, 2018, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/236850/en

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